Presidential Elections

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I raised these points awhile back and @nosuchreality practically had a meltdown. Yet when I asked why we get such a subpar return on our nearly highest-in-the-nation tax burden compared to Florida and Texas he couldn't respond.

Californians vote for Democrats purely for reasons of emotion, not because it makes logical sense. Their hearts are in the right place, but they completely ignore the unintended consequences of utopian thinking.
Coo story bro
That’s a nice can of worms Dems just opened….😂😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️🇺🇸

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Hints at Giving Biden the Trump Ballot Treatment

On Friday, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft wrote a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, referencing decisions made in Colorado and Maine to disqualify Trump from seeking office and indicating Republican officials in other states might do the same.

What has happened in Colorado & Maine is disgraceful & undermines our republic. While I expect the Supreme Court to overturn this, if not, Secretaries of State will step in & ensure the new legal standard for @realDonaldTrump applies equally to @JoeBiden!

What has happened in Colorado & Maine is disgraceful & undermines our republic. While I expect the Supreme Court to overturn this, if not, Secretaries of State will step in & ensure the new legal standard for @realDonaldTrump applies equally to @JoeBiden!

— Jay Ashcroft (@JayAshcroftMO) January 5, 2024
Trump is so classy:

Trump said at his rally in Indianola, Iowa. “But these caucuses are your personal chance to score the ultimate victory over all of the liars, cheaters, thugs, perverts, frauds, crooks, freaks, creeps and other quite nice people.”

How unpresidential. Surprised he didn't end it with a middle finger.
Trump is indeed classy:

Former President Donald Trump appeared to tell his supporters it was worth risking death to caucus for him in Iowa.

The Hawkeye State is in the cool grip of an ice freeze at the moment where temperatures have plummeted to well below 0 Fahrenheit. The weather is expected to impact turnout for the Republican caucuses, different to a primary in part because it must be attended in person.

"You can't sit home. If you're sick as a dog, you say, 'Darling, I gotta make it,'" he told a rally in Indianola on January 14. "Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it, remember."
One of the things I do respect about Trump was the fact he was able to befriend countries (North Korea & Russia) and keep peace during the four years he was president. I cannot remember a president in my lifetime that did exactly that and also no wars during his presidency.

One can argue that trait itself saved thousands of lives and can easily be a reason he wins in 2024.
I'm not too sure about that... you think Russia wasn't planning to invade Ukraine while Trump was in office?

And didn't North Korea start testing a bunch of missiles while Trump was in office?

And Covid started on his watch... so what about the millions who died from that?

I sound like morekaos... anything can be spun any way.
So unlike some people here... I can be fair minded and know that Trump doesn't actually want people to risk their lives to vote for him in the Iowa caucus.

He doesn't even need it... his lead in Iowa is huuuuuuge.
If he didn't want to, he wouldn't have said it. This isn't something like someone putting words in his mouth. He actually said it.

And you are WRONG about Trump nothing actually wanting it. It doesn't matter that his lead in Iowa is huge. He wants even more bigly lead. You know how much of a narcissist Trump is. That fact about Trump is that Trump is all about HIMSELF. He doesn't give a shit about his supporters. That is why only morons would support him.
I'm not too sure about that... you think Russia wasn't planning to invade Ukraine while Trump was in office?

And didn't North Korea start testing a bunch of missiles while Trump was in office?

And Covid started on his watch... so what about the millions who died from that?

I sound like morekaos... anything can be spun any way.
Let's not talk hypotheticals. Let's stick to the facts here. Did Russia invade Ukraine during Trumps presidency? Wasn't Trump/Putin getting along?

North Korea be testing missiles all the time lol....

How can you blame Covid on Trump? Last time I checked Covid killed thousands of lives across the world and not only the US. So are we going to say all leaders in the world failed? In that case, that wouldn't be a knock on Trump then.
Let's not talk hypotheticals. Let's stick to the facts here. Did Russia invade Ukraine during Trumps presidency? Wasn't Trump/Putin getting along?

North Korea be testing missiles all the time lol....

How can you blame Covid on Trump? Last time I checked Covid killed thousands of lives across the world and not only the US. So are we going to say all leaders in the world failed? In that case, that wouldn't be a knock on Trump then.
You missed the irony. Doesn't matter what real evidence I bring up... like morekaos you won't believe it or just discredit it.

