30 Day Fitness Challenge 