Beacon Park

yaliu07 said:
gasman said:
The cemetery became an issue way after PP marketing material was published.  How is Five Points supposed to retroactively update their marketing?  I am not a fan of Lennar, and by association, would not normally give Five Points benefit of the doubt.  But in this case, I find no fault in Five Points for the cemetery issue.  They're along for the ride as much as all the homebuyers in the area are.

with the benefit of doubt, i will agree with you on PP marketing.  however, 5P still didn't mark "proposed cemetery" location for BP marketing. 

On the other hand, if city/5P introduce something that benefit PP resident LAST YEAR, do you think 5P will update their PP marketing  to reflect the change?

If you are really that unhappy with all this and am scared of ghosts and plummeting resale value, then just sell your house. Based on recent sales in the neighborhood, you'll prob come out ok. Whether you like it or not, the cemetary may be coming. You can't change that but you can change houses.
bones said:
yaliu07 said:
gasman said:
The cemetery became an issue way after PP marketing material was published.  How is Five Points supposed to retroactively update their marketing?  I am not a fan of Lennar, and by association, would not normally give Five Points benefit of the doubt.  But in this case, I find no fault in Five Points for the cemetery issue.  They're along for the ride as much as all the homebuyers in the area are.

with the benefit of doubt, i will agree with you on PP marketing.  however, 5P still didn't mark "proposed cemetery" location for BP marketing. 

On the other hand, if city/5P introduce something that benefit PP resident LAST YEAR, do you think 5P will update their PP marketing  to reflect the change?

If you are really that unhappy with all this and am scared of ghosts and plummeting resale value, then just sell your house. Based on recent sales in the neighborhood, you'll prob come out ok. Whether you like it or not, the cemetary may be coming. You can't change that but you can change houses.

I already kindly suggested that to Yaliu multiple times.

But in Yaliu's defense, maybe the reason why he is not selling the house now is because tax implications. Assuming this is is his primary residence, he should wait two years to sell his home so the gain will be tax free.
There are ways around the gains. Yal could get a drs note saying its severely affecting his health (his TI posts would surely back this up) and he could get a partial exclusion.
yaliu07 said:
with the benefit of doubt, i will agree with you on PP marketing.  however, 5P still didn't mark "proposed cemetery" location for BP marketing. 

On the other hand, if city/5P introduce something that benefit PP resident LAST YEAR, do you think 5P will update their PP marketing  to reflect the change?

Is BP marketing even out yet?  Honestly, marketing is meant to highlight the benefits of moving in to a community.  It's the buyer's job to do due diligence on the pitfalls of moving in to a community.  If the buyer doesn't do his/her research, and buys without knowing about the cemetery, I wouldn't blame 5P.

However, if the issue is "full disclosure", I haven't seen any evidence where 5P is hiding any information about the cemetery.  Most of the information we are getting about the cemetery is from new articles anyway (oc register, la times, whatever), so from a purely marketing point of view, why would 5P put a spotlight on this information, when they are focused on selling the features of the community?

Now, if people asked 5P about the cemetery, and they claimed to have no knowledge or influence in the matter, then I would strongly question their motives/credibility.  But it seems like they are being realistic about the fact that the proposal is in progress, and its location.

Anyway, it's obvious you have very strong feelings about the cemetery, and are very upset about it, so I'm not trying to change your mind. :)
gasman said:
However, if the issue is "full disclosure", I haven't seen any evidence where 5P is hiding any information about the cemetery. 

Speaking of the disclosure from the builder and since now the cemetery might be a real possibility, anyone know if  the latest disclosure from PP or Cypress Village has disclose the possibility of cemetery be build?
fishfinder333 said:
where is cemetery relative to BP? Does anyone have a map?

Courtesy of Yaliu.  Looks like it located by the new high school.,11986.30.html#quickreply
yaliu07 said:
I think this is proposed location

see Img

lnc said:
Speaking of the disclosure from the builder and since now the cemetery might be a real possibility, anyone know if  the latest disclosure from PP or Cypress Village has disclose the possibility of cemetery be build?

PP is basically sold out, so I don't think this is an issue.  Most people that live in PP already know of the situation, and some care passionately about it (some asians), while others (some asians, and most non-asians) simply shrug their shoulders.

I haven't seen any marketing materials for BP, but honestly, there will NOT be any mention of cemetery in any of it.  If you were in marketing, would you put "close proximity, walking distance to proposed veterans' cemetery" in your sales brochures?  Hell no.  However, I'm sure the various builders' sales people will have much better education on the matter in BP, and be able to address buyers' concerns.  Will they generate any printed material on the cemetery?  Not likely.  Will they be willing & able to talk about it with potential buyers?  Absolutely.

I simply don't understand what the issue is and why the blame falls on 5P or the builders to disclose this to potential buyers.  I don't see any marketing materials that show the location of the landfill in any of the PP, Stonegate, or Portola Springs developments, and this was never an issue (at least on this forum).
gasman said:
lnc said:
Speaking of the disclosure from the builder and since now the cemetery might be a real possibility, anyone know if  the latest disclosure from PP or Cypress Village has disclose the possibility of cemetery be build?

PP is basically sold out, so I don't think this is an issue.  Most people that live in PP already know of the situation, and some care passionately about it (some asians), while others (some asians, and most non-asians) simply shrug their shoulders.

