Obama ruining the country?

<strong>1) How is the massive banking system bailed out benefit our economy so far (we have not seen the worse yet)? </strong>It is hard to judge because you never know what would have happened if there was no intervention.

<a href="http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=alC3LxSjomZ8">Bank Profits From Accounting Rules Masking Looming Loan Losses </a> This is an interesting read click on the link.

<strong>2) How can a car that worth $1000 or less when Obama pay us $4500(If you have one of those cars, better do it fast)?</strong> Now we want another 2B to fund this program or it is finished. What is really sad is what may be the unforseen consequences of this program. Many people buy clunkers because that is all they can afford. Used car prices will go up simply because there is less supply. That may hurt the poor trying to get a simple transportation car.

<strong>3) How come graduates are easily >$100,000 in debt when they are out of college, and I am not talking about private colleges. What about people that graduated from a professional/graduate schools?</strong> I can't even answer this question, there is lady suing her school for 70k she spent there becuase she can't get a job with the degree she earned and she doesn't feel like they have helped her get a job. I know people that actually have figured out how to not pay the student loans they took out. They are perpetual students. They take the minimum required classes so they don't have to start paying the loan.

<strong>4) How can we enroll more people in a government run health insurance program without sending the healthcare cost over Himalayas? I could be naive. The solution is decrease reimbursements to healthcare professionals which will lead to decrease quality of care, and taxing everyone else to pay for the program. </strong> We can't. We would need a complete overhaul of the system. If a doctor comes out of school with 250k in student loans how can we limit his income? Who would take on that type of debt load when the government will decrease reimbursments thus lowering the earning potential. We would also need to limit malpractice claims. Someone would need to subsidize the equipment needed in a Doctors office. What doctor would spend money on a piece of equipment that they can't get an ROI on. The government is touting savings from Medicare will help pay for this new program. Why not get Medicare running and make the cuts then lets discuss government healthcare.
[quote author="Look4house" date=1249382901][quote author="momopi" date=1249364998][quote author="Look4house" date=1249360798]

3) How come graduates are easily >$100,000 in debt when they are out of college, and I am not talking about private colleges. What about people that graduated from a professional/graduate schools?


You might want to consult the following article regarding #3:

<a href="http://www.forbes.com/2009/03/10/college-graduate-school-loans-personal-finance-retirement-grad-school-debt.html">http://www.forbes.com/2009/03/10/college-graduate-school-loans-personal-finance-retirement-grad-school-debt.html</a></blockquote>

Unfortunately, we are looking for answers on how the education system can be changed to make it more affordable, not to find ways to decrease your debt by being a graduate assistant or getting a grant from my millionaire relative.</blockquote>

That was a response to your original claim that "graduates are easily >$100,000 in debt when they are out of college". This is simply untrue for vast majority of college grads. Only for certain professions, such as medical school, you'd find average debt of just under $140k.

Perhaps you should have specified "medical school graduates are easily >$100k in debt when they are out of college" ? Then the question would be "How to make medical school more affordable"?
[quote author="Look4house" date=1249293871]<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-Obama-officials-No-apf-2491158742.html?x=0">Possible tax hike</a>

Massive economic stimulus plan without results, bail out money were utilized by executives for bonuses and throwing parties, clash for clunkers, healthcare overhaul, etc. The money we save from withdrawing from the war is throwing away in some useless stimulus plans. I don't feel good about the country is heading. Some public services will likely be cut. I am almost positive that taxes will increase for most if not all by 2011. Our country won't be better off when Obama finish his term.


Sorry, our country was on the road to ruin long before Obama and took the express lane under GWB. Obama is trying to slow down the descent to ruin and maybe even reverse our fortunes in the future. Evaluating his performance after 7 months is a bit premature.
[quote author="The_Maestro" date=1249431267][quote author="Look4house" date=1249293871]<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-Obama-officials-No-apf-2491158742.html?x=0">Possible tax hike</a>

Massive economic stimulus plan without results, bail out money were utilized by executives for bonuses and throwing parties, clash for clunkers, healthcare overhaul, etc. The money we save from withdrawing from the war is throwing away in some useless stimulus plans. I don't feel good about the country is heading. Some public services will likely be cut. I am almost positive that taxes will increase for most if not all by 2011. Our country won't be better off when Obama finish his term.


Sorry, our country was on the road to ruin long before Obama and took the express lane under GWB. Obama is trying to slow down the descent to ruin and maybe even reverse our fortunes in the future. Evaluating his performance after 7 months is a bit premature.</blockquote>

With Obama's projected budget he will accelerate our national debt by measures unseen by any other president.

