Obama ruining the country?


New member
<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-Obama-officials-No-apf-2491158742.html?x=0">Possible tax hike</a>

Massive economic stimulus plan without results, bail out money were utilized by executives for bonuses and throwing parties, clash for clunkers, healthcare overhaul, etc. The money we save from withdrawing from the war is throwing away in some useless stimulus plans. I don't feel good about the country is heading. Some public services will likely be cut. I am almost positive that taxes will increase for most if not all by 2011. Our country won't be better off when Obama finish his term.

Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.
[quote author="tmare" date=1249294959]Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.</blockquote>

That is such a constructive comment or is it a joke? It's okay you are a Bush hater. Is our country better off heading this Obama's direction? Pay attention to what? You found throwing money away enjoyable? You like to pay higher taxes and get less from the government? You want your health insurance cost to go higher? Please tell me how to be smart? If you can only say something useless, then please ignore the thread. Thank you.
[quote author="Look4house" date=1249295680][quote author="tmare" date=1249294959]Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.</blockquote>

That is such a constructive comment or is it a joke? It's okay you are a Bush hater. Is our country better off heading this Obama's direction? Pay attention to what? You found throwing money away enjoyable? You like to pay higher taxes and get less from the government? You want your health insurance cost to go higher? Please tell me how to be smart? If you can only say something useless, then please ignore the thread. Thank you.</blockquote>

Ok, not a joke. I am NOT okay with a country that spends the most on health care and gets to be #37 in the world for quality of health care. I AM okay with someone trying to do something about it, rather than continuing to feed the insurance industries massive profits while they deny coverage to people who need health care. I am NOT okay with a government that has saddled our children with trillions in debt to fight a war that never needed to be fought. Somehow the huge debt incurred for a needless war during the Bush years was okay, but debt incurred in order to benefit our planet, our people's health and education is not okay with the right wing idiots who want to criticize Obama for having a beer. I guess I'm supposed to ignore this thread because I don't agree with you. Typical Fox News junkie. Be smart, open your eyes, get your sources from many places and try, really try to be a human being. Those are my thoughts and you asked for them.
[quote author="tmare" date=1249296535]

Ok, not a joke. I am NOT okay with a country that spends the most on health care and gets to be #37 in the world for quality of health care. I AM okay with someone trying to do something about it, rather than continuing to feed the insurance industries massive profits while they deny coverage to people who need health care. I am NOT okay with a government that has saddled our children with trillions in debt to fight a war that never needed to be fought. Somehow the huge debt incurred for a needless war during the Bush years was okay, but debt incurred in order to benefit our planet, our people's health and education is not okay with the right wing idiots who want to criticize Obama for having a beer. I guess I'm supposed to ignore this thread because I don't agree with you. Typical Fox News junkie. Be smart, open your eyes, get your sources from many places and try, really try to be a human being. Those are my thoughts and you asked for them.</blockquote>

I am looking for fruitful discussions about the current policies, not looking to counsel or allow someone to vent their anger and frustration on Bush. Based on what you said, you obviosuly don't know what the current healthcare overhaul is all about. And what has Obama achieved so far to benefit our planet, health and education? And please don't label anyone a Fox News junkie when you have no idea who that person is. And I ask you to please save your time from responding in this thread again because I don't find anything you said meaningful.
[quote author="tmare" date=1249296535]

Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.

I guess I'm supposed to ignore this thread because I don't agree with you. Typical Fox News junkie. Be smart, open your eyes, get your sources from many places and try, really try to be a human being. Those are my thoughts and you asked for them.</blockquote>

I am not interested in debating healthcare or BO's policy with you. But I am curious if I happen to listen to Fox along with other sources, and conclused BO is an absolute idiot , and is fuxking up this country, does that mean I am not "really try to be a human being" and should just "shut up"? Since you started this, maybe you can provide more color to what you mean?

And by the way, instead of being rude, maybe you can outline the things BO did or are about to do that makes it "SO much better off"?
I too get a bad feeling of where the US is heading. My dad (who was born in Poland and lived there until 1980) told me of how we are heading closer and closer towards communism (this comment, not mine). Taxes will go up for probably everyone who makes more than the median income and these new taxes won't provide more incentives for small businesses (these are the companies that employ the most people in the US). I'm neither probably a bit more on the Republican side than I am on the Democrat side because I want less government, not more due to how inefficient is runs but I did vote for Obama. I would have thought that Obama coming in as president would have moved things along, especially in the banking industry but it's the same-old, same-old Goldman Sachs group running the show. I guess the more things are expected to change, the more they stay the same. Not only is the cost of health care going through the roof, so is the cost of a college education. I remember I paid something like $4,000/yr to go to UCLA in the mid-90s and now that amount has skyrocketed. The USC Business School tuition when I started in 2003 was $975/unit and now that cost is up to $1,345/unit for the Fall of 2009 class.
[quote author="irvine123" date=1249300972][quote author="tmare" date=1249296535]I guess I'm supposed to ignore this thread because I don't agree with you. Typical Fox News junkie. Be smart, open your eyes, get your sources from many places and try, really try to be a human being. Those are my thoughts and you asked for them.</blockquote>

