Presidential Elections

This is THE EXIT ticket from debates since it clearly demonstrated that it did not do well for Trump. So will this be the only 1 debate for 2020 presidential seat?

Could be a strategic planning on the GOP PAC.
Compressed-Village said:
This is THE EXIT ticket from debates since it clearly demonstrated that it did not do well for Trump. So will this be the only 1 debate for 2020 presidential seat?

Could be a strategic planning on the GOP PAC.

What did I always say? Trump does it to himself. He creates chaos for everybody and including himself.
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Breaking News:
Trump to spend a few days in a hospital.

Helicopter in front of WH has not left. But reports are he is going to Walter Reed
military hospital.

Marine 1 Helicopter has left the WH with Trump.

Trump as arrived at Walter Reed. He was escorted by motorcade from help pad to hospital at Walter Reed by the secret service. (I assume)
Compressed-Village said:
Dang, the bookies line for presidential race is gonna go short circuits.

Are they going to declare a non playable bets?


Did you see the video by Trump before he left the WH to Walter Reed? He said he think he is doing very well. The keyword is think!
I here there is a rally for Trump in Beverly Hills at the park. I see video some wearing masks and some not.
They are still there and the BHPD with riot gear on standing by.
BHPD was in riot gear because they feared the small BLM/ANTIFA rally held right around the corner.  My good friend is a captain in BHFD and said it was a joke. Had tons of great pictures of the massive Trump rally.

Black Lives Matter And Antifa Disrupt Beverly Hills Trump Rally As President Fights COVID

Just one day after Donald Trump announced that he and his wife Melania had tested positive for COVID-19, Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters descended upon a rally that was being held in support of the president in Beverly Hills, California.

Black Lives Matter And Antifa Distrupt Pro-Trump Event.
The radically liberal protesters chanted ?Black Lives Matter? as they held signs that said things like ?NAZI TRUMPS FUCK OFF!? and ?DEPORT NAZI SCUM.?

?Everyone was dancing, having a nice time,? one supporter of President Trump who was at the rally told Breitbart News. ?They just started a prayer for the president. BLM and Antifa showed up.?

?The police had to set up a barricade in the middle between them and the Trump supporters,? she added. ?BLM tried to start a fire in a trash can. Antifa was going up to people and taking pictures and videos of Trump supporters, getting right in their faces.?
Dude I was watching the live stream. I only saw 4 blm protestors compared to trump supporters.
Another fake news from the fake financial advisor. Give me a break.
Did the article talk about how many people were wearing masks on the Trump side?

Was it the same event I was watching idk?
There?s a person on the web that has a video feed of all types of protests and gathers. In a way to me it is a waste of time. I rather read about the benefits of indoor plants.
About the masks..who cares?  Looks like a great crowd to me!!

Crowd Gathers to Rally for President Trump in Beverly Hills
Storyful?October 5, 2020
Hundreds of Trump supporters gathered in Beverly Hills on Saturday, October 3, with banners and flags in support of the president, local reports said.

According to the Los Angeles Times, police made two arrests on suspicion of battery at Saturday?s event.

Weekend Trump rallies in Beverly Hills have become common, local reports said.

This footage shows supporters lining Beverly Gardens Park on Santa Monica Boulevard. Credit: Nattalie Hyatt via Storyful
Finally, Donald is acting like a true Republican. Pulled and stop the spending with money that we don?t have. Then within hours, he reversed it. Wish washy. I wonder if this is how he makes decisions with all the Art of The Deals. Or is it 3Dimensional chess move with highest IQ more than any past President.
Compressed-Village said:
Finally, Donald is acting like a true Republican. Pulled and stop the spending with money that we don%u2019t have. Then within hours, he reversed it. Wish washy. I wonder if this is how he makes decisions with all the Art of The Deals. Or is it 3Dimensional chess move with highest IQ more than any past President.

Donald will not participate in the virtual presidential debate.

Is it too high tech? You got me saying ayo. I am tired using technology. Lol
Pence the fly guy. (A fly was literally on Mike Pence head for two minutes)

I am waiting for Trump to say something about the fly. This is what Trump would say if the fly was on a Democrat: If I was there I would smack the fly so strongly. I would not let the fly stay on my head for 5 minutes.  ;)

It looked like Mike Pence has pink eye. Which can be a symptom for _______.
eyephone said:
Pence the fly guy. (A fly was literally on Mike Pence head for two minutes)

I am waiting for Trump to say something about the fly. This is what Trump would say if the fly was on a Democrat: If I was there I would smack the fly so strongly. I would not let the fly stay on my head for 5 minutes.  ;)

It looked like Mike Pence has pink eye. Which can be a symptom for _______.

Can't wait for SNL opening this weekend, I'm sure the writers/producers loved it when they saw that fly land on the snow white head of VP Pence.
aquabliss said:
eyephone said:
Pence the fly guy. (A fly was literally on Mike Pence head for two minutes)

I am waiting for Trump to say something about the fly. This is what Trump would say if the fly was on a Democrat: If I was there I would smack the fly so strongly. I would not let the fly stay on my head for 5 minutes.  ;)

It looked like Mike Pence has pink eye. Which can be a symptom for _______.

Can't wait for SNL opening this weekend, I'm sure the writers/producers loved it when they saw that fly land on the snow white head of VP Pence.

Biden fly swatters sell out out after viral moment.