I like this video

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

Obama's approval rating is going down because people are tired that the admin continues to point fingers at previous admins.

At some point the Dem's need to stand up and start taking responsiblity for their actions. The Dem's should start getting concerned that Obama's approval rating is the same as Bush's at this point in their first term.
[quote author="trrenter" date=1249436199][quote author="The_Maestro" date=1249431267][quote author="Look4house" date=1249293871]<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-Obama-officials-No-apf-2491158742.html?x=0">Possible tax hike</a>

Massive economic stimulus plan without results, bail out money were utilized by executives for bonuses and throwing parties, clash for clunkers, healthcare overhaul, etc. The money we save from withdrawing from the war is throwing away in some useless stimulus plans. I don't feel good about the country is heading. Some public services will likely be cut. I am almost positive that taxes will increase for most if not all by 2011. Our country won't be better off when Obama finish his term.


Sorry, our country was on the road to ruin long before Obama and took the express lane under GWB. Obama is trying to slow down the descent to ruin and maybe even reverse our fortunes in the future. Evaluating his performance after 7 months is a bit premature.</blockquote>

With Obama's projected budget he will accelerate our national debt by measures unseen by any other president.

I like this video

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

Obama's approval rating is going down because people are tired that the admin continues to point fingers at previous admins.

At some point the Dem's need to stand up and start taking responsiblity for their actions. The Dem's should start getting concerned that Obama's approval rating is the same as Bush's at this point in their first term.</blockquote>

And Bush was riding on the coattails of Clinton at this point in his presidency. Seriously, If anyone can't accept the mess that Obama inherited as relevant to his course of action then I guess Americans really do have a short attention span. Sure, he is putting some bandaids on the economic situations right now. These bandaids are also keeping us afloat right now. I haven't heard a lot of other solutions to the overwhelmingly negative economic situation he inherited, other than do nothing. Sure, he could have worked to reinstitute Glass Stegall and I'd like to see that by the time he is done. Would that have had any short-term impact to stop the bleeding in our economy? Auto bailout, and CARS? I guess we could have also let the auto makers implode just as we were letting our banking and housing industry implode too. Or he could have reformed banking, the auto industry, and housing all within 7 months.

What about the Middle East? I haven't heard much about that. Of course we aren't supposed to talk about GWB or Iraq but I for one feel better about our direction now. Especially after hearing this guy on Friday.<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
[quote author="The_Maestro" date=1249437535][quote author="trrenter" date=1249436199][quote author="The_Maestro" date=1249431267][quote author="Look4house" date=1249293871]<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-Obama-officials-No-apf-2491158742.html?x=0">Possible tax hike</a>

Massive economic stimulus plan without results, bail out money were utilized by executives for bonuses and throwing parties, clash for clunkers, healthcare overhaul, etc. The money we save from withdrawing from the war is throwing away in some useless stimulus plans. I don't feel good about the country is heading. Some public services will likely be cut. I am almost positive that taxes will increase for most if not all by 2011. Our country won't be better off when Obama finish his term.


Sorry, our country was on the road to ruin long before Obama and took the express lane under GWB. Obama is trying to slow down the descent to ruin and maybe even reverse our fortunes in the future. Evaluating his performance after 7 months is a bit premature.</blockquote>

With Obama's projected budget he will accelerate our national debt by measures unseen by any other president.

I like this video

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

Obama's approval rating is going down because people are tired that the admin continues to point fingers at previous admins.

At some point the Dem's need to stand up and start taking responsiblity for their actions. The Dem's should start getting concerned that Obama's approval rating is the same as Bush's at this point in their first term.</blockquote>

And Bush was riding on the coattails of Clinton at this point in his presidency. Seriously, If anyone can't accept the mess that Obama inherited as relevant to his course of action then I guess Americans really do have a short attention span. Sure, he is putting some bandaids on the economic situations right now. These bandaids are also keeping us afloat right now. I haven't heard a lot of other solutions to the overwhelmingly negative economic situation he inherited, other than do nothing. Sure, he could have worked to reinstitute Glass Stegall and I'd like to see that by the time he is done. Would that have had any short-term impact to stop the bleeding in our economy? Auto bailout, and CARS? I guess we could have also let the auto makers implode just as we were letting our banking and housing industry implode too. Or he could have reformed banking, the auto industry, and housing all within 7 months.

