President Trump

fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 - It sounds like you agree with my statement that "The reason people have immigrated to the US traditionally is because they were escaping sh*thole countries."  It's hard to know for sure, as your posts seem to contradict each other.  At any rate, what you are arguing is that Europeans fleeing starvation, death, and oppression had it better than non-Europeans who were starving, dying, or faced oppression.  What a silly argument to make.  My comments had nothing to do with countries that did not send immigrants to the US because they are not relevant to the topic.  It's not about racism, but a simple historical fact that certain countries were the source of immigrants to this country prior to 1965.  In your hastiness to play the race card, you seem to forget that Asians also immigrated to escape these conditions.

Not at all

Europeans were the ones causing distress all over the world through their greed for slave labor and empire

And again ,  US of A was not a s hole free oasis at the time

Why do you forget Asian immigration was actually banned here for a long time . The ones which came before were here as indentured servants .

I don?t understand why there is so much discomfort in honesty facing the ills committed in the past . That?s saying nothing about you or me as a person in the present .

It is obvious to anyone and No one has to go to great lengths to pretend otherwise , that good immigrants for trump are white immigrants . He would rather have a white service worker from Eastern Europe for his mar a lago restaurant than a talented oil and gas engineer from Nigeria .

What does the history of European colonization have to do with immigration from sh*tholes to the US?  I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 - It sounds like you agree with my statement that "The reason people have immigrated to the US traditionally is because they were escaping sh*thole countries."  It's hard to know for sure, as your posts seem to contradict each other.  At any rate, what you are arguing is that Europeans fleeing starvation, death, and oppression had it better than non-Europeans who were starving, dying, or faced oppression.  What a silly argument to make.  My comments had nothing to do with countries that did not send immigrants to the US because they are not relevant to the topic.  It's not about racism, but a simple historical fact that certain countries were the source of immigrants to this country prior to 1965.  In your hastiness to play the race card, you seem to forget that Asians also immigrated to escape these conditions.

Not at all

Europeans were the ones causing distress all over the world through their greed for slave labor and empire

And again ,  US of A was not a s hole free oasis at the time

Why do you forget Asian immigration was actually banned here for a long time . The ones which came before were here as indentured servants .

I don?t understand why there is so much discomfort in honesty facing the ills committed in the past . That?s saying nothing about you or me as a person in the present .

It is obvious to anyone and No one has to go to great lengths to pretend otherwise , that good immigrants for trump are white immigrants . He would rather have a white service worker from Eastern Europe for his mar a lago restaurant than a talented oil and gas engineer from Nigeria .

What does the history of European colonization have to do with immigration from sh*tholes to the US?  I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

Weren?t you the one comparing European immigration in similar circumstances terms to the ones trump is referring to now ?

The history of the two couldn?t be farther aipart . Trump who has no knowledge of history anyways is simply making it based on skin color .  As I said before , he would rather have unskilled workers from Eastern Europe who ?look the part ? than talented immigrants from Non white regions of the world
Can anyone please advise what dimension of chess this is  ?  Especially since it is being reported by that Rupert Murdoch-owned fake news media Wall Street Journal ? 

I must be living in the MATRIX all this time

Morpheus - "Is that air you are breathing now ?"

An attorney for President Trump arranged a payment of $130k to Stephanie Clifford, a former adult film star known by her stage name "Stormy Daniels," WSJ reports, as part of what the Journal describes as a deal that included her agreement to not discuss an alleged 2006 sexual encounter between Trump and Clifford.
WSJ cites unnamed people familiar with the matter
NOTE: Reported payment took place in Oct. 2016, when Trump was a candidate for president; incident in question took place in 2006, after Trump married Melania Trump, but before he entered politics
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen tells WSJ the president "once again vehemently denies any such occurrence as has Ms. Daniels"
WSJ quotes unnamed White House official as saying reports are old, recycled, and were denied before the election
WSJ says e-mailed statement from Cohen, signed with name "Stormy Daniels," denied having a "sexual and/or romantic affair" with Trump; ?Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false"
Clifford didn?t respond to WSJ requests for comment; Attorney who previously represented her declined comment citing attorney-client privilege
morekaos said:
China has been pumping billions and billions into Africa for the last decade.  I have clients who do significant business in Africa and Sub-Sahara.  China has pumped enormous amounts of money into roads, bridges, power and infrastructure.  Few here know about it, but good for them. We have spent trillions on Africa over the decades and what do we have to show for it?...not a lot.  If someone else wants to drop their dig there and it makes life better for them, go for it.  Hope they have better return than we got.

