
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


Well-known member
So why spend time posting in a discussion forum if you:

1. Feel attacked if someone disagrees with your post.
2. Blank out other members responses.

You need thick skin on the Internet and if you can't deal... take your ball, delete your posts, and make a meet-up group where everyone agrees with your opinions.

Sorry... feeling snarky today.

Seriously...I usually draw the line on personal attacks.  It's not needed and non-productive.
Oh sorry.

Krave next to Boudin and Souplantation actually has really good fried chicken wings (I think they have 6 or 7 different flavors).

I'm still into the olive oil fried chickn at BBQ Chicken at DJs, they are just expensive.

I dunno... I try to discuss the opinion and not the poster... but people feel that those are one and the same.

And irvinecommuter... your face is a small lot. :)
irvinehomeowner said:
Oh sorry.

Krave next to Boudin and Souplantation actually has really good fried chicken wings (I think they have 6 or 7 different flavors).

I'm still into the olive oil fried chickn at BBQ Chicken at DJs, they are just expensive.

I dunno... I try to discuss the opinion and not the poster... but people feel that those are one and the same.

And irvinecommuter... your face is a small lot. :)

The place inside Zion Market (Yale) is pretty good.

Good..less facial wash for me to buy.
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Oh sorry.

Krave next to Boudin and Souplantation actually has really good fried chicken wings (I think they have 6 or 7 different flavors).

I'm still into the olive oil fried chickn at BBQ Chicken at DJs, they are just expensive.

I dunno... I try to discuss the opinion and not the poster... but people feel that those are one and the same.

And irvinecommuter... your face is a small lot. :)

The place inside Zion Market (Yale) is pretty good.

Good..less facial wash for me to buy.

BBQ Chicken in DJ is also good. It's better to call togo order ahead of time since they usually get busy and don't know how to serve people.
Chan Chan in Culver mall is also pretty good. They have good quality meat on the fried chicken. You might just feel a little sleepy after eating it though.

As for silencing other members and expressing one's opinions on this board, let's not get too personal. I mean there is a reason why there is a silence function here so that BTB can speak freely without being threatened or feeling too much hate. It's a internet forum. You should be able to express what you believe and stand proud. It doesn't mean BTB is always right nor does it really affect someone to vote No on B.  Do you really think No on B was voted because of BTB's expression here? Do you really think Delano is selling well because of his promotion on TI?

Irvinecommuter said:

Seriously...I usually draw the line on personal attacks.  It's not needed and non-productive.

I agree.. A forum started by IHO titled 'Chicken' should be in the food section.
Burn That Belly said:
listen man I know you?re going thru the devastation and disbelief with the defeat of Meas B. along with the missed Delano train, but we?re all here for you.

i know i know how it feels. Even rizdak and compressed-village went radio silent after measure B.  ;) Everybody processes it differently.

Just because you keep thinking and posting that doesn't make it true. I didn't even vote on Measure B because as I said, it doesn't bother me.

And I would never buy an attached property... I still dislike Laguna Altura and look at that ROI... because ROI is not my primary concern.

But we all know one thing... you can't handle opposing opinions (like someone else here) which is why you silence them.

In the words of Russell Peters:
Mety said:
As for silencing other members and expressing one's opinions on this board, let's not get too personal. I mean there is a reason why there is a silence function here so that BTB can speak freely without being threatened or feeling too much hate.

Sure, but bragging about it and even posting examples of how he "silenced" them... so weak. That's like a Focus pretending it's a BMW.

It's a internet forum. You should be able to express what you believe and stand proud.

How do you do that if you are being silenced? So BTB can post whatever he wants ad infinitum but doesn't address everyone's counters? That's lame... and cowardly.

It doesn't mean BTB is always right nor does it really affect someone to vote No on B.  Do you really think No on B was voted because of BTB's expression here? Do you really think Delano is selling well because of his promotion on TI?

Did I ever say it did? All I did was present counter arguments to his attached townhome posts trying to show the other side the equation and instead of countering rationally, he brings Measure B into the discussion (which I didn't even refer to in the Altair thread) and says I worship IHS as a god (when I barely even mention him).

I get it, BTB is the king of hypebole, but when he start to say that I'm stating things that I'm not... that's when he's gonna get pushback. He can do all this "I can be louder than you" tactics all he wants, but what kind of credibility does a guy have when he changes his user name a dozen times, talks up a hood that he actually already bought in (yeah, we all remember that) and then refers to his other screen names as a different poster.

On the whole, I tend to ignore Belly's antics, but if I think $1m for an attached townhome is crazy... I have the right to say that don't I?
Irvinecommuter said:
I totally missed this whole thing.  I didn't realize the whole Prop B thing was that impactful.

Neither did I. I don't even know if I posted in a Measure B thread.

But BTB brings it up whenever I make fun of attached townhomes. It's his "I know you are but what am I" meme.
Burn That Belly said:
I started to silence CV (after I gave him numerous warnings) since his attacks got personal. He threatened to ptsd me. Don?t know about you but that is quite an uncivil like behavior for a grown man. There was no point to even have a fruitful debate with a combative post traumatic stressed out individual. Rizdak was just another annoying offspring of his that also brought zero value to the debate.

Links? Let the people decide.
So wait, where is the part where Rizdak was getting personal?

According to that thread, he was the first one you blanked and it seemed only because he was disagreeing with you. Or did I read that wrong?

And then you blanked out CV but because you were insulting veterans (which I assume he is) and then he got offended? It's hard to tell because many of your posts in that thread are edited after the fact so who knows what kind of BTB inflammatory remarks you were making.

I've been threatened with physical violence on this forum (I think by the same poster who parking lot challenged another member that he thought was female) and it didn't phase me.

Get some thicker skin grasshopper!! Especially if you are going to call them out in posts like you did today... that's so weak... maybe you aren't YF/MJ/GMX... they wouldn't run.