Search results

  1. K

    Built-in Desk Recommendations

    I need some recommendations for someone to build/install a built in desk. I didnt use the builder upgrades because it was so overpriced. I know Homer and bones discussed something similar in the "Media Niches" thread, but I thought I would start a new one since that thread was old. Any advice...
  2. K

    closing escrow

    Question for brokers, agents and anyone else familiar with closing escrow: Are borrowers ALWAYS the ones responsible for paying an interest rate lock extension penalty when escrow fails to close on time (i.e. within the lock period)? What if the it is not the borrowers fault for escrow failing...
  3. K

    Submitting Landscape Plans for Approval

    I have about 9 months to do the landscaping in my backyard.  Because I have a sub-HOA, I will submit my forms/plans to them. Being technically savvy, I would like to prepare the plans on my own. I could use some advice regarding this process. Does anyone know how detailed the submitted...
  4. K

    Concrete Contractor Recommendations

    New poster and new homeowner in Irvine  :)... I am looking to pour some concrete in my backyard for hardscaping purposes. Can anyone recommend concrete contractors? Also, does anyone know the approximate price of concrete/sq.ft? Thanks!