That's because we spend all that money funding dictators and arms sale...cold war mentality.  China is much smarter about their funding. 
fortune11 said:
Can anyone please advise what dimension of chess this is  ?  Especially since it is being reported by that Rupert Murdoch-owned fake news media Wall Street Journal ? 

I must be living in the MATRIX all this time

Morpheus - "Is that air you are breathing now ?"

An attorney for President Trump arranged a payment of $130k to Stephanie Clifford, a former adult film star known by her stage name "Stormy Daniels," WSJ reports, as part of what the Journal describes as a deal that included her agreement to not discuss an alleged 2006 sexual encounter between Trump and Clifford.
WSJ cites unnamed people familiar with the matter
NOTE: Reported payment took place in Oct. 2016, when Trump was a candidate for president; incident in question took place in 2006, after Trump married Melania Trump, but before he entered politics
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen tells WSJ the president "once again vehemently denies any such occurrence as has Ms. Daniels"
WSJ quotes unnamed White House official as saying reports are old, recycled, and were denied before the election
WSJ says e-mailed statement from Cohen, signed with name "Stormy Daniels," denied having a "sexual and/or romantic affair" with Trump; ?Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false"
Clifford didn?t respond to WSJ requests for comment; Attorney who previously represented her declined comment citing attorney-client privilege

And did she pee on him too?  Please,  accusations that both deny..end of story .
fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 - It sounds like you agree with my statement that "The reason people have immigrated to the US traditionally is because they were escaping sh*thole countries."  It's hard to know for sure, as your posts seem to contradict each other.  At any rate, what you are arguing is that Europeans fleeing starvation, death, and oppression had it better than non-Europeans who were starving, dying, or faced oppression.  What a silly argument to make.  My comments had nothing to do with countries that did not send immigrants to the US because they are not relevant to the topic.  It's not about racism, but a simple historical fact that certain countries were the source of immigrants to this country prior to 1965.  In your hastiness to play the race card, you seem to forget that Asians also immigrated to escape these conditions.

Not at all

Europeans were the ones causing distress all over the world through their greed for slave labor and empire

And again ,  US of A was not a s hole free oasis at the time

Why do you forget Asian immigration was actually banned here for a long time . The ones which came before were here as indentured servants .

I don?t understand why there is so much discomfort in honesty facing the ills committed in the past . That?s saying nothing about you or me as a person in the present .

It is obvious to anyone and No one has to go to great lengths to pretend otherwise , that good immigrants for trump are white immigrants . He would rather have a white service worker from Eastern Europe for his mar a lago restaurant than a talented oil and gas engineer from Nigeria .

What does the history of European colonization have to do with immigration from sh*tholes to the US?  I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

Weren?t you the one comparing European immigration in similar circumstances terms to the ones trump is referring to now ?

The history of the two couldn?t be farther aipart . Trump who has no knowledge of history anyways is simply making it based on skin color .  As I said before , he would rather have unskilled workers from Eastern Europe who ?look the part ? than talented immigrants from Non white regions of the world

Trump wants to prioritize high skilled workers that are a benefit to the economy.  This presumably helps Asians / Indians the most, but would also favor the oil and gas engineer from Nigeria.
Liar Loan said:
Trump wants to prioritize high skilled workers that are a benefit to the economy.  This presumably helps Asians / Indians the most, but would also favor the oil and gas engineer from Nigeria.

He literally just said the opposite.  He basically stated that where you are from is much more important who you are or what you do. 

Trump is the original birther...and has done downhill from there.  At best Trump is xenophobic and worst he is a white nationalist and the making America great again just mean make America white again.
Irvinecommuter said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 - It sounds like you agree with my statement that "The reason people have immigrated to the US traditionally is because they were escaping sh*thole countries."  It's hard to know for sure, as your posts seem to contradict each other.  At any rate, what you are arguing is that Europeans fleeing starvation, death, and oppression had it better than non-Europeans who were starving, dying, or faced oppression.  What a silly argument to make.  My comments had nothing to do with countries that did not send immigrants to the US because they are not relevant to the topic.  It's not about racism, but a simple historical fact that certain countries were the source of immigrants to this country prior to 1965.  In your hastiness to play the race card, you seem to forget that Asians also immigrated to escape these conditions.

