5 Random Things About Me



So kind of like that old Facebook thing where you were supposed to list 25 random things about yourself. I didn't do it myself, but I enjoyed reading my friends' lists. Maybe we can each list 5?


1. I tend to hate certain foods that other people love, such as strawberries, cheesecake, and cinnamon.

2. I'm pretty sure I have mild OCD as I obsessively count how many times I do things (like rinse my face, etc) and I have to end on an even number.

3. I hate rollercoasters.

4. I secretly think I might be kind of a good singer.

5. The most interesting place I've ever visited is Pompeii in Italy.

And you, my friends?
[quote author="traceimage"]So kind of like that old Facebook thing where you were supposed to list 25 random things about yourself. I didn't do it myself, but I enjoyed reading my friends' lists. Maybe we can each list 5?


1. I tend to hate certain foods that other people love, such as strawberries, cheesecake, and cinnamon.

2. I'm pretty sure I have mild OCD as I obsessively count how many times I do things (like rinse my face, etc) and I have to end on an even number.

3. I hate rollercoasters.

4. I secretly think I might be kind of a good singer.

5. The most interesting place I've ever visited is Pompeii in Italy.

And you, my friends?[/quote]

Isn't no.3 a contradiction to '5' items
[quote author="traceimage"]So kind of like that old Facebook thing where you were supposed to list 25 random things about yourself. I didn't do it myself, but I enjoyed reading my friends' lists. Maybe we can each list 5?


1. I tend to hate certain foods that other people love, such as strawberries, cheesecake, and cinnamon.

2. I'm pretty sure I have mild OCD as I obsessively count how many times I do things (like rinse my face, etc) and I have to end on an even number.

3. I hate rollercoasters.

4. I secretly think I might be kind of a good singer.

5. The most interesting place I've ever visited is Pompeii in Italy.

And you, my friends?[/quote]
I'll twist your game and match your random things to me:

1. Love those things you listed but don't like most seafood.

2. I don't have OCD but I think I have obsessive behavior... like posting so much on TI.

3. I love rollercoasters.

4. I like to sing... and I think it's good... but others don't agree.

5. Been there... but I found the island of Burano to stick in my head more:
I have worn a Cheerleader's dress and it wasn't on Halloween.

I have woken myself once after spending the night lying in a gutter (ahh college.. I think I remember those days)

I've not used my handgun since 2006.

My screenplay was optioned.

I was a kick ass fencer.
IHO, I love seafood. You are like the exact opposite of me.

SGIP, what does it mean that your screenplay was optioned? I tried to write a screenplay once and it sucked.
1. I hate onions
2. I'm a bad liar
3. I love McDonald's BBQ sauce
4. I've been known to pay poker for 12+ hours on several occasions
5. I get cold anytime it gets below 60
1. I love red sauce, but cannot gag down a raw tomato. Those slimy seeds freak me out.

2. I lived in San Juan, Puerto Rico for three years (age 19-22). That worked out pretty good for me.

3. I was in the Navy for four years, but never stepped foot on a ship.

4. I've had to take traffic school in three different states. Does that mean I'm three times as good a driver? Don't answer that.

5. I'm a pretty big fan of women's figure skating. I've been looking forward to it since the Olympics started.

6. Bonus Fact: If you are unfortunate enough to be sitting next to me at a bar, there is a better than average chance you will be forced to drink a shot of Jagermeister. People really hate me for that. ;D
1. I have mild allergy to shellfish, usually with crabs. I do OK with moderate amount of shrimp and clams.
2. There are few foods that I can't handle, such as sundaeguk (Korean blood sausage stew).
3. I'm currently learning wine, and debating on if I should buy the Le Nez Du Vin set.
4. I used to do fencing back in college, but would probably get my arse kicked badly today.
5. The Vietnamese dish b?nh cuốn is served with nước chấm sauce, which is supposed to be infused with c? cuống, the essence of a giant male water bug pheromone.


Had a screenplay that was co-written with a college friend with some entertainment industry connections. He passed it around, eventually an Agency wrote us a check - a small one, but still, and put it infront of decision makers who over time passed it by. It was a fleeting shot at possible fame. Just like the time I auditioned for Wipeout.

