Talk Irvine Gift Exchange 2011

irvinehomeowner said:
traceimage said:
irvinehomeowner said:

Thanks... nothing's better under the Hannukah tree than Kung Pao Maple Bars.

Still waiting for that pictorial review of Donut Star.

Do you really have a Hanukkah tree? Just wondering because in the preschool thread I think you mentioned you preferred a faith-based school, and all the schools you mentioned having toured were Christian.

(Feel free not to answer as I'm totally prying. I'm not really a stalker, I just play one on the internet...)
You must have missed this post last year:

I'm Jewish Panda... how dare you not include me.

I'm actually celebrating Kwanzaa this year.

(gotta keep the stalkers guessing)

I do remember that one, but then I read the preschool thing and got all thrown off and thought I must have been remembering it wrong, and then there was the Hanukkah tree thing and it started me wondering all over again!

You're so darn mysterious, IHO!
homer_simpson said:

An awesome EZ up canopy


I'm gonna have to bust out one of my favorite pictures from E46 as a response.... :p

roundcorners said:
T-Man: been meaning to get you this... would look great driving your clients around...

That would look great on my white car...I LOVE carbon fiber, it's sooooooooo sexy! :-*