Not at all

Europeans were the ones causing distress all over the world through their greed for slave labor and empire

And again ,  US of A was not a s hole free oasis at the time

Why do you forget Asian immigration was actually banned here for a long time . The ones which came before were here as indentured servants .

I don?t understand why there is so much discomfort in honesty facing the ills committed in the past . That?s saying nothing about you or me as a person in the present .

It is obvious to anyone and No one has to go to great lengths to pretend otherwise , that good immigrants for trump are white immigrants . He would rather have a white service worker from Eastern Europe for his mar a lago restaurant than a talented oil and gas engineer from Nigeria .

What does the history of European colonization have to do with immigration from sh*tholes to the US?  I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.

Weren?t you the one comparing European immigration in similar circumstances terms to the ones trump is referring to now ?

The history of the two couldn?t be farther aipart . Trump who has no knowledge of history anyways is simply making it based on skin color .  As I said before , he would rather have unskilled workers from Eastern Europe who ?look the part ? than talented immigrants from Non white regions of the world

Trump wants to prioritize high skilled workers that are a benefit to the economy.  This presumably helps Asians / Indians the most, but would also favor the oil and gas engineer from Nigeria.

He literally just said the opposite.  He basically stated that where you are from is much more important who you are or what you do. 

Trump is the original birther...and has done downhill from there.

Uh, he literally did not say the opposite.  I think you mean figuratively.
Liar Loan said:
Uh, he literally did not say the opposite.  I think you mean figuratively.

His literally said that we don't want people from certain country but want some other country.  What that means exactly the opposite of what you just said. 

Liar Loan, I appreciate your views on this board and by all accounts seem like a very good person.  But please do not insult my intelligence by telling me that Trump is not setting forth racist and white nationalist ideology.  I do not care if you support him, but do not pretend that what he did not say what he said.  He has a long history of expressing racists and xenophobic views...he surrounded himself with people like Steven Bannon and Stephen Miller who clear promote a white nationalist ideology. 

You can support Trump and the ideologies and policies that you think are proper for this country but do not pretend that he did not say what he said or what it really means.

And the thank you was a mistake..not a promotion.
GOP representative Mia Love:

irvinecommuter I can totally understand your frustration about this - it is plain as day

this will make some people uncomfortable but has to be said

"not all trump supporters are racists but racism in a candidate not a disqualifier for them "

but we like to feel good about ourselves .  we like to think of ourselves as " better than average " , nice human beings . 

how do we reconcile the fact that the guy who is making us happy by giving us real estate folks tons of $$ breaks and filling our 401k coffers every single day, is also a rabid racist ?

by being in outright denial .  by simply  " moving on " .  by making fun of everyone else who is showing them the facts .  just cry " fake news " and paper over the facts and go on about your lives

why cant we accept that --
1) yes, trump is an a-- hole, nut job and full of racist tendencies  but at the same time
2) he is also good for my pocket book and if you an evangelical from mission Viejo / lake forest
3) he is also a good enforcer for my religious beliefs via the court system

above position is perfectly logical on the face of it  , no issues w it at all.

1) used to be a disqualifier but now we have firmly established as long as we get 2) and 3) , all we have to do is ignore 1) completely and we can go about our merry lives .  otherwise too much mental discomfort to handle on a daily basis .
fortune11 said:
irvinecommuter I can totally understand your frustration about this - it is plain as day

this will make some people uncomfortable but has to be said

"not all trump supporters are racists but racism in a candidate not a disqualifier for them "

but we like to feel good about ourselves .  we like to think of ourselves as " better than average " , nice human beings . 

how do we reconcile the fact that the guy who is making us happy by giving us real estate folks tons of $$ breaks and filling our 401k coffers every single day, is also a rabid racist ?

by being in outright denial .  by simply  " moving on " .  by making fun of everyone else who is showing them the facts .  just cry " fake news " and paper over the facts and go on about your lives

why cant we accept that --
1) yes, trump is an a-- hole, nut job and full of racist tendencies  but at the same time
2) he is also good for my pocket book and if you an evangelical from mission Viejo / lake forest
3) he is also a good enforcer for my religious beliefs via the court system

above position is perfectly logical on the face of it  , no issues w it at all.

1) used to be a disqualifier but now we have firmly established as long as we get 2) and 3) , all we have to do is ignore 1) completely and we can go about our merry lives .  otherwise too much mental discomfort to handle on a daily basis .

