President Trump

irvinehomeowner said:
tim said:
I don't think Trump is going to make it through his 4-year term. There are a handful of ways for a President to stop being a President. His odds for each of them are higher than any President I have memory of. Impeachment, death, resignation, being found unfit. I don't know which one it will be.

I actually agree with this... mostly being unfit.

President Donald is cray-cray.

Talk to me, I am happy to be the dealer.
That was the most riveting, enjoyable presidential press conference I have ever seen...I am not kidding.  I can't wait till the next one.  He is doing everything I wanted him to and more.  For those of you who think that's crazy I really don't care.
morekaos said:
That was the most riveting, enjoyable presidential press conference I have ever seen...I am not kidding.  I can't wait till the next one.  He is doing everything I wanted him to and more.  For those of you who think that's crazy I really don't care.

It was riveting. My favorite part was when he educated us about Uranium.

"You know what uranium is, right? It?s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things."
morekaos said:
That was the most riveting, enjoyable presidential press conference I have ever seen...I am not kidding.  I can't wait till the next one.  He is doing everything I wanted him to and more.  For those of you who think that's crazy I really don't care.

You value entertainment in POTUS. Most folks value competence and basic decency, not entertainment quality in POTUS.

When he told us he wasn't ranting and raving while ranting and raving, it reminded me of that debate where he responded to HRC's suggestion he might be a puppet, with, "I'm not a puppet. I'm not a puppet. You're a puppet. You're a puppet." He's a thirteen year old boy trying to figure things out.
Some saw part of the press conference.  Now about that electoral college win.

I'll discount his staff isn't that inept.  Sorry, no way.

That leaves us with he talks off the cuff and says what he believes (in spite of numerous corrections repeatedly) or he's intentionally being wrong to provoke the media into attacking him or both.

It's okay, 'it'll be a Great Wall'

Sad part is you could see the pause has be search for a word other than his overused beautiful or huge and he came up with Great Wall...
eyephone said:
tim said:
eyephone said:
Perspective said:
It's just too bad he didn't get the awesome economy Obama inherited. Oh well.

I thought your not an Obama fan, now you are.

It doesn't take an Obama fan to notice that when Obama took office the country was in the middle of a financial meltdown. Remember when everyone was screaming bloody murder about that? I don't see that happening right now. If you don't see that the economy is in better shape now than in 2007/2008, I don't see how you have any credibility.

Look at the Dow...

Who's next and wants to test me?  ;)

*spits up coffee*
WTF? You are a living human being and you think the Dow (the Dow Jones Industrial Average, right?) supports your point? The number that reached its all-time high this year? The number that is a horrible way to measure the economy? The number that should probably not even exist or be reported on? That number? Wow. I was trying to give you some credibility, but that is gone now. I just don't even know where to go with this. I never thought anyone on this housing blog would refer to the DJIA as anything other than a joke.
tim said:
*spits up coffee*
WTF? You are a living human being and you think the Dow (the Dow Jones Industrial Average, right?) supports your point? The number that reached its all-time high this year? The number that is a horrible way to measure the economy? The number that should probably not even exist or be reported on? That number? Wow. I was trying to give you some credibility, but that is gone now. I just don't even know where to go with this. I never thought anyone on this housing blog would refer to the DJIA as anything other than a joke.
Tim is killing me.

The Dow is not a joke... it may not be THE indicator of the economy but it is A indicator of the stock market which is part of the economy.

Why are you referencing a Canadian radio site about US economy? Can't you find a better reference than that? Maybe the same place you got the Trump handshake thing. :)
If we're celebrating Trump's effect on the Dow, how much should we celebrate Obama's effect on the S&P500 over his two terms (a broader and better indicator than the DOW of public companies)? The S&P500 more than doubled over Obama's eight years:

$931.80 (20090102)
$2,085.18 (20161104)
Donald J. Trump
"Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy!"

He's gonna have a nervous breakdown. He can't take hearing his own words thrown back at him, nor being mocked on a daily basis for the absurd things he says. He's so deeply insecure he resorts to congratulating himself publicly routinely, while constantly attacking his perceived enemies. This is not going to end well...
I know MoreKaos is enjoying this but only a month in and I really agree with Tim that Trump isn't going to make 4 years.

I don't think Trump knows what he's in for because he's not a politician. It's like Reagan but with an egotistical/insecurity spin.
Politicians are all talk no action.

irvinehomeowner said:
I know MoreKaos is enjoying this but only a month in and I really agree with Tim that Trump isn't going to make 4 years.

I don't think Trump knows what he's in for because he's not a politician. It's like Reagan but with an egotistical/insecurity spin.
I'm not a puppet. I'm not a puppet. You're a puppet! You're a puppet!

Trump will revise travel ban; government brief says lawful permanent residents not affected

Trump said at a news conference on Thursday that he will issue the order next week, report CNN, the Washington Examiner and the Sacramento Bee.

?The new order is going to be very much tailored to what I consider to be a very bad decision,? Trump said, referring to the 9th Circuit panel decision. Trump said the 9th Circuit ?is in chaos? and ?is frankly in turmoil.?
irvinehomeowner said:
I know MoreKaos is enjoying this but only a month in and I really agree with Tim that Trump isn't going to make 4 years.

I don't think Trump knows what he's in for because he's not a politician. It's like Reagan but with an egotistical/insecurity spin.

For some people who voted Trump, Pence being a president is not really a bad outcome -- I read from some article before on why evangelicals should vote for Trump is because of Pence referencing in the Biblical times, most of God's anointed are the second in command to somewhat bad leader (eg. Joseph, Daniel,  Esther etc).
irvinehomeowner said:
I know MoreKaos is enjoying this but only a month in and I really agree with Tim that Trump isn't going to make 4 years.

I don't think Trump knows what he's in for because he's not a politician. It's like Reagan but with an egotistical/insecurity spin.
That's why I find it so entertaining to watch people going bonkers over what their overactive imaginations imagine what Trump MIGHT do.  This is the USA folks, not the Weimar Republic.  Trump will be impeached long before he burns down Congress and declares himself dictator for life.
I used to vote Republican, my all time favorite is Bush senior -  a man who steered the world through collapse of the soviet empire, the most significant event since WWII. 

Seeing the spineless GOP Senate and House roll over for Trump and how far the party is now beholden to the foaming-at-the-mouth rabid base , has repulsed and turned me off this party for good.  For the same reason I find Mike Pence disgusting as he is just an enabler for Trump. 

Dems just need to present someone decent and centrist and who can put up a good fight for the next election and they will find willing voters in the middle who can swing this back for them.  Think of Bill Clinton types, not Elizabeth Warren.  I really don't see third party  as an option that can viably come together in the next four years despite what Evan McMillan thinks. 