What about the Middle East? I haven't heard much about that. Of course we aren't supposed to talk about GWB or Iraq but I for one feel better about our direction now. Especially after hearing this guy on Friday.<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object></blockquote>

And what about the mess Bush inherited from Clinton w/the whole Middle East quandry and North Korea etc? Exactly, comes w/the territory so Obama needs "DEAL WITH IT". He's not doing a very good job.
[quote author="trrenter" date=1249436199][quote author="The_Maestro" date=1249431267][quote author="Look4house" date=1249293871]<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-Obama-officials-No-apf-2491158742.html?x=0">Possible tax hike</a>

Massive economic stimulus plan without results, bail out money were utilized by executives for bonuses and throwing parties, clash for clunkers, healthcare overhaul, etc. The money we save from withdrawing from the war is throwing away in some useless stimulus plans. I don't feel good about the country is heading. Some public services will likely be cut. I am almost positive that taxes will increase for most if not all by 2011. Our country won't be better off when Obama finish his term.


Sorry, our country was on the road to ruin long before Obama and took the express lane under GWB. Obama is trying to slow down the descent to ruin and maybe even reverse our fortunes in the future. Evaluating his performance after 7 months is a bit premature.</blockquote>

With Obama's projected budget he will accelerate our national debt by measures unseen by any other president.

I like this video

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

Obama's approval rating is going down because people are tired that the admin continues to point fingers at previous admins.

At some point the Dem's need to stand up and start taking responsiblity for their actions. The Dem's should start getting concerned that Obama's approval rating is the same as Bush's at this point in their first term.</blockquote>

<a href="http://www.newsweek.com/id/209801">Barrack W. Bush</a>

Barack W. Bush

Obama's approval numbers early in his term are closing in on his predecessor's. Are his policies too?

"There are still major differences between them, of course. Bush staked out a hard-right agenda and then tried to strong-arm the country into following it; Obama headed for the pragmatic center almost immediately upon taking office. The biggest difference of all, of course, is this: Bush, in his first six months, inherited a dominant superpower, a booming economy, a budget surplus, and a relatively peaceful world. Obama inherited the worst financial disaster since the Depression, the worst recession since World War II, two wars, and the vast fiscal hole Bush left him. So even if he meets W. somewhere in the middle, Obama may not be doing too badly."
The current Admin and I will add the likes of Dodd, Pelosi etc. seem to be riding Bush for all he is worth.

Lets start with a simple promise made. Transparency! How is that working out. I was without internet while camping but have the names of the Pro Universal Healthcare people that visted the white house been released yet?
But Bill Clinton just got those 2 girls released from North Korea.

Wonder why George W. Bush didn`t go instead ? Reason: Never send a boy to do a man`s job.

Good Job Billy !!!
[quote author="bltserv" date=1249443582]But Bill Clinton just got those 2 girls released from North Korea.

Wonder why George W. Bush didn`t go instead ? Reason: Never send a boy to do a man`s job.

Good Job Billy !!!</blockquote>

Hmmm....Obama democrat president...Hilary democrat sec. of state...Bill Clinton former democrat president and husband of Hilary.... also boss of former sec. of state Madeline Albright who was drinking buddies with Kim Jong Il

Yes, why didn't Dubya go over there.
[quote author="bltserv" date=1249443582]But Bill Clinton just got those 2 girls released from North Korea.

Wonder why George W. Bush didn`t go instead ? Reason: Never send a boy to do a man`s job. </blockquote>

Reason: You didn't know Obama send Clinton with 10 million cash to free our citizens? You either think Kim Jong II is stupid or he has come into senses that he has done something terribly wrong.

Communists don't negotiate. This is a show of PR. Too bad, some people think Bill Clinton is a hero. It can fool someone without knowlege of what communism is all about.
[quote author="Look4house" date=1249458235][quote author="bltserv" date=1249443582]But Bill Clinton just got those 2 girls released from North Korea.

Wonder why George W. Bush didn`t go instead ? Reason: Never send a boy to do a man`s job. </blockquote>

Reason: You didn't know Obama send Clinton with 10 million cash to free our citizens? You either think Kim Jong II is stupid or he has come into senses that he has done something terribly wrong.

Communists don't negotiate. This is a show of PR. Too bad, some people think Bill Clinton is a hero. It can fool someone without knowlege of what communism is all about.</blockquote>

Wasn't this whole thing a negotiation in itself? I haven't hear of an actual monetary exchange (link please), but even if that were the case it would still be considered a negotiation.
[quote author="green_cactus" date=1249461488][quote author="Look4house" date=1249458235][quote author="bltserv" date=1249443582]But Bill Clinton just got those 2 girls released from North Korea.

Wonder why George W. Bush didn`t go instead ? Reason: Never send a boy to do a man`s job. </blockquote>

Reason: You didn't know Obama send Clinton with 10 million cash to free our citizens? You either think Kim Jong II is stupid or he has come into senses that he has done something terribly wrong.

