Presidential Elections

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So tell us why people should support insurrection? I don't see you countering other than with shallow, uninsightul comebacks.

Kettle gonna kettle.
CogNeuroSci used the correct terms to describe those who still support Trump after Jan 6.
You must never have taken AP American Lit in high school or you'd be familiar with F. Scott Fitzgerald and his famous quote "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function". TDS is the definition of stupidity. What is TDS? Ignoring policy when evaluating the record of the Trump admin and his fitness to serve as POTUS again.
Ignoring policy when evaluating the record of the Trump admin and his fitness to serve as POTUS again.
I've said this before, there were things I did like about Trump's policies... but it takes more than that to see him as "fit" to be POTUS.

In my opinion, the divisiveness we now see is partially due to him and a segment of his supporters, I don't think that moves us forward. No party or candidate is perfect, but I would rather see another person represent the Republican side.
Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

So you support what happened on Jan 6 too like morekaos?
sigh...come on IHO; those who destroyed things and attacked police got what they deserve. But the failure of Capitol Police crowd control was the reason for the spectacle that unfolded, not Trumps' speech or exhortation to March Peacefully and Patriotically, and if you're being intellectually honest the role of the now uncovered 200+ undercover agents, some posing an ANTIFA agitators, open up a lot of questions about Pelosi's complicity. There is way more to this story than the American public have been allowed to understand but Speaker Johnson has started to illuminate this with the release of the footage.
I've said this before, there were things I did like about Trump's policies... but it takes more than that to see him as "fit" to be POTUS.

In my opinion, the divisiveness we now see is partially due to him and a segment of his supporters, I don't think that moves us forward. No party or candidate is perfect, but I would rather see another person represent the Republican side.
Obama's Guns and Religion grenade lit the identifty politics dumpster fire. It'll take generations to put that genie back in the lamp. That guy...
sigh...come on IHO; those who destroyed things and attacked police got what they deserve. But the failure of Capitol Police crowd control was the reason for the spectacle that unfolded, not Trumps' speech or exhortation to March Peacefully and Patriotically, and if you're being intellectually honest the role of the now uncovered 200+ undercover agents, some posing an ANTIFA agitators, open up a lot of questions about Pelosi's complicity. There is way more to this story than the American public have been allowed to understand but Speaker Johnson has started to illuminate this with the release of the footage.
GOP Rep. Higgins Claims Over 200 FBI Agents Were Involved On January 6

“The FBI was not only involved in the actions on January 6 from within, they had, I suspect, over 200 agents embedded within the crowd, including agents or as they would call, human assets inside the Capitol dressed as Trump supporters before the doors were opened,” he asserted.

It has been well-established that the FBI had informants embedded with groups prior to the event that would lead to hundreds of people being jailed for their actions that day.

Additionally, the Political Insider reported in September on a former assistant director at the FBI testifying that the bureau lost track of the number of paid informants that they had infiltrating the crowd of protesters.
Waiting for FBI paid asset numbers within the multi-city BLM riots of 2020-2021....


HELLOWWWW..... Is this thing on???
I do not think the protests rose to the point of a full scale insurrection. Frankly speaking those in the crowd were not even smart enough to spell the word. Like any riot, there are extremists who stoke things well out of control and those who are there to simply protest X, Y, or Z. In my view January 6 was a protest that unraveled by a mix of hooliganism and provocation by many factions, including FBI assets. One of them, Ray Epps, is on tape urging people to enter the Capitol and on another tape telling another hooligan he was there to overthrow the government. Those "assets" are never going to be prosecuted, investigate, or ruined, by the Justice Department as many 100 pct proven non-violent protestors have been.

The question in my mind is why do we (apparently) not have the same level of government intervention within the Portland ANTIFA hooligans and BLM rioters as we now know there were on January 6th. Will this question ever be addressed? I'm not holding my breath untill we get some answers.
Sorry SGIP... that just reads like deflection but at least better than the FBI conspiracy theories.

I can counter with supposed evidence that Trump was involved with planning Jan 6 but I'm just going by what was observed. He supported it, he tried to coerce Pence to do something not in his power and the phone call to GA prior to this is all indicative of a sore loser.

I won't support that type of candidate, and saying that "half the country will so nah-nah-nah" is less "deep, cogent and insightful" than anything I've posted.
Acceptance…the last stage of grief 😂😂😂

A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.​

For many months now, we have been living in a world of self-delusion, rich with imagined possibilities. Maybe it will be Ron DeSantis, or maybe Nikki Haley. Maybe the myriad indictments of Trump will doom him with Republican suburbanites. Such hopeful speculation has allowed us to drift along passively, conducting business as usual, taking no dramatic action to change course, in the hope and expectation that something will happen. Like people on a riverboat, we have long known there is a waterfall ahead but assume we will somehow find our way to shore before we go over the edge. But now the actions required to get us to shore are looking harder and harder, if not downright impossible.

Are you not reading like morekaos? That was my response to the article he linked to above.

And why do I continue to answer your questions when you never answer mine?
The comedy related to that article I posted (but lost on you) is the different definitions of “dictatorship” and its interpretation.😂😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️