City Election 2014

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Who to vote for? The Choi block or the Agran block? They're flinging the mud so much I have no idea who to vote for. Being a liberal, I'd prefer the "liberal" Agran. But from what I understand, he's quite pro-developer, and has only recently started to back slower-growth policies with a wink-wink to developers that they'll have nothing to worry about. Then I read about the Choi block, and how he's pro-growth, pro-more people in Irvine, which worsens my biggest #1 local concern: traffic.

"Irvine Community News and Views" is a Agran publication.. And they just published:

The other night I got a phone survey regarding the various candidates, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't know much about any of them. And when I sat down to investigate the issues further today, I can't say I'm any better informed or any closer to a decision.

So, what are others' thoughts?
NYT said:
Who to vote for? The Choi block or the Agran block? They're flinging the mud so much I have no idea who to vote for. Being a liberal, I'd prefer the "liberal" Agran. But from what I understand, he's quite pro-developer, and has only recently started to back slower-growth policies with a wink-wink to developers that they'll have nothing to worry about. Then I read about the Choi block, and how he's pro-growth, pro-more people in Irvine, which worsens my biggest #1 local concern: traffic.

"Irvine Community News and Views" is a Agran publication.. And they just published:

The other night I got a phone survey regarding the various candidates, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't know much about any of them. And when I sat down to investigate the issues further today, I can't say I'm any better informed or any closer to a decision.

So, what are others' thoughts?

Just vote Asian. Vote for Choi.  ;)
When you are out driving in Irvine, count the signs of choi and agron.  Whoever has the most signs is the one to vote for. He obviously worked the hardest!
zubs said:
When you are out driving in Irvine, count the signs of choi and agron.  Whoever has the most signs is the one to vote for. He obviously worked the hardest!

I still haven't heard where the $200 million went?
Doesn't seem like any good choices unfortunately. I wish Agran would retire from Irvine politics to give us some new non-tainted choices.
eyephone said:
NYT said:
Who to vote for? The Choi block or the Agran block? They're flinging the mud so much I have no idea who to vote for. Being a liberal, I'd prefer the "liberal" Agran. But from what I understand, he's quite pro-developer, and has only recently started to back slower-growth policies with a wink-wink to developers that they'll have nothing to worry about. Then I read about the Choi block, and how he's pro-growth, pro-more people in Irvine, which worsens my biggest #1 local concern: traffic.

"Irvine Community News and Views" is a Agran publication.. And they just published:

The other night I got a phone survey regarding the various candidates, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't know much about any of them. And when I sat down to investigate the issues further today, I can't say I'm any better informed or any closer to a decision.

So, what are others' thoughts?

Just vote Asian. Vote for Choi.  ;)
Please any better reasons to vote for Choi? I'd like to think there are better reasons.

I know very little about the candidates and haven't been able to find much to go off. Any residents able to weigh in?

I favor slower growth (like most I think) and nothing I've seen the last few years gives me comfort Choi is going to preserve the smart planning Irvine is known for.

Gaido, Fox seem most credible supporting slower growth.

and maybe substitute Lalloway for Agran? At least Lalloway seems to try to extract better deals with developers and would provide  proper checks/balances to Gaido/Fox?
i1 said:
eyephone said:
NYT said:
Who to vote for? The Choi block or the Agran block? They're flinging the mud so much I have no idea who to vote for. Being a liberal, I'd prefer the "liberal" Agran. But from what I understand, he's quite pro-developer, and has only recently started to back slower-growth policies with a wink-wink to developers that they'll have nothing to worry about. Then I read about the Choi block, and how he's pro-growth, pro-more people in Irvine, which worsens my biggest #1 local concern: traffic.

"Irvine Community News and Views" is a Agran publication.. And they just published:

The other night I got a phone survey regarding the various candidates, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't know much about any of them. And when I sat down to investigate the issues further today, I can't say I'm any better informed or any closer to a decision.