Communists don't negotiate. This is a show of PR. Too bad, some people think Bill Clinton is a hero. It can fool someone without knowlege of what communism is all about.</blockquote>

Wasn't this whole thing a negotiation in itself? I haven't hear of an actual monetary exchange (link please), but even if that were the case it would still be considered a negotiation.</blockquote>

That's the problem, Look4House has no links, just a bunch of right wing drivel. I find nothing helpful in his unfounded accusations and complete bias.
[quote author="momopi" date=1249423931]That was a response to your original claim that "graduates are easily >$100,000 in debt when they are out of college". This is simply untrue for vast majority of college grads. Only for certain professions, such as medical school, you'd find average debt of just under $140k.

Perhaps you should have specified "medical school graduates are easily >$100k in debt when they are out of college" ? Then the question would be "How to make medical school more affordable"?</blockquote>

Why don't you show me how much it cost to go to UCLA for 4 years for a state and an out of state resident? If the student didn't get any grants or scholarships, how much debt would one need to bear? Okay, I know you are too busy to look it up. Average of $25,000/yr(resident), $39,000/yr(non-resident). And we are not talking about private universities. Professional degrees? Let's forget about medical school. How about law school, tuition alone $35,000/yr (resident). MBA? Tuition $31,000/yr.

If you don't think the cost of education is out of hand, maybe you are either super rich or don't have to worry about sending your kids to college.
[quote author="tmare" date=1249461894]

Wasn't this whole thing a negotiation in itself? I haven't hear of an actual monetary exchange (link please), but even if that were the case it would still be considered a negotiation.</blockquote>

That's the problem, Look4House has no links, just a bunch of right wing drivel. I find nothing helpful in his unfounded accusations and complete bias.</blockquote>

It is a matter of U.S. meeting the demand of Kim Jong II. When did Kim Jong ever negotiate with anyone. Link? If these things are open in public, then Obama will be a moron. Please use your brain. There is no way it look as simple even if no money is involved. You can say whatever you want, you have no clue who Kim Jong II is. I am telling you what I know about communism, you can choose not to believe it. I have to say think twice what it looks from the outside. But when Kim Jong II was smiling and Clinton was having a sad face in all those pictures, that may give you a clue.
[quote author="tmare" date=1249296535][quote author="Look4house" date=1249295680][quote author="tmare" date=1249294959]Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.</blockquote>

That is such a constructive comment or is it a joke? It's okay you are a Bush hater. Is our country better off heading this Obama's direction? Pay attention to what? You found throwing money away enjoyable? You like to pay higher taxes and get less from the government? You want your health insurance cost to go higher? Please tell me how to be smart? If you can only say something useless, then please ignore the thread. Thank you.</blockquote>

Ok, not a joke. I am NOT okay with a country that spends the most on health care and gets to be #37 in the world for quality of health care. I AM okay with someone trying to do something about it, rather than continuing to feed the insurance industries massive profits while they deny coverage to people who need health care. I am NOT okay with a government that has saddled our children with trillions in debt to fight a war that never needed to be fought. Somehow the huge debt incurred for a needless war during the Bush years was okay, but debt incurred in order to benefit our planet, our people's health and education is not okay with the right wing idiots who want to criticize Obama for having a beer. I guess I'm supposed to ignore this thread because I don't agree with you. Typical Fox News junkie. Be smart, open your eyes, get your sources from many places and try, really try to be a human being. Those are my thoughts and you asked for them.</blockquote>

I Second That! Your assessment is DEAD ON!

I would rather spend money on healthcare than on death and destruction any day of the week. If you look at Canada, they spend almost half what we spend per person in this country and everyone has healthcare. Everyone.
[quote author="Look4house" date=1249458235][quote author="bltserv" date=1249443582]But Bill Clinton just got those 2 girls released from North Korea.

Wonder why George W. Bush didn`t go instead ? Reason: Never send a boy to do a man`s job. </blockquote>

Reason: You didn't know Obama send Clinton with 10 million cash to free our citizens? You either think Kim Jong II is stupid or he has come into senses that he has done something terribly wrong.

Communists don't negotiate. This is a show of PR. Too bad, some people think Bill Clinton is a hero. It can fool someone without knowlege of what communism is all about.</blockquote>

Damn Communists. We must be very afraid. Build a bomb shelter. God they have taken over Viet Nam. China. The Soviet Union.

We need to send in troops. These damn red devils will ruin our lives. We need to invade Cuba and Venezuela right away.

Your either with us or your our enemy.


Do me a favor. Spread your meaningless fear someplace else. This group is way too smart for your lies.