Presidential Elections

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Exactly…can’t take a joke…as for Presidential…Presidents haven’t been “Presidential” since Clintons “Boxers or briefs?” question. 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🇺🇸
Presidential is telling NATO they're on their own unless they pony up and then getting them to pony up - as is being married to Marla Maples and Melania. Definitely the most alpha POTUS since G Dub.
Now this is comedy😂😂😂😂
  • Biden stumbled on his words in another speech over the weekend
  • He was in South Carolina on Saturday for a dinner that celebrated the state and its large base of black voters
  • During his speech, he ripped into Donald Trump and claimed his rival is the 'sitting president' who 'want's to see the economy crash'
Trumps always stiffing his employees. I habba no idea who will be next..

Rudy Giuliani targets Donald Trump for ‘unpaid legal fees’ in new bankruptcy filing​

Kinda…but not really….😂😂😂😆
“The ex-New York City mayor includes a “possible claim for unpaid legal fees against Donald J Trump.” in the 26 January filing, which states that the amount is “undetermined.”
While delivering remarks in Las Vegas on Sunday, ahead of the Nevada primary this week, Biden hearkened back to a G-7 meeting in the United Kingdom and a gathering of NATO leaders that took place in June of 2021 in which a conversation about the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6 apparently came up.
“I sat down and I said, ‘America’s back’ and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France looked at me and said, ‘You know why — how long you back for?'” Biden recalled, invoking François Mitterrand, the former president of France,

François Mitterrand Died in 1996!!!🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂💩

Kohl died before Mitterrand….This is just Scary….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🇺🇸

President Joe Biden on Wednesday twice referred to the late German chancellor Helmut Kohl instead of former Chancellor Angela Merkel while detailing a 2021 conversation at campaign events.

Biden said at both events that "Helmut Kohl," who died in 2017, had asked him how he would respond if he read about people storming the British Parliament and killing officers "to stop the election of a prime minister." Merkel attended the 2021 summit in the U.K.

It was the second time this week that Biden had recalled speaking with a European leader who had died years earlier.

…and then….

"There is only one existential threat we face in the world," Biden said.

"That's the environment. I mean it literally is the existential threat. It's even more consequential than nuclear power -- nuclear war. That would be horrible ... and make the environment incredibly worse."

There is one existential threat: It’s Donald Trump,” Biden then claimed, seeming to forget about the "environment."

“He’ll try to undo everything we’ve done… We can’t let that happen,” Biden said
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Kohl died before Mitterrand….This is just Scary….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🇺🇸

President Joe Biden on Wednesday twice referred to the late German chancellor Helmut Kohl instead of former Chancellor Angela Merkel while detailing a 2021 conversation at campaign events.

Biden said at both events that "Helmut Kohl," who died in 2017, had asked him how he would respond if he read about people storming the British Parliament and killing officers "to stop the election of a prime minister." Merkel attended the 2021 summit in the U.K.

It was the second time this week that Biden had recalled speaking with a European leader who had died years earlier.

…and then….

"There is only one existential threat we face in the world," Biden said.

"That's the environment. I mean it literally is the existential threat. It's even more consequential than nuclear power -- nuclear war. That would be horrible ... and make the environment incredibly worse."

There is one existential threat: It’s Donald Trump,” Biden then claimed, seeming to forget about the "environment."

“He’ll try to undo everything we’ve done… We can’t let that happen,” Biden said
So much cringe when he talks
I can’t wait for the debates, but I doubt Biden‘s gonna schedule Even one, they know he’s not capable of it.😂😂😂😂🇺🇸
This just can’t get any better… these top-secret docs look very safe….😂😂😂😂😂

Biden's own DOJ said he has 'diminished faculties and a faulty memory': Classified docs probe reveals he left Afghan files next to dog bed in garage, forgot when his son Beau died AND couldn't remember when he was vice president​

Like the other one…he’ll tie it up in appeals forever🤷🏽‍♂️. Just another political hit job trying to enforce a no victim law from 1956 that has never been used😂😂😂