Once again...nothing to be done but prayers and thoughts

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You are wrong

We need to have laser - precision focus on the brown skinned immigrants who need to be expelled like this Chemistry professor who was separated from his three kids in Kansas so we can protect Americans from "savage crime"

But the terrorism-enabling NRA -- oh come on , "lets not politicize so soon after a tragedy "

I remember when Columbine was a shock to our country - and was on the news day and night for weeks and weeks.  Now it is a routine affair that barely registers a blip

we are truly under the thumb of a rabid , foaming-at-the-mouth tiny minority of gun owners who want to make everyone else suffer for their delusions and persecution complex -- what a democracy 
fortune11 said:
You are wrong

We need to have laser - precision focus on the brown skinned immigrants who need to be expelled like this Chemistry professor who was separated from his three kids in Kansas so we can protect Americans from "savage crime"
You are on quite a roll.  Nice job taking advantage of dead kids to push your agenda. 

fortune11 said:
But the terrorism-enabling NRA -- oh come on , "lets not politicize so soon after a tragedy "
Calling them terrorism enabling is simply dishonest or stupid.  I'll let you pick.

And yes, the worst time to take action is right when something happens and people are more emotional than logical.  It's also when people are short sighted. 
For a lot of the proposed gun legislation to be valid, the constitution needs to be amended.  If people want it to be done right, then we have to amend first.
When you are a hammer , everything looks like a nail

On a roll ?  Are you serious ?

I am disgusted by what?s going on with yet another news cycle w innocent Americans  and a weapon like AR-15

and frustrated that our  country?s politicians are still in the pocketbook of NRA. 18 shootings this year just in less than two months ? Other developed  countries have less than that in two decades .

But I am glad you responded since , to borrow a page from your own prosaic language set , ?by your actions you are proving my point? .

It is terrorism if it was a brown or black guy involved and gee we should all be sitting up and doing something about it,

but when it is just our super lax gun laws and easy access to mass murder weapons resulting in deaths of 17 innocent kids  ? move on nothing to see here , life goes on .

?thoughts and prayers ? . Aren?t our knees hurting by now kneeling so much in front of God ?

If aliens who didn?t know anything else about us , came to earth and saw what was going on, they would probably deem NRA to be more powerful than God ...
spootieho said:
For a lot of the proposed gun legislation to be valid, the constitution needs to be amended.  If people want it to be done right, then we have to amend first.

Educate us. Why would the 2nd Amendment need to be changed? What does it mean anyway? How should it be changed?
Perspective said:
spootieho said:
For a lot of the proposed gun legislation to be valid, the constitution needs to be amended.  If people want it to be done right, then we have to amend first.

Educate us. Why would the 2nd Amendment need to be changed? What does it mean anyway? How should it be changed?

District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008)
The Democratic Party decided in the 1990s (after a couple of decades of effort) that gun control is a loser issue politically which is why they have not seriously (symbolic actions excepted) pursued gun control since then and have allowed earlier gun control legislation they did pass, like the assault rife ban, to sunset.

Its voter psychology 101: When one group of people are trying to take property away from another group, the people defending their property will fight harder than the people trying to take away someone else's property.
fortune11 said:
It is terrorism if it was a brown or black guy involved and gee we should all be sitting up and doing something about it,

Why is the race card always played in response to these shootings?

Timothy McVeigh, the Tsarnaev brothers, Dylann Roof, James Fields... these guys have all been referred to as terrorists numerous times.

The shooting yesterday in Florida is (probably) not terrorism because no political motive was involved.
I agree, you wanna change gun laws then you have to amend the constitution..not gonna happen.  All this is spin and talk. In the end nothing will change we move on to the next cycle.  Someone will trot out my most hated quote "This is not us" or "this is not who we are" when in actuality..."this is exactly us!", learn to live with it.
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
It is terrorism if it was a brown or black guy involved and gee we should all be sitting up and doing something about it,

Why is the race card always played in response to these shootings?

Timothy McVeigh, the Tsarnaev brothers, Dylann Roof, James Fields... these guys have all been referred to as terrorists numerous times.

The shooting yesterday in Florida is (probably) not terrorism because no political motive was involved.

The point is ? to elevate our focus on this mass shootings plague to the Same level as we do for ?terrorism? .

After the Vegas massacre , it took us barely one week to move on . There was even talk of a basic ban on bump stocks , but nothing really happened .
fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
It is terrorism if it was a brown or black guy involved and gee we should all be sitting up and doing something about it,

Why is the race card always played in response to these shootings?

Timothy McVeigh, the Tsarnaev brothers, Dylann Roof, James Fields... these guys have all been referred to as terrorists numerous times.