So, what are others' thoughts?

Just vote Asian. Vote for Choi.  ;)
Please any better reasons to vote for Choi? I'd like to think there are better reasons.

I know very little about the candidates and haven't been able to find much to go off. Any residents able to weigh in?

I favor slower growth (like most I think) and nothing I've seen the last few years gives me comfort Choi is going to preserve the smart planning Irvine is known for.

Gaido, Fox seem most credible supporting slower growth.

and maybe substitute Lalloway for Agran? At least Lalloway seems to try to extract better deals with developers and would provide  proper checks/balances to Gaido/Fox?

Anyone, except the 200 million man.
I've seen Choi speak before the previous election... he was going on and on about his opponent making false accusations about him which did not endear him to me.

He runs some homework/study business and I think his wife owns a Kumon or two in Irvine.

Not really happy with any of the candidates.

Write in ps9 for Mayor.
irvinehomeowner said:
I've seen Choi speak before the previous election... he was going on and on about his opponent making false accusations about him which did not endear him to me.

He runs some homework/study business and I think his wife owns a Kumon or two in Irvine.

Not really happy with any of the candidates.

Write in ps9 for Mayor.

Write in Qwerty for Mayor.  If we can have a <YOUKNOWWHAT> for President, we can have <YOUKNOWWHAT> for mayor
I don't believe in that slow growth argument. But I do think the $200 or $205 million question is more important. Where did the money go? (Show me the money/invoices)
Agran will say whatever to get votes.  the guy defends the squandering of 200M to the Great Park.  Also, slow growth?  Why.. so he can park more cemeteries in Irvine?
I am OK with cemeteries; it is a good use of a Superfund site, aside from the zombie jokes.

Agran was paying his friend 10k a month for "public relations", which GP residents can do for free on Talk Irvine in order to promote their home values.

He also gifted tens of millions to design firms for designs of things that will never be built. .

with 250 millions wasted, he is either too incompetent or corrupted. either way only the ignorant will vote for him

the fake news paper and sanctioning of any unfavorable comments only show his true character.

Can you imagine he even tried to run for US presidency when he was merely a mayor? This guy's lust for power is unbelievable
Can you say anything positive that he did for Irvine?  You would be more believable if you put some pros in with your cons.
As a newcomer to Irvine, my head is really spinning trying to figure out how to vote in this city election. I've never lived in a place where a local election was so contentious. Agran is accused of corruption for steering over $200 million in Great Park funds to his cronies. Choi and his crew are accused of selling out to Five Points by allowing them to build houses in the Great Park. Is the Great Park audit a genuine attempt to find out what happened or just a smear campaign against Agran?

I've got 2 mail-in ballots (mine and my wife's) sitting on my desk here and no idea how I'm going to vote them.
oc_dreamer said:
As a newcomer to Irvine, my head is really spinning trying to figure out how to vote in this city election. I've never lived in a place where a local election was so contentious. Agran is accused of corruption for steering over $200 million in Great Park funds to his cronies. Choi and his crew are accused of selling out to Five Points by allowing them to build houses in the Great Park. Is the Great Park audit a genuine attempt to find out what happened or just a smear campaign against Agran?

I've got 2 mail-in ballots (mine and my wife's) sitting on my desk here and no idea how I'm going to vote them.

ocd, I can simplify this down to 1 issue for you.  In the last election Choi & gang were voted in because Agran & gang failed to build the park.  Choi therefore was obligated to get the park built.  5P was willing to build the park in exchange for more homes.  No one else has stepped up to the plate.  Therefore Choi took the only offer that was on the table.  So if you want the park built vote Choi, if you don't want it built vote Agran.

everything I said you can easily find a link from the web. Whether you believe the web or not it is up to you.

I credit TIC for the positive things happening/happened in Irvine, not the city council.

zubs said:
Can you say anything positive that he did for Irvine?  You would be more believable if you put some pros in with your cons.