1. I've lot 18 lbs by just eating a big breakfast and a small dinner.
2. I'm studying to get my realtor license.
3. I'm not good at fencing, but i'm decent with saber, katana, rapier and escrima sticks
4. I don't think my marriage will survive the year... <!-- s:( --:mad:<!-- s:( -->
5. I'm currently driving a convertable now...
[quote author="biscuitninja"]
4. I don't think my marriage will survive the year... <!-- s:( --:mad:<!-- s:( -->[/quote]

I'm sorry to read that, Bix. I remember your posts about how much you love your wife. You also took great care in designing special jewelry for her and enjoy dancing together. It seems sort of unexpected. I hope you two can give it your best and survive.
[quote author="SoCal78"]
[quote author="biscuitninja"]
4. I don't think my marriage will survive the year... <!-- s:( --:mad:<!-- s:( -->[/quote]

I'm sorry to read that, Bix. I remember your posts about how much you love your wife. You also took great care in designing special jewelry for her and enjoy dancing together. It seems sort of unexpected. I hope you two can give it your best and survive. [/quote]
Yeah, sorry, Bix.
You know you have friends here for support.
1) I hate seafood but inexplicably love sushi and Fillet-o-fishes.
2) I drink too much on the weekends
3) I don't understand why my wife puts up with me.
4) I don't understand how people live inland.
5) I ran with bulls for 5 years in a row and never got a scratch.
[quote author="SoCal78"]
[quote author="biscuitninja"]
4. I don't think my marriage will survive the year... <!-- s:( --:mad:<!-- s:( -->[/quote]

I'm sorry to read that, Bix. I remember your posts about how much you love your wife. You also took great care in designing special jewelry for her and enjoy dancing together. It seems sort of unexpected. I hope you two can give it your best and survive. [/quote]

Thanks all, its a tough time, but it seems that she does not want to work for the marriage anymore and would perfer her freedom. The decision is still being made, but we will see. I'm trying, but i seem to be the only one.

Again, thanks all, hope things are going better for all.

From the wedding photos and jewelry photo you posted a long time ago we know that you love your wife very much. Mending a relationship is like trying to patch a roof in the rain. It is a very hard thing to do and it still leaks after many attempts.

I hope for the best would turn out best for you that regardless of what happens that there will be a great ballroom dance partner in your future and keep your guns locked.
[quote author="biscuitninja"]
[quote author="SoCal78"]

I'm sorry to read that, Bix. I remember your posts about how much you love your wife. You also took great care in designing special jewelry for her and enjoy dancing together. It seems sort of unexpected. I hope you two can give it your best and survive. [/quote]

Thanks all, its a tough time, but it seems that she does not want to work for the marriage anymore and would perfer her freedom. The decision is still being made, but we will see. I'm trying, but i seem to be the only one.

Again, thanks all, hope things are going better for all.[/quote]

Bix, you keep trying brother. Every marriage has its struggles, but it is the deep unconditional love you have for your spouse that keeps the marriage together. You can't give up even though your wife wants out of the marriage. I have a very close college friend who's marriage looked completely hopeless. I will never forget that day... as i saw every wedding picture cut up into pieces with a scissor and shattered plates and cups on the kitchen floor when i rushed over to his house after a major fight. Though his wife wanted out and told him that she no longer loved him, my friend wanted it to work and did everything he possibly can to keep it together. He was incredibly patient with her and loved her unconditionally and after about 1.5 years, the wife slowly came around and now they have now have great marriage with two beautiful kids. You hang in there Bix and you don't give up.

Thank you for sharing.
[quote author="Panda "]You hang in there Bix and you don't give up.
I'm glad you still post here Panda... great story... there is always hope.

Keep your chin up and always remember that...

A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn. ~Author Unknown
There was an article on the internet about a woman whose husband after 10 yrs wanted out of the relationship. She knew it wasn't about her and did not fall victim to the "O woe is me" attitude. She ignored her husbands apathetic attitude towards her and just lived her life and let her husband do whatever he wanted. She never showed anger and was basically neutral to friendly. After a year or so, her husband came around and began doing stuff with the family again, and apparently all is well.

I think the article title was something about treating your significant other like a 5 yr old having a temper tantrum.
OLD thread.

1. I am the only one of my friends who does not have a passport. Aside from a half-day trip to Mexico, I have never stepped foot outside the continental United States! I think the international crowd here on TI would think that's strange.

2. I like old-fashioned things that don't depend on modern conveniences. For ex: I use a wind-up, pendulum clock. I admire cultures like the Amish, who, more or less live off the grid.

3. I think I come off very boring online because it's hard to detect tone. I usually don't mean the posts as serious as they sound and I don't think I "read" anything like my real self in person. My real-life friends and family tell me I am very funny. Basically, I don't feel it's possible to really know people we meet here.

4. I know how to pronounce: Parangaricutirimicuaro

5. I think you can tell a lot about people by their magazine subscriptions. Mine have been: Taste of Home (Cooking), Motor Trend Magazine (automotive), Martha Stewart Living (lifestyle), Money Magazine.