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  1. I

    Greetings from Irvinesinglemom!

    Hi there, not sure if many of you will remember me from back in the day at the IHB. Hard to believe it was six years ago now that zovall started the IHB and I wrote a few posts offering a single mother's perspective on the local housing market. Anyway it's been a really long time and I just...
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    Talk Irvine Get Together

    Humph. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> No joy. Brittanie in the WP leasing office showed me the scheduling book; they are already booked for the 30th all day. Back to the drawing board.
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    Talk Irvine Get Together

    Oh hi, I was planning to go to the new model homes all by my lonesome so this gathering sounds like a lot more fun. It looks like nobody signed up to bring salad yet? I'll bring that since it's basically all I eat these days. Spinach, mandarin oranges, cukes, tomatoes, carrotts, zucchini...
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    Real Housewives getting "real"

    Theoretically, sure. Pragmatically, well, I'm all about empirical evidence. You gotta do what you gotta do to play the game, or you just sit on the sidelines.
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    Brazilian Blowout

    Yup, I color. This treatment seals the color in rather than stripping it. I did a Japanese straightening about 4 years ago so I know what I'm talking about - this is so much better than anything I have ever done to my hair...I can't stop checking myself out in every mirror I pass. I look just...
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    Brazilian Blowout

    It's $250, and there was/is a holiday special for $50 off sponsored by BB itself (they reimburse salons), or the option that I took which was to get the shampoo and conditioner for free. You're supposed to use this special stuff so the blowout lasts longer. In my opinion you could also use...
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    Real Housewives getting "real"

    Well, I for one can relate. When you're trying to date, looks are really all that matter. (Having a great personality is worthless if you can't even convince a guy to go on a hike or go for coffee with you)! I'm probably going to get a nose job later on this year, after I lose about 20lbs...
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    Brazilian Blowout

    It's called that just because that's the name of the product that's used in the process. It took about 90 minutes after the initial consultation. Your hair is washed, washed, washed and washed again. (Four times, really!). Then the cream is combed into your hair, it's blown dry, flat ironed...
  9. I

    New Year's Eve plans?

    I'm contemplating having a party (if I believe I can stay up that late). Anybody with little kids (my son is 6, almost 7) wanna come over and hang out with us? We'll have a little food, a little wine, and movies on my new blu-ray/tv setup. I want to invite my son's cousins over but they're...
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    Brazilian Blowout

    I got one today. No, it's NOT what you're thinking! Mayumi at Woodbury's MK Hair Design did it for me. My hair is now wavy instead of super curly, and I feel like a million bucks.
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    Jews with nothing to do on Christmas Eve thread

    I should have posted here about my "Christmas Eve party" for Jewish, secular, or single parents without their kids that I had. Next year I'll definitely do that 'cause there is NOTHING to do on Christmas Eve! Normally at least I get to hang with my little one, you know? Not this year - he was...
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    Irvine Anecdotes

    My son just earned his yellow belt at Woodbury's Elite Fitness tonight, and Master Doug had us all laughing with his usual nonstop stream of hysterically funny comments. Then we walked home with the chew monster aka puppy. Frequently, I go to Trader Joe's or the cleaner's while he's in TKD...
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    Things You Wish You Could Tell People

    To the principal of Woodbury Elementary School who last week sent home an email grouping single mothers together with widows and the elderly as objects of pity. Please don't assume that just because I'm a single mother, I'm on welfare. I am better educated and make more money than you do. And...
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    Screen Names

    Mine is a shameless plug that I'm perpetually searching for Mr. Right, Act Two.
  15. I

    What happened to the IHB and some suggestions...

    I "karma'd" IR2. Is that the same thing as a thanks? Jeez, I need to sit down and read all the rules of this new site. Thanks everybody for putting it together, and I'm back in the game now. Been out of it for a long time for a number of reasons (high on that list is the amount of time I've...
  16. I

    Irvine Animal Care Center

    Hi strangers, long time no talk! What the hell happened to the forums? Yikes, a gal drops off the face of the planet for a few months and look what happens! I saw this and just wanted to say I was a vendor at the shelter event today and wow, it was really big! I hope lots of dogs and cats...