I haven't seen any marketing materials for BP, but honestly, there will NOT be any mention of cemetery in any of it.  If you were in marketing, would you put "close proximity, walking distance to proposed veterans' cemetery" in your sales brochures?  Hell no.  However, I'm sure the various builders' sales people will have much better education on the matter in BP, and be able to address buyers' concerns.  Will they generate any printed material on the cemetery?  Not likely.  Will they be willing & able to talk about it with potential buyers?  Absolutely.

I simply don't understand what the issue is and why the blame falls on 5P or the builders to disclose this to potential buyers.  I don't see any marketing materials that show the location of the landfill in any of the PP, Stonegate, or Portola Springs developments, and this was never an issue (at least on this forum).

Love this rant but I think inc is talking about the actual disclosures that you sign :)
bones said:
gasman said:
lnc said:
Speaking of the disclosure from the builder and since now the cemetery might be a real possibility, anyone know if  the latest disclosure from PP or Cypress Village has disclose the possibility of cemetery be build?

PP is basically sold out, so I don't think this is an issue.  Most people that live in PP already know of the situation, and some care passionately about it (some asians), while others (some asians, and most non-asians) simply shrug their shoulders.

I haven't seen any marketing materials for BP, but honestly, there will NOT be any mention of cemetery in any of it.  If you were in marketing, would you put "close proximity, walking distance to proposed veterans' cemetery" in your sales brochures?  Hell no.  However, I'm sure the various builders' sales people will have much better education on the matter in BP, and be able to address buyers' concerns.  Will they generate any printed material on the cemetery?  Not likely.  Will they be willing & able to talk about it with potential buyers?  Absolutely.

I simply don't understand what the issue is and why the blame falls on 5P or the builders to disclose this to potential buyers.  I don't see any marketing materials that show the location of the landfill in any of the PP, Stonegate, or Portola Springs developments, and this was never an issue (at least on this forum).

Love this rant but I think inc is talking about the actual disclosures that you sign :)
I think we discussed this in Yaliu's thread but I'm not aware of any real estate disclosure that includes cemeteries.

It's not really an environmental or noise issue. Do any PP buyers know if there are disclosures about the jail?
irvinehomeowner said:
bones said:
gasman said:
lnc said:
Speaking of the disclosure from the builder and since now the cemetery might be a real possibility, anyone know if  the latest disclosure from PP or Cypress Village has disclose the possibility of cemetery be build?

PP is basically sold out, so I don't think this is an issue.  Most people that live in PP already know of the situation, and some care passionately about it (some asians), while others (some asians, and most non-asians) simply shrug their shoulders.

I haven't seen any marketing materials for BP, but honestly, there will NOT be any mention of cemetery in any of it.  If you were in marketing, would you put "close proximity, walking distance to proposed veterans' cemetery" in your sales brochures?  Hell no.  However, I'm sure the various builders' sales people will have much better education on the matter in BP, and be able to address buyers' concerns.  Will they generate any printed material on the cemetery?  Not likely.  Will they be willing & able to talk about it with potential buyers?  Absolutely.

I simply don't understand what the issue is and why the blame falls on 5P or the builders to disclose this to potential buyers.  I don't see any marketing materials that show the location of the landfill in any of the PP, Stonegate, or Portola Springs developments, and this was never an issue (at least on this forum).

Love this rant but I think inc is talking about the actual disclosures that you sign :)
I think we discussed this in Yaliu's thread but I'm not aware of any real estate disclosure that includes cemeteries.

It's not really an environmental or noise issue. Do any PP buyers know if there are disclosures about the jail?

Yes jail and landfill were both mentioned.
If it's a veterens cemetery that's being built, show a little respect for our veterens that died so that you can come here and buy a house in Irvine. You should consider yourself lucky enough to live here. If not, just go back to China.

cannot build any new cemeteries when there is not enough water for the living.

toady13 said:
If it's a veterens cemetery that's being built, show a little respect for our veterens that died so that you can come here and buy a house in Irvine. You should consider yourself lucky enough to live here. If not, just go back to China.
toady13 said:
If it's a veterens cemetery that's being built, show a little respect for our veterens that died so that you can come here and buy a house in Irvine. You should consider yourself lucky enough to live here. If not, just go back to China.

I love it when people just says "go back to China".  :)

guys, please show some respect to Indian (aka Native American), otherwise go back to <Country>  :)
toady13 said:
If it's a veterens cemetery that's being built, show a little respect for our veterens that died so that you can come here and buy a house in Irvine. You should consider yourself lucky enough to live here. If not, just go back to China.

i still dont understand the praise for veterans. the majority of them dont do it to protect you because they love their country, etc. the majority do it because they have no choice. join the military or go flip burgers or be a janitor. then they come out of the military and we are supposed to bow down to them? give me a break, its a job, you got paid to do it, you arent owed shit afterward. you have all been brainwashed to think military is patriotic, not quite. for some it is, like Pat Tillman who played in the NFL and quit to join go back to the armed forces and was killed. that is a true patriot, the guy who did it to avoid flipping burgers, not so much.
if the military consisted of mostly black and hispanics some how i think it would lose its luster. yep, its always about race.