The shooting yesterday in Florida is (probably) not terrorism because no political motive was involved.

The point is ? to elevate our focus on this mass shootings plague to the Same level as we do for ?terrorism? .

After the Vegas massacre , it took us barely one week to move on . There was even talk of a basic ban on bump stocks , but nothing really happened .

I think that's the failing or our 24 hour news cycle because they have to continue coming up with new content to generate clicks / ratings.  Without new information coming out about the Las Vegas shooting, there wasn't much to report on after awhile.

Personally, I stayed interested in the story for longer than the news cycle because I wanted to know why / how it happened.  A couple of people I know were there and thankfully survived unharmed.  Mentally they are not unharmed.  They will have PTSD for years to come.

The only source of information after awhile was through blogs, and that requires sifting through some nutty conspiracy theories, but it's amazing how many facts the news media fails to report on.
Happiness said:
Perspective said:
spootieho said:
For a lot of the proposed gun legislation to be valid, the constitution needs to be amended.  If people want it to be done right, then we have to amend first.

Educate us. Why would the 2nd Amendment need to be changed? What does it mean anyway? How should it be changed?

District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008)

That decision actually states that gun control is constitutional...you just cannot ban guns outright.
Burn That Belly said:
Guns are not the problem. Mental people are the problem. You don't prohibit alcohol to cure and stop drunk driving. 10 thousand innocent or drunks die a year in the US from DUI-related accidents. That's way more than any mass shooting.

School shootings are easier to manage than drunk drivers. For schools, you can hire armed security and provide immediate tactical response. Fight fire with fire. It's too bad that the security guard/football coach in this case didn't have a firearm. At our High School, we always had a sheriff's deputy or two on campus in uniform with a Beretta. Nothing ever happened.

With drunk driving, it's difficult to detect although legislation may soon require all vehicles detect if the person behind the wheel is impaired and may disable the vehicle.

I urge you to see  this interview of the teacher at that school she gave NBC  ? she  explains how well prepared they were and how many times they drilled for this and still there was nothing they can do.  let me see if I can dig it up
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
It is terrorism if it was a brown or black guy involved and gee we should all be sitting up and doing something about it,

Why is the race card always played in response to these shootings?

Timothy McVeigh, the Tsarnaev brothers, Dylann Roof, James Fields... these guys have all been referred to as terrorists numerous times.

The shooting yesterday in Florida is (probably) not terrorism because no political motive was involved.

Totally not terrorist:

The 19-year-old accused of being the gunman in the deadly shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida on Wednesday belonged to a white supremacist militia, the group's leader claimed Friday.

The leader of the "Republic of Florida" white supremacist militia claimed in interviews with the Anti-Defamation League and the Associated Press that accused Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz belonged to the group and trained with other members in paramilitary drills.
Burn That Belly said:
Guns are not the problem. Mental people are the problem. You don't prohibit alcohol to cure and stop drunk driving. 10 thousand innocent or drunks die a year in the US from DUI-related accidents. That's way more than any mass shooting.

School shootings are easier to manage than drunk drivers. For schools, you can hire armed security and provide immediate tactical response. Fight fire with fire. It's too bad that the security guard/football coach in this case didn't have a firearm. At our High School, we always had a sheriff's deputy or two on campus in uniform with a Beretta. Nothing ever happened.

With drunk driving, it's difficult to detect although legislation may soon require all vehicles detect if the person behind the wheel is impaired and may disable the vehicle.

So we shouldn't have laws against drunk driving? 

Armed guards like the ones they had at Columbine and Umpqua Community College?  And I am sure that those armed guards would be attacking the shooters with a bunch of kids running through right?

and also...there are no mental illness issues outside of the United States?
Looks like 17 more pieces of grist for our political mills.

Everybody runs for their bottle and security blanket.  'If we just ban guns', 'It's mental health', 'it's racism', it's  ..

Those are easy, nobody really wants to tackle the long list of breakdowns that allow this to fester for years to get to this point.
Our country was founded on brilliance

Debate was encouraged

Find a problem , see a pattern , diagnose it . Fix it

How have we come from that to a situation where CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL is actually legally prohibited from investigating impact of gun violence !! 

Tiny but very well organized and vocal minority has taken this country s inquisitive spirit hostage .... to their personal insecurities and lust for high powered guns at any cost to society

In Florida , an 18-yr-old can buy an AR-15 in a private sale w/out a background check & buy 100s of magazines & 1000s of bullets w/o so much as a driver's license.

Those are the laws. For when People start screaming to enforce the laws we have ...