Pic of your Favorite Food!

[quote author="SoCal78" date=1232088448]

Then please explain <a href="http://www.people.com/people/gallery/0,,1567115_15,00.html">this photo</a>, Oscar. Was it just a fling?:


You've uncovered the root cause of his grouchiness!
[quote author="T!m" date=1232088935] [quote author="SoCal78" date=1232088448]<blockquote>Rachel could be whisking topless and I still wouldn't watch her show or eat her food.</blockquote>

Then please explain <a href="http://www.people.com/people/gallery/0,,1567115_15,00.html">this photo</a>, Oscar. Was it just a fling?:

<img src="http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2006/startracks/061218/rachael_ray.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

You've uncovered the root cause of his grouchiness!</blockquote>
You see that look on her face? The photographer told us to say "cheese", but I decided to cut some instead... if you know what I mean. :sick:
Padma blows them all way

Top Chef Baby!!!

<img src="http://www.vanityfair.com/images/culture/2007/12/cusl01_lakshmi0712.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.padmalakshmi.us/Padma-Lakshmi-Feet.jpg" alt="" />
Blackvault, you're going Croatian on me!

Try the Cevapi at Pavic's in San Pedro (I believe it is on Alma). Pavic makes his own sausage and bread everyday, and he does a mean Croatian pizza. His kraut is really good, too.

You can see a write up here:http://sanpedronewsonline.blogspot.com/2008/05/go-down-and-meet-neighborhood-pizza-man.html

If you are from Midwest or East, San Pedro wil remind of those places more than and other nieghborhood in So. Cal. Strong ethnic groups the live and work in the same neighborhood.
[quote author="cdm" date=1232116047]Blackvault, you're going Croatian on me!

Try the Cevapi at Pavic's in San Pedro (I believe it is on Alma). Pavic makes his own sausage and bread everyday, and he does a mean Croatian pizza. His kraut is really good, too.

You can see a write up here:http://sanpedronewsonline.blogspot.com/2008/05/go-down-and-meet-neighborhood-pizza-man.html

If you are from Midwest or East, San Pedro wil remind of those places more than and other nieghborhood in So. Cal. Strong ethnic groups the live and work in the same neighborhood.</blockquote>

Actually I know him. I just didnt' mention it cause his Cevapi is just ok to me imo. Pizza is fantastic though. He just started, he eventually plans to expand into a sit-down restaurant. Right now its just carry-out. My parents live like 2 blocks from there. I'm not complaining though....often its free ;)

Plus how can I be going Croation on you...I am Croatian.
[quote author="tenmagnet" date=1232092460]Padma blows them all way

Top Chef Baby!!!

<img src="http://www.vanityfair.com/images/culture/2007/12/cusl01_lakshmi0712.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.padmalakshmi.us/Padma-Lakshmi-Feet.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

Major turn off is she was married to <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salman_Rushdie">Salman Rushdie</a>

That is a big WTF were you thinking.

Racheal Ray has MAN hands which grosses me out. Oh and her catch phrase Yummo. Her FHM spread almost made me throw up.

Then the whole premise of her show 30 minute meals. Sure if you spend your entire weekend washing and prepping the food for your weekly meals.

I whole heartedly agree Nigella is hot as well. But I love Italian food so Giada is tops for me so far.
[quote author="blackvault_cm" date=1232013455][quote author="momopi" date=1232010109]

This place?

<a href="http://www.aromacafe-la.com/default.aspx">http://www.aromacafe-la.com/</a>


This is like the only place in LA that sells Cevapi. I went there a couple of times, its not bad...but I know what the real stuff tastes like back home.

My dad makes good Cevapi, and this weekend I'm going to pick up ingredients and have him come over and show me how its done Cro style.

Then when I get some practice in, I'll have you guys come over to OH and abuse their outdoor grills.</blockquote>

For the sausages - <span style="color: blue;"><strong>A1 imports</strong></span> 310.833.3430 or <span style="color: blue;"><strong>South Shore Meats</strong></span> 310.831.0044.

Pavic (already mentioned) is the go to guy for the complete flatbread sandwich.

Order in Slav and you'll get bonus points.
All of this talk about sausages is making me crave my favorite food:

<img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/112/290137379_ac72de006f.jpg?v=0" alt="" />

but if anyone knows where I can get Hungarian sausage I would be grateful.

<img src="http://www.milkandhoneyfarm.com/diary/images/baby_bunnies.jpg" alt="" />


<img src="http://goodiesfirst.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/cookshop_rabbit.jpg" alt="" />

I had no idea LM was Hmong.
<a href="http://www.peta.org/content/standalone/VeggieLove/Default.aspx">I LOVE my veggies...</a>

Might not be work safe, depending on your place of employment.