30 Day Fitness Challenge

SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
100 squats, and 100 lunges mid way, done!

Wow, that's impressive! I find squats to be the hardest thing ever!

Well, I can't run to save my life :p My only excuse is, you can't outrun a mountain lion, so why even bother! Squats and lunges are easy to manage for me, so is strength training. For my size, I can lift and push a lot.
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
100 squats, and 100 lunges mid way, done!

Wow, that's impressive! I find squats to be the hardest thing ever!

you should try them with 275 pounds on your back.

You givin' Iho piggy-back rides??

i doubt IHO is that heavy, im guessing 230-240.  i was just curious if you did the squats with weight or just your own body weigt, that is what i used to do reps with back in the day. havent done squats in ages though.
Dear God. I slept for 15 hours last night. Had a terrible dream. My husband was punching me repeatedly and not sorry. I ran away from home with a pregnant belly. Found a new boyfriend. A creep with a white van w/ no windows. He lived in it. He was disgusting but he was all I had, so. He was on the run from the law. I fell 9 stories down and survived with cops chasing me because they thought I was a hooker due to being seen with him. I got away but then caught my disgusting boyfriend in the act with a dwarf. I was so upset from this white trash nightmare that was my life. I woke up and whacked Mr. SoCal on the back.

Hopefully my racing heart and extra rest burned lots of calories.
SoCal said:
Dear God. I slept for 15 hours last night. Had a terrible dream. My husband was punching me repeatedly and not sorry. I ran away from home with a pregnant belly. Found a new boyfriend. A creep with a white van w/ no windows. He lived in it. He was disgusting but he was all I had, so. He was on the run from the law. I fell 9 stories down and survived with cops chasing me because they thought I was a hooker due to being seen with him. I got away but then caught my disgusting boyfriend in the act with a dwarf. I was so upset from this white trash nightmare that was my life. I woke up and whacked Mr. SoCal on the back.

Hopefully my racing heart and extra rest burned lots of calories.

Your posts always bring a smile or giggle to me... Thank you  :D
I've worked a Chicken Pot Pie into our daily calorie count. Or, my Chicken Pot Pie with "Magic Happy Top" as Mr. SoCal calls it.  ;) You don't want to know how many calories I've put in this thing - mainly the puffy lattice top crust which can be easily removed if necessary. The point is... if you're good... if you've had oatmeal for breakfast.... and fruit for lunch... and 100 cal-snack packs in between.... you can eat this and still lose weight

Oh. And it's Iho's fault. I was fine with having an apple for dinner until I read the dining thread.
homer_simpson said:
any progress updates??

I've hit my goal and now I'm in maintanence mode of 40-40-20 macros.. IIFYM EATING!

So, I went to see friends in the North exactly after a year. People couldn't stop "ooh aah"ing about my new body ;-) (I was at my heaviest last Feb.. ). March fitness: Getting back to working out tonight, and eating clean.

I am not at goal. I am actually moving farther from the goal  :-\
Six weeks to six pack happens only if you spend six days a week eating clean, and working out.. The work-life fulcrum messes me up. If not now, six weeks from now, if not then, there is always summer!