I am not interested in debating politics with you. But I am curious if I happen to listen to Fox along with other sources, and think BO is an absolute idiot, and fuxking up the country, does that mean I am not "really try to be a human being"? Since you started this, maybe you can provide more color to what you mean?</blockquote>
There's reality for you...Bush is an idiot and Obama is not the great messiah the mainstream media portrayed him to be. I expected some real change with Obama but as I stated before, it's the same-old, same-old. He rushed the stimulus bill (which most of it will go to waste) and didn't do crap to reform the banking industry issues (i.e. break up the big banks and institute the Glass-Stegal Act again). It's the local banks/credit union that should take the lead in getting out of this credit crisis, not pumping trillions into "too big to fail" zombie banks.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1249301350][quote author="irvine123" date=1249300972][quote author="tmare" date=1249296535]I guess I'm supposed to ignore this thread because I don't agree with you. Typical Fox News junkie. Be smart, open your eyes, get your sources from many places and try, really try to be a human being. Those are my thoughts and you asked for them.</blockquote>

I am not interested in debating politics with you. But I am curious if I happen to listen to Fox along with other sources, and think BO is an absolute idiot, and fuxking up the country, does that mean I am not "really try to be a human being"? Since you started this, maybe you can provide more color to what you mean?</blockquote>
There's reality for you...Bush is an idiot and Obama is not the great messiah the mainstream media portrayed him to be. I expected some real change with Obama but as I stated before, it's the same-old, same-old. He rushed the stimulus bill (which most of it will go to waste) and didn't do crap to reform the banking industry issues (i.e. break up the big banks and institute the Glass-Stegal Act again). It's the local banks/credit union that should take the lead in getting out of this credit crisis, not pumping trillions into "too big to fail" zombie banks.</blockquote>

Just remember one thing: this is NOT about Bush, , it is about Obama and his policy.
[quote author="irvine123" date=1249301614][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1249301350][quote author="irvine123" date=1249300972][quote author="tmare" date=1249296535]I guess I'm supposed to ignore this thread because I don't agree with you. Typical Fox News junkie. Be smart, open your eyes, get your sources from many places and try, really try to be a human being. Those are my thoughts and you asked for them.</blockquote>

I am not interested in debating politics with you. But I am curious if I happen to listen to Fox along with other sources, and think BO is an absolute idiot, and fuxking up the country, does that mean I am not "really try to be a human being"? Since you started this, maybe you can provide more color to what you mean?</blockquote>
There's reality for you...Bush is an idiot and Obama is not the great messiah the mainstream media portrayed him to be. I expected some real change with Obama but as I stated before, it's the same-old, same-old. He rushed the stimulus bill (which most of it will go to waste) and didn't do crap to reform the banking industry issues (i.e. break up the big banks and institute the Glass-Stegal Act again). It's the local banks/credit union that should take the lead in getting out of this credit crisis, not pumping trillions into "too big to fail" zombie banks.</blockquote>

Just remember one thing: this is NOT about Bush, , it is about Obama and his policy.</blockquote>
Oh, I know. My point was that things were promised to change and there's been no change for the better from Obama. Looking back on things, I really wish the Republicans would have put forth a good candidate that was actually charismatic they might have won the white house. Obama should have focused the stimulus program on cutting taxes/provide incentives for companies that high new workers and/or replace outsourced jobs back to the US. That would have made for an effective stimulus package not the one that he rushed through that's filled with pork.
[quote author="tmare" date=1249294959]Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.</blockquote>

I find useless/childish responses like this one terribly annoying. Why is one of the first reactions to someone saying something negative about Obama is to trash Bush? Its pretty much understood that Bush left things in bad shape but that should not be used as an excuse to allow the current administration to make things worse. The original poster was not asking for a comparison of the two presidents and their policy's. They are asking about the current administration!

My guess is that things are going to continue to get worse and agree with USC that taxes will be increasing for the majority of folks, which is very sad. Im not an economist but i dont see how raising taxes to pay off trillions in debt held by foreign countries is going to benefit the US and its citizens. Taxes will likely go up through the end of the Obama's first and only term, then republicans will take over reduce taxes, while democrats will fight spending cuts and the deficit will probably just get bigger.

