Search results

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    handrails in front of the house

    has anyone ever put in a handrail in front of the house? with aged family members that could greatly help walking in and out of the house through front door steps. my home is a detached condo, so I don't technically own area in front of the house.
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    Beacon Park Ellwood owners check and recheck your home!!!!!

    I waited a long time till i decided to share my experience with the community here. Here you go Richmond American, Great job building the worst homes in irvine!!! AC unit pipe leak since the home closing in March! i think should rename Ellwood to Ellwoodmold?
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    some interesting plans for the second park in BP

    came across some docs in HOA, shows some planning drawings of the second park in BP. make me starting to guess what's coming.
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    new park near BP Ellwood

    according to five points, the land south of Ellwood/Melody is going to be a park area. Any insiders have details about the park? looks like the contaminated area is right on that area.
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    Ellwood homes

    just wondering if any prospective buyers are still interested in buying Ellwood with current 60K+ price hike and a slowest development in the whole beacon park? they didn't even close one property since August.
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    new construction in the winter rain

    looking at the new construction site at BP, shouldn't those home buyers be worried about the coming winter rain? does anyone think the wet wood/frame could be a problem for new homes?
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    neighbor privacy solutions

    as most of us living in irvine with a tiny little backyard right next to our neighbor's home (zero lot), i want to know other than getting rich and buying a 10M home, how did you cope and solve the issue where your neighbor is peeking through their second floor window into your backyard?
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    new home upgrades

    is it worth it to add some new home upgrades? will the cost counted as the final price of the property thus subject to property tax? any recommendation on what options to pick would be helpful. thanks