Anyone here sick and tired of all this home building

I do believe most of TIC public landscaping uses reclaimed water.

I see the signs Tyler mentioned at many of the TIC-owned shopping centers and I recall at Woodbury there were the same signs at the common areas.

Maybe some Stonegate and Cypress Village owners can check their HOA landscaped areas.
Columbus square is serviced by irwd and the HOA covered landscaping uses reclaimed water
You can tell that it is a reclaimed system by the lilac purple color fittings-  but that begs the question- if this is already taking place in Irvine,  why can't individual homeowners also participate?  I know that the laws surrounding water rights/distribution are complicated-  but this seems like a no brainier.
Back on homes are good for business for some folks like me so keep them coming (hopefully ones with good floor plans at decent prices).  ;D
What I'm wondering is Irvine done?

We know most of the TIC projects and the 5P Great Park project, is there anywhere else TIC can build new homes? Is that area near the Verizon Center/Wild Rivers that last one?
frank69m said:
I mean, come one....street traffic now sucks, there are dust plumes all over the Woodbury area, stupid construction trucks and cement mixers all over, parking sucks at most of the strip malls, I have 3 rock dings on my bumper because of all the construction and gravel on the ground (occured over the last 2 months), and worst of all, more and more Fu$#@ Chinese buyers all over.

When will the Irvine City Council and the Irvine company stop this madness.  There was a time where I loved this area. Now, its all downhill and I wanted to thank the buffons on the City Council.

Whoops accidentally hit 'thank you' instead of 'quote'.

I was going to say, I used to love Irvine too but moved not because of all the things 'frank69m' said.  I moved because I fell in love with south county due to the bedroom community feel that Irvine had 10-15 years ago when I originally moved to Irvine from LA county.  I still like Irvine and the food is MUCH better in Irvine and adjacent cities.  I guess I am a burbs type of person.

My only fear is how the freeways are going to handle 10,000 more households if they build out the great park to the number of homes they are trying (or did they get approval?) to increase it to.  I don't think 24/7 traffic on the 5 and 405 will make anyone happy anywhere around and in Irvine.

davenlei said:
My only fear is how the freeways are going to handle 10,000 more households if they build out the great park to the number of homes they are trying (or did they get approval?) to increase it to.  I don't think 24/7 traffic on the 5 and 405 will make anyone happy anywhere around and in Irvine.

Hopefully a lot of the new residents live and work in Irvine and they build roads to connect the great park directly to Technology / Barranca so that there is actually less freeway traffic.

I live and work in Irvine and rarely drive on the freeways. (never drive on them to get to work).
It's gonna be crazy once OH and the Great Park is built out.  Irvine Blvd is gonna be cray cray with all the traffic. 
homer_simpson said:
It's gonna be crazy once OH and the Great Park is built out.  Irvine Blvd is gonna be cray cray with all the traffic.

Culver is already crazy between the 405 and the 5. Sand Canyon is crazy by the RR tracks in the evening.

I don't think traffic in general will be as bad as you think especially with many getting fastrak for the 133.
paperboyNC said:
homer_simpson said:
It's gonna be crazy once OH and the Great Park is built out.  Irvine Blvd is gonna be cray cray with all the traffic.

Culver is already crazy between the 405 and the 5. Sand Canyon is crazy by the RR tracks in the evening.

I don't think traffic in general will be as bad as you think especially with many getting fastrak for the 133.

Portola Pkwy FTW! will be interesting to see what Sand Canyon looks like after all the construction.  The biggest issue there is that there are too many intersections/traffic lights.  Jamboree near the 5 was a mess during construction but it has flowed pretty well since that point even during rush hour.
With all these smart guys living here, can't they figure out how to synchronize the traffic lights?  ::)


Portola Pkwy FTW! will be interesting to see what Sand Canyon looks like after all the construction.  The biggest issue there is that there are too many intersections/traffic lights.  Jamboree near the 5 was a mess during construction but it has flowed pretty well since that point even during rush hour.
irvinehusky said:
With all these smart guys living here, can't they figure out how to synchronize the traffic lights?  ::)
It's very hard to write code to account for "The Darth Vader Effect", "The Texter Syndrome", "I Drive Like Back Home Style", and the lack of a "There should be an upper age limit for driver licenses" rule.
irvinehusky said:
With all these smart guys living here, can't they figure out how to synchronize the traffic lights?  ::)

Portola Pkwy FTW! will be interesting to see what Sand Canyon looks like after all the construction.  The biggest issue there is that there are too many intersections/traffic lights.  Jamboree near the 5 was a mess during construction but it has flowed pretty well since that point even during rush hour.

This I definitely agree with...but part of the problem is that Irvine doesn't control the lights for freeway on/offramps...those are controlled by Caltran IIRC.  Doesn't explain while the other lights are terribly unsynced.
Doesn't "Fuzzy Logic" take care of all that?  LOL.

irvinehomeowner said:
irvinehusky said:
With all these smart guys living here, can't they figure out how to synchronize the traffic lights?  ::)
It's very hard to write code to account for "The Darth Vader Effect", "The Texter Syndrome", "I Drive Like Back Home Style", and the lack of a "There should be an upper age limit for driver licenses" rule.