1)  That's pretty disqualifying in my book
2)  He didn't do anything for anyone's pocketbook.  Budgets are passed by Congress, not Presidents.
3)  I am a Christian but highly value the secular nature of this country.  His faking of religious beliefs and pandering of evangelicals are offensive to me as a Christian.  United States is not God's country and my religious beliefs have never been questioned or challenged in this one else's religious beliefs should be either.

Why should we ignore no. 1?  Presidents by their very position are role models and the ultimate ambassadors for our country.  A sexist and racist employee do not have a place in 2018, no matter how good he/she is at his or her job.

This isn't a direct response to your Fortune...just my response to the points raised.
Martin Luther King Jr.?s birthplace becomes national historic park

President Trump on Monday signed a measure redesignating Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthplace as a National Historical Park.

The president signed the measure, introduced by Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), another icon of the civil rights movement, aboard Air Force One after arriving in Marietta, Ga., to attend the College Football Playoff national championship game.

King's niece, Alveda King, joined Trump for the private signing ceremony.


I think you nailed it.  I'd be willing to wager there are a lot "closet" Trump supporters out there who did vote for him and will probably vote for him again but they wouldn't be caught dead admitting it for the fear of being ridiculed by friends, family, and social justice warriors.  Case in point, one of my good friends voted for Trump but lied to his wife and said that he voted for Clinton because he didn't want to hear it from her.  haha


Yes you nailed it too

we all have many good friends who are like that because ... wonder of wonders , we live in orange country

full of white escapees from LA, classic republican stronghold, massive money machine for national GOP,  evangelical crowd,  anti -  "you did not build that"  hard right  immigrants who want to pull up the ladder for other immigrants after having arrived themselves  , etc etc

but Orange County is changing and so is the country ...

it is also true that many people wouldn't be caught dead admitting love for trump ... why ... because it is bad for business and pocket book too. 

am I hiring a contractor with a truck that has a "don't tread on me" sticker on it ? in the past I probably wouldn't have paid any attention, but now I do - and hell, no. same goes for many other small business owners - and I know that many among this contingent are heavy on their support for trump.

there is a large " silent majority " here as well .  it showed up in Virginia and it showed up in Alabama and it is going to show up in 2018

what can the republicans do - make it more difficult for people of color and poor people to vote as they always do - just witness north carolina. 

but even if slightly more than half of post college whites show up to vote democratic (like they did in Virginia )  ,  there is no closet big enough to save trump and his party


DETROIT -- Citing President Trump's and Congress' new tax law, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles said Thursday that it's going to move some of its production back from Mexico.

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles will invest more than $1 billion to modernize the company's Warren Truck Plant in metro Detroit, adding 2,500 jobs and moving production of its Ram Heavy Duty trucks from Mexico.

The company said that the new federal tax law made the shift possible. That legislation, signed into law in December, cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

Fiat Chrysler also announced $2,000 bonuses that will be paid in the second quarter of this year to 60,000 hourly and salaried employees in the U.S., excluding senior leadership. Those bonuses are to be in addition to any profit sharing or performance bonuses the employees would receive this year.
morekaos said:
We?ll see about that. There is a silent majority but it?s not the one you think

Trump?s Immigration Remarks Outrage Many, but Others Quietly Agree

Moreover, the chaos and violence that have driven people from the Middle East, Southwest Asia and sub-Saharan Africa to seek to live elsewhere, even as far away as Australia and Canada, have also raised fears about refugees who do not appreciate the values of the countries hosting them ? or even worse, fears of terrorists taking advantage of humanitarian policies to infiltrate societies and then carry out attacks.
in your rush to post a sensational headline and spread weekend cheer , you probably didn't even read the article :)

Here is what the article actually talks about -- mostly Eastern Europe , which is currently the hotbed of the far right and Neo nazism in Europe . No surprise there.

It is not your " silent majority " in the US

from the story --

LONDON ? The Czech president has called Muslim immigrants criminals. The head of Poland?s governing party has said refugees are riddled with disease. The leader of Hungary has described migrants as a poison.

This week, Austria?s new far-right interior minister suggested ?concentrating? migrants in asylum centers ? with all its obvious and odious echoes of World War II.

So when President Trump said he did not want immigrants from ?shithole? countries, there was ringing silence across broad parts of the European Union, especially in the east, and certainly no chorus of condemnation.