
irvinehomeowner said:

I probably go out more than most people here... even morekaos, and have been lucky enough to not catch Covid... I mask up, social distance and sanitize but I don't microwave my packages or change out of my clothes every 2 hours. I've even been on a 4-hour flights.

On the other hand, morekaos, and my relative who I'm ashamed of, are more lax with protocols... and guess what... they all have got Covid... if not once... maybe twice. So anecdotally... protocols work.

But my micro doesn't apply... only morekaos' so I guess disinformation is going to disinformation.

I dunno IHO. I travelled quite a lot in the last two years, all over Cali, several states and out of the country once.  Never missed a beat. My family got Delta even though some were vaxed...didn't really seem to matter.  I am sure Chuck was over paranoid and over protected and he still got the Vid, twice, after probably being triple vaxed...didn't seem to help him.  As I said from the start Virus gonna Virus.

UK?s Prince Charles Tests Positive For COVID, Had Met Queen Elizabeth Recently

LONDON (Reuters) -Prince Charles, who has tested positive for COVID-19 for a second time, recently met his mother Queen Elizabeth, but the 95-year-old British monarch is not displaying any symptoms, a palace source said on Thursday.

Charles confirmed in December that both he and his wife, Camilla, had received their booster shots. He had been at Windsor Castle, the queen?s home to the west of London where she is currently staying, on Tuesday to hand out honours.

Charles previously tested positive for the virus in March 2020 when he said he had been ?lucky? to have suffered only mild symptoms. His son Prince William also contracted COVID shortly after his father in 2020.
Sweet sweet natural ? oh well

A large-scale scientific study found that coronavirus patients were at ?substantial? risk of heart disease one year after their illness, increasing the odds of clots, arrhythmias, heart failure and related conditions.?

The risk of heart diseases grew progressively depending on the severity of the covid illness, according to researchers who analyzed health records from more than 153,000 U.S. veterans who had covid. The results were published in Nature Medicine this week.?

It is one of the first comprehensive studies tracking long-term effects associated with covid-19. Many patients have reported brain fog, fatigue, weakness or loss of smell that persists for months after an infection, and some researchers now believe those ?long covid? symptoms may be linked to the increased risk of cardiovascular illness.
morekaos said:
I dunno IHO. I travelled quite a lot in the last two years, all over Cali, several states and out of the country once.  Never missed a beat. My family got Delta even though some were vaxed...didn't really seem to matter.  I am sure Chuck was over paranoid and over protected and he still got the Vid, twice, after probably being triple vaxed...didn't seem to help him.  As I said from the start Virus gonna Virus.

Thanks for proving my point. You family is vaxed and still got Covid because you don't follow very easy safety protocols.

I go out in public quite a bit but I'm not going to bars unmasked, working in an indoor office unmasked and not socially distanced, or attending large indoor parties or crowded outdoor events like you have confessed to.

Of course virus is gonna virus for you... and anyone else who doesn't care.

I have many friends who are like me... and have not been infected once... but that's the micro right?
I know people who take zero precautions for two years and only found out they are positive through work mandated PCR tests... absolutely no symptoms.
Also I know people who have severe reactions and side effects due to the shot. Some are even lingering long term. I don't know any one who died of COVID or even hospitalized.

So this is really YMMV.

irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
I dunno IHO. I travelled quite a lot in the last two years, all over Cali, several states and out of the country once.  Never missed a beat. My family got Delta even though some were vaxed...didn't really seem to matter.  I am sure Chuck was over paranoid and over protected and he still got the Vid, twice, after probably being triple vaxed...didn't seem to help him.  As I said from the start Virus gonna Virus.

Thanks for proving my point. You family is vaxed and still got Covid because you don't follow very easy safety protocols.

I go out in public quite a bit but I'm not going to bars unmasked, working in an indoor office unmasked and not socially distanced, or attending large indoor parties or crowded outdoor events like you have confessed to.

Of course virus is gonna virus for you... and anyone else who doesn't care.

I have many friends who are like me... and have not been infected once... but that's the micro right?
Not sure if related, but why the CEO of Moderna dumped his stocks and deleted Twitter account? He about to bounce?
Boy was I right about least 6 new Pharmaceutical billionaires created out of thin air...

morekaos said:
Unobtainium...the winner will be rich...

Search for Coronavirus Vaccine Becomes a Global Competition

In the three months since the virus began its deadly spread, China, Europe and the United States have all set off at a sprint to become the first to produce a vaccine. But while there is cooperation on many levels -- including among companies that are ordinarily fierce competitors -- hanging over the effort is the shadow of a nationalistic approach that could give the winner the chance to favor its own population and potentially gain the upper hand in dealing with the economic and geostrategic fallout from the crisis. What began as a question of who would get the scientific accolades, the patents and ultimately the revenues from a successful vaccine is suddenly a broader issue of urgent national security. And behind the scramble is a harsh reality: Any new vaccine that proves potent against the coronavirus -- clinical trials are underway in the United States, China and Europe already -- is sure to be in short supply as governments try to ensure that their own people are the first in line.
This too is coming true...

morekaos said:
Hitchens point gets made...