So why bother?

Bottom line, no matter what his policies are (one of the few things I agree on is some of his foreign policy), the man himself is a horrible person and a worst president. That's my opinion and the opinion of many others based on numerous facts. Just the fact that he's resorted to name calling for a caucus shows his character. It's sad that many have forgotten or dismissed Jan 6... no one who had any connection to that should ever hold the highest office in the land... either Republican or Democrat.

You talk about wars (explain how the current US government is responsible for those?) but insurrection on our own soil is just as bad if not worse.

Of course you will deny it but ignoring something doesn't excuse it.
For me the biggest takeaway was The Donald won around 51% of the Republican vote, but the combined challengers took 49% of the vote. The win would have been more telling if there were fewer challengers. Once DeSantis or Haley drops out, you'll see a more accurate view of Trumps strength when compared to 2016. When a sizeable number of Republicans want someone else, you can't count on them towing the party line in November. I still believe he will win the whole thing, but Iowa wasn't a genuine indicator of what the November vote might look like IMHO.
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You missed the irony. Doesn't matter what real evidence I bring up... like morekaos you won't believe it or just discredit it.

So why bother?

Bottom line, no matter what his policies are (one of the few things I agree on is some of his foreign policy), the man himself is a horrible person and a worst president. That's my opinion and the opinion of many others based on numerous facts. Just the fact that he's resorted to name calling for a caucus shows his character. It's sad that many have forgotten or dismissed Jan 6... no one who had any connection to that should ever hold the highest office in the land... either Republican or Democrat.

You talk about wars (explain how the current US government is responsible for those?) but insurrection on our own soil is just as bad if not worse.

Of course you will deny it but ignoring something doesn't excuse it.
I don't disagree that some of his comments or actions that were demonstrated during his presidency was childish and can arguably be controversial. But I'm not going to stand up here saying that the previous presidents were any better.

What I do value is peace and people not DYING. Unlike the war mongering presidents in the past (both Republican & Democrat).

At this point, it seems like it will be Biden/Trump. If I had to pick a poison, I would pick one that can bring peace to the world and save lives. People right now are DYING EVERYDAY.... It's very sad and should be a concern for EVERY voter in the US.
I don't agree that picking Trump over Biden will end wars.

If I recall correctly, Trump supported Putin's invasion of Ukraine... so what makes you think that him being president will cause Putin to stop?

And I also believe he lauded Hamas... a terror organization... but claims they would not have attacked Israel if he was president. How does that work exactly?

I don't get the notion that anything that happens during once president's tenure would not happen during another. You said it yourself, Covid happened in other countries too... so why wouldn't war?
Seems like you are the one dealing in hypotheticals... and seems to me like Trump would go to war immediately as long as it benefited him.

If any other Republican was the candidate over Trump, I would probably vote for them... but I can't vote for Trump. Too bad so many other people let party lines blind them.
I don't agree that picking Trump over Biden will end wars.

If I recall correctly, Trump supported Putin's invasion of Ukraine... so what makes you think that him being president will cause Putin to stop?

And I also believe he lauded Hamas... a terror organization... but claims they would not have attacked Israel if he was president. How does that work exactly?

I don't get the notion that anything that happens during once president's tenure would not happen during another. You said it yourself, Covid happened in other countries too... so why wouldn't war?
Seems like you are the one dealing in hypotheticals... and seems to me like Trump would go to war immediately as long as it benefited him.

If any other Republican was the candidate over Trump, I would probably vote for them... but I can't vote for Trump. Too bad so many other people let party lines blind them.
Again, did Russia invade Ukraine during Trumps presidency? Was there any wars during Trumps presidency?

As a voter right now in 2024, I will vote for the candidate that will create peace and prevent lives lost each day. There has been only one president that I know in my lifetime that has done that. It's Trump. I might not agree with all of his policies or at times his approach in voicing his frustrations, but what matters most to me is the ability to negotiate with leaders and create peace. Keep in mind, no one wins in wars. Everyone loses.

Watch minute 3:12-3:24. That answer to her question is what I want to hear from a presidential candidate. That includes our current president and also runner ups. I have yet to see the current or any runner ups say anything close to it. Please correct me if I'm incorrect here.
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