Dispelling Leftist/Atheist Nonsense

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GenericIrvineResident said:
Mety said:
GenericIrvineResident said:
Mety said:
GenericIrvineResident said:
You have to realize that when you purport the existence of a mythical entity, like a God, the burden of proof lies on you to prove its existence.

It is not the job of the atheist to prove you wrong.

I can just as easily say "There exists a flying spaghetti monster" or "Bigfoot exists" and then cry "Prove me wrong!" when asked to provide evidence.

Science will always be a robust method for explaining the phenomena on Earth and we continue to discover more everyday because of the wonders of science. Religion has not given us anything besides toxic behavior and many deaths. As a person who has never commited a crime, I believe that religion is not a necessary requirement for morality.

I also believe religions are man-made systems. They exist everywhere, not just in Christ-believing regions. However I do believe in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ. I guess people call that person like me a "Christian."

While many self-claimed Christians have lived hypocritical lives to show how fake moral they can get, that does not distort God Himself and His given words, the Bible. You see, it's always those people giving God a bad name by misrepresenting Him. I believe many if not all of them are not real Christians. And I also do believe they know themselves that they're fake if they think deeply and seriously enough. God has given us to discern and that is called a "conscience."

You believe in science and I do too. But we are in the continuing process of finding new or different results from the science day to day. We don't know 100% accurate of anything even by the science itself since it keeps evolving. But first, can you answer who made the science? Is it just self-existing out of nowhere? The very fact you and I have living cells inside, the very fact we see the heavens and the earth operating in this manner where everything works in orderly ways and does not collide in this universe, the very fact we differ from other animals and creatures, the very fact we have numbers and days and nights in systems... these all speak that the science or every little thing you see (or not see) in this universe is made from a deity. I found that deity to be God by reading the Bible or God led me to find Himself to say it more accurate. You might call or believe that to be something else, but you can't deny there is some kind of force holding all these things together in this universe.

Anyways, just wanted to share my thoughts since you say the religions are something only giving us toxic behaviors and deaths. While I do think man-made religions are bad as well, God is not. Many people misunderstand God as a result of lack of understanding the Scripture or by being taught in wrongs ways by many fake religious leaders.

The answer is that we simply do not know how we got here and to attribute it to a mythical omniscient being is preposterous and shows a lack of analytical and scientific thinking.

I believe it's actually the other way. The omniscient already provided enough information and the science is busy trying to reverse engineer everything to find the origin of it. Thus your answer of not knowing is correct strictly scientifically speaking.

I personally started with the initially documented scriptures and histories of many nation's witnessed confessions so my answer does not solely rely on what certain scientists have discovered alone.

All of your documented scriptures and histories are written by sinful, deceitful, conniving humans. If they provided a method to reproduce their findings or irrefutable evidence then it would have value. Otherwise, it's meaningless and holds no basis in fact.

Exactly. You got it right to the point. Humans are sinful, deceitful, conniving and more. Myself and you are all included.

If the Bible was written in a way where they made it seem like the nation Israel or God's people were any superior or not as sinful as others, then that would be something fabricated in their favor. However, it was written in a way where every little sinful act was written. Their own sins. For example, Moses wrote of his own act of murder of an Egyptian himself. The Bible shows full of sinful acts of humans which God so opposed and warned not to yet they did anyways. It shows full of their shortcomings. It shows literally as is. Their dark history. How could they write all those for themselves and for what? That is why God is the real author of these books in the Bible. Yes, humans wrote it, but it was God who used them as instruments to speak of His love - His forgiveness even to the point where He forgives people who killed His own Son. There are biblical verses to back this argument as well if you're interested.

But it wouldn't be fair for people who don't believe in the Bible if I were to just end here, right? Well, you asked are there any evidences other than the Bible itself? The Bible is not the only source of Israel's history. There were surrounding nations and there still are. Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Roman Empire, Greece, and etc. are all parts of the history where their sources also speak of the same events that are written in the Bible. There are evidences - the documented history. It's up to you to believe. It's literally anything in life. You believe certain scientific documented studies done historically. But at the same time you can choose not to believe. Free will.
Statistics are irrefutable evidence accepted in courts around the world.

The statistics of the Anthropic Principle are such irrefutable evidence, only far more powerful than the DNA evidence which convicts criminals every day around the world.

Godless Leftists can and do refute whatever they wish, not out of respect for statistics and science, not out of respect for common sense and good judgment, but purely out of hostility, ignorance, and arrogance.

"The fool has said in his heart there is no God."

People who accuse others of having a radical leftist agenda mostly belong to a religion founded by a man with a radical leftist agenda.
Kenkoko said:

People who accuse others of having a radical leftist agenda mostly belong to a religion founded by a man with a radical leftist agenda.

"Leftist agenda" : "Who does not work should not eat."

"Leftist agenda" : "Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism.  Our program necessarily includes the propagation of atheism." - Vladimir Lenin, hero to today's Leftist *intellectuals*

"Leftist agenda":  "Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one."

Read Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks.  He demonstrated how little you Leftists really care and really give to "the poor" and everyone even in your own families. You give less to charities, less of your time, less of everything.  It's all about you and your supreme wonderfulness, boasting endlessly.

?I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.? ? William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

?Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality.  The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.?  ?  - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan
StarmanMBA said:
"Leftist agenda" : "Who does not work should not eat."

"Leftist agenda" : "Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism.  Our program necessarily includes the propagation of atheism." - Vladimir Lenin, hero to today's Leftist *intellectuals*

"Leftist agenda":  "Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one."

Read Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks.  He demonstrated how little you Leftists really care and really give to "the poor" and everyone even in your own families. You give less to charities, less of your time, less of everything.  It's all about you and your supreme wonderfulness, boasting endlessly.

?I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.? ? William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

?Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality.  The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.?  ?  - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

A month later and the godless Leftists were silent, thankfully.  Their loud pretenses of scientific acumen and enlightenment are not matched by their comments and analysis.

Their pretense of intellectualism misses the point that intellect and education can be and are used for good and evil.  They pretend that intellect and education are the equivalent of wisdom when that is clearly not the case. Take the Unabomber, please.
StarmanMBA said:
A month later and the godless Leftists were silent, thankfully.  Their loud pretenses of scientific acumen and enlightenment are not matched by their comments and analysis.

Their pretense of intellectualism misses the point that intellect and education can be and are used for good and evil.  They pretend that intellect and education are the equivalent of wisdom when that is clearly not the case. Take the Unabomber, please.

Three months later and the godless remain silent, wisely.

I refer all readers to The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell.  It is a compendium of scholars' findings and quotations affirming Nature's God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to which our Founding Fathers prayed and gave thanks.

"In God We Trust" is the official motto of the United States.  It is on every bill of currency any of you have ever spent.

"The Lord is Our Light" is the motto of Oxford University.

The Ivy League Colleges of the United States all have Christian charters.


Short answer:  No.
"I can just as easily say that bigfoot, Cthulhu, UFOs (this might be likely), and the flying spaghetti monster exists. The burden of proof lies on individuals who make such baseless assumptions. Just because an ancient book of stories survived all these years does not give it any legitimacy".

You can say whatever you want thanks to God for giving you that ability but bigfoot, Cthulhu, UFOs and flying spaghetti monsters never had any prophecies come true hundreds of years later.

Proving or disproving god is entirely pointless. Religion is clearly an emergent phenomenon in society and it definitely serves a purpose. It is a tool, and like all tools it can be wielded to oppress or uplift.

When Christians help the needy and downtrodden, I am glad for those people and their community of faith which upholds them. When self-described Christians try to use religion to torture and deny rights to my LGBT brothers and sisters, those people and their demagoguing leaders are aberrations against the love of Christ, and should be defeated politically.

What's the score, on balance? Does religion on the whole help or hurt? I'd instead ask what would you do with the answer to that question? If you determine religion is overall bad, you can't just tilt at the concept. The answer must be to fix it or replace it through transformation or competition. Excise the evil, greedy, warmongering, pedophilic parts and/or offer a different source of community and hope. To change society we only have pruning shears, not chain saws, so attacking the trunk does nothing but piss off the family picnicking peacefully in the shade (and the HOA :P)

If instead you conclude that religion is overall good, so what? Surely the answer is not to make it compulsory, that's Sharia Law. Is religion so essential but at the same time so weak that allowing atheists to speak against it means doom?

I 100% believe there are denominations and congregations which are on the whole bad, and criticizing them and working against new member indoctrination is pro-social behavior. Painting with too broad a brush, however, is counter-productive and hurts the cause. There are also wonderful atheists that would gladly be your friend, OP, if you stopped foaming at the mouth about the very idea :)
Adam Versatilius said:
Proving or disproving god is entirely pointless.

  Painting with too broad a brush, however, is counter-productive and hurts the cause. There are also wonderful atheists that would gladly be your friend, OP, if you stopped foaming at the mouth about the very idea :)

1.  We'll see what is pointless and what is not, won't we.
2.  You godless atheists don't "paint with too broad a brush," do you?  You call believers "stupid" and "believing in mythical sky daddy" and "anti-science" when scientists of faith populate the world.  Then there are books such as The God Delusion by your atheist earth daddy, Dickie Dawkins, a liar and an anti-science hack.
3.  I had a very close friend who was an atheist and a socialist.  His PhD in physics did not prevent him from being confused even in his own scientific domain, much less outside it.

Your "broad brush" paints me as "foaming at the mouth."
I do not. That is your hatefulness doing the painting.
You do it often.  I speak the truth and it disturbs you very much so all you can do is attack me rather than respond to facts and science.  tsk, tsk
This is so Orwellian its hard to grasp?.

Harvard University names a devout ATHEIST as its new head chaplain who describes himself as 'humanist rabbi': Ivy League school says it's catering to the 40% of students who are NOT religious or agnostic

Greg Epstein will become the head of representatives of the religious community at the Ivy League School
Epstein, who has served as Harvard's 'humanist chaplain' since 2005, is a devout atheist and caters to atheists, agnostics and humanists
His elevation to the position is meant to be inclusive of larger and larger numbers of Americans who identify as spiritual but not religious
'There is a rising group of people who no longer identify with any religious tradition but still experience a real need for conversation and support around what it means to be a good human and live an ethical life,' he said
A survey of the school's class of 2019 showed 21% of the class as agnostic and 17% were atheists; two thirds identified as 'somewhat or very liberal'
The position of chaplain is not necessarily tied to one particular religion, although it has origins in the Christian tradition