As things stand, the Johnson Government is like a doctor, confronted with a patient suffering from pneumonia. ?This is serious,? says the doctor. ?I have never seen anything like this. Unless I act radically, you will die terribly.?

He then proposes to treat the pneumonia by amputating the patient?s left leg, saying this method has been used successfully in China. The trusting patient agrees. The patient eventually recovers from pneumonia, as he would have done anyway. The doctor proclaims that his treatment, though undoubtedly painful and radical, was a great success. But the patient now has only one leg, and a very large hospital bill which he cannot afford to pay.
eyephone said:
Governor Kristi Noem confirms she is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In a speech to the Watertown Rotary Club on Thursday, Noem said she received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine earlier this week.

Another Republican governor is vaccinated. (staying safe)

As long as they are safe it is okay. I dont see the anti vaccination bashing the quote GOP rising star Governor Noem being vaccinated!!!!
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Governor Kristi Noem confirms she is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In a speech to the Watertown Rotary Club on Thursday, Noem said she received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine earlier this week.

Another Republican governor is vaccinated. (staying safe)

As long as they are safe it is okay. I dont see the anti vaccination bashing the quote GOP rising star Governor Noem being vaccinated!!!!

You keep missing the point..its the mandate, not the vaccine..She chose to vaccinate. That's fine.  Choice, the problem is choice.
Fox 12 Oregom: Man allegedly attacked Applebee?s bartender with meat cleaver over COVID-19 vaccine proof

Authorities said a man is facing charges after attacking a bartender with a meat cleaver over COVID-19 restrictions.

Michael Dousa, 58, allegedly raised a meat cleaver as he lunged at a bartender after he was asked to leave a Bellevue Applebee?s when he couldn?t provide proof of vaccination.

Detectives said when Dousa got outside, he yelled and waved the knife around.

Just a few weeks ago, prosecutors said a woman named Angela Nommensen was seen on surveillance video repeatedly refusing to wear her mask inside a gas station.

When the clerk forced her outside, she pulled a gun on him.


irvinehomeowner said:

So do you think there would be the same, less, or more deaths without the vaccines?

I dunno, but I do know they didn?t do what they were supposed to and in some cases actually caused some harm. Either way those in my family who got a jab, will not be getting another and those who didn?t get one will probably never get one. That?s our choice.

Using your favorite data link to John Hopkins, I think you can see, on per Capita basis, India has lower death rate despite having lower vaccination rate, when compared to US.

morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:

So do you think there would be the same, less, or more deaths without the vaccines?

I dunno, but I do know they didn?t do what they were supposed to and in some cases actually caused some harm. Either way those in my family who got a jab, will not be getting another and those who didn?t get one will probably never get one. That?s our choice.

Nice dance... that doesn't answer my question but I figured you would avoid it because answering what you know is true would kill your narrative and make akula cry.
Why would I cry? I actually enjoy watching sheeple like you being brainwashed and having too much pride to admit being duped. It is like watching the movie Dumb and Dumber.

irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:

So do you think there would be the same, less, or more deaths without the vaccines?

I dunno, but I do know they didn?t do what they were supposed to and in some cases actually caused some harm. Either way those in my family who got a jab, will not be getting another and those who didn?t get one will probably never get one. That?s our choice.

Nice dance... that doesn't answer my question but I figured you would avoid it because answering what you know is true would kill your narrative and make akula cry.
Calling us sheep but your part of the vax club.

akula1488 said:
Why would I cry? I actually enjoy watching sheeple like you being brainwashed and having too much pride to admit being duped. It is like watching the movie Dumb and Dumber.

irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:

So do you think there would be the same, less, or more deaths without the vaccines?

I dunno, but I do know they didn?t do what they were supposed to and in some cases actually caused some harm. Either way those in my family who got a jab, will not be getting another and those who didn?t get one will probably never get one. That?s our choice.

Nice dance... that doesn't answer my question but I figured you would avoid it because answering what you know is true would kill your narrative and make akula cry.
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:

So do you think there would be the same, less, or more deaths without the vaccines?

I dunno, but I do know they didn?t do what they were supposed to and in some cases actually caused some harm. Either way those in my family who got a jab, will not be getting another and those who didn?t get one will probably never get one. That?s our choice.

Nice dance... that doesn't answer my question but I figured you would avoid it because answering what you know is true would kill your narrative and make akula cry.

No dance, I answered it, straight up...I dunno, neither do you... Can't prove a negative.