I think the only way our government will get their act together and actually balance budgets and reduce our debt is when China (and other foreign countries) stops buying our debt which will cut off our ability finance future deficits. Once the emerging markets (Brazil, China, India, Russia, etc) become powerful enough they will force the rest of the world to switch reserve currencies and we can kiss the dollar good bye.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1249302139] My point was that things were promised to change and there's been no change for the better from Obama. </blockquote>

This is exactly the problem. He tried to change things and a lot of things all at once, but his ideas are really wrong. Like you said the massive amount of money throwing at the banking system is a waste. If the Healthcare reform somehow go through they way he wanted, noone is better IMO. People are either out of job or they are working more and getting pay less. When ineterst rates go higher and people paying more taxes, the economy is not going to grow. This cash for clunker deal is really bothering me. What's the real purpose other than another 2-3 billion going down the drain. Imagine if our country get attack by terrorists again, I don't know what would happen, it's just too scary. I have nothing against Obama and I don't care whether it is Obama, McCain or anyone else as long as we are moving forward. But the way it is, it seems like we are going backwards.
[quote author="qwerty" date=1249303112][quote author="tmare" date=1249294959]Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.</blockquote>

I find useless/childish responses like this one terribly annoying. Why is one of the first reactions to someone saying something negative about Obama is to trash Bush? Its pretty much understood that Bush left things in bad shape but that should not be used as an excuse to allow the current administration to make things worse. The original poster was not asking for a comparison of the two presidents and their policy's. They are asking about the current administration!

My guess is that things are going to continue to get worse and agree with USC that taxes will be increasing for the majority of folks, which is very sad. Im not an economist but i dont see how raising taxes to pay off trillions in debt held by foreign countries is going to benefit the US and its citizens. Taxes will likely go up through the end of the Obama's first and only term, then republicans will take over reduce taxes, while democrats will fight spending cuts and the deficit will probably just get bigger.

I think the only way our government will get their act together and actually balance budgets and reduce our debt is when China (and other foreign countries) stops buying our debt which will cut off our ability finance future deficits. Once the emerging markets (Brazil, China, India, Russia, etc) become powerful enough they will force the rest of the world to switch reserve currencies and we can kiss the dollar good bye.</blockquote>
You hit the nail on the head, the rest of the world needs to help ween the US of thinking they can just borrow, borrow, and borrow some more to throw money at problems left and right. Maybe it would teach our gov't to be more efficient and effective with the way they spend tax payer money. From a psychological standpoint, the higher taxes go for the successful folks out there the lower their incentive will be to be more productive and grow their businesses because more and more of their marginal profit will go towards taxes.
[quote author="Look4house" date=1249293871]


A couple:

First, you should read this:

<a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewannounce/4631_2/">http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewannounce/4631_2/</a>

Your thread is borderline (although low grade) trolling IMO.
[quote author="tmare" date=1249294959]Oh, and it was so much better off after Bush finished his two terms. My thoughts are: shut up and pay attention. Be smart, not a FOX News sheep.</blockquote>

Yes, it is still Bush's fault. Will it be Bush's fault in 2010 too? or 2011 or 2012 etc?

Maybe we should lay off the MSNBC kool-aid.
[quote author="Look4house" date=1249303677][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1249302139] My point was that things were promised to change and there's been no change for the better from Obama. </blockquote>

This is exactly the problem. He tried to change things and a lot of things all at once, but his ideas are really wrong. Like you said the massive amount of money throwing at the banking system is a waste. If the Healthcare reform somehow go through they way he wanted, noone is better IMO. People are either out of job or they are working more and getting pay less. When ineterst rates go higher and people paying more taxes, the economy is not going to grow. This cash for clunker deal is really bothering me. What's the real purpose other than another 2-3 billion going down the drain. Imagine if our country get attack by terrorists again, I don't know what would happen, it's just too scary. I have nothing against Obama and I don't care whether it is Obama, McCain or anyone else as long as we are moving forward. But the way it is, it seems like we are going backwards.</blockquote>

I'm sort of hoping for...

Cash for Clunker TVs - flat panels for everyone

Cash for Clunker Refrigerators - waiting on my stainless steel appliance baby

Cash for Clunker Houses!! - I want a new home w/all the 2009 gadgets!

Stimulate thru Appropriate!
This country is going forward into the 21st century. We DO need to have a healthcare system that works for the doctors and patients.

The one we have now spends 450 Million a year on just its lobby efforts. Capitalism need some forms of control or you just have a very

few that munipulate the system for the greed of a handfull. Thats not a real open market either. Beware of the other extreme of government.

Monopoly of Healthcare, Energy, and Banking are a huge threat and more of a danger than a small shift toward socialized medicine

Barry is not the Messiah. He is just a man. But to blame him for all the mistakes that have been made that got us here is short sighted.

Yes I agree. You been watching to much Faux News and listening to Rush Limbaugh. Give the man a chance.

At least I dont vomit everytime I see our President in the news like the last one we had. Especially when it comes to foreign affairs.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1249333944][quote author="Look4house" date=1249293871]


A couple:

First, you should read this:

<a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewannounce/4631_2/">http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewannounce/4631_2/</a>

Your thread is borderline (although low grade) trolling IMO.</blockquote>

What have I said that has violated any rules? This thread is trolling? Please explain. I welcome anyone to express their opinion on this matter and I would love to hear from someone that has great insights about what we are missing in the current policies. If you have nothing to add or don't know the details about any reforms Mr. Obama is talking about, please move on to something else.

I think the way you named your thread says what your intent was.

And IMHO it was not meaningfull discussions.

<img src="http://www.bltserv.com/images/mediumTroll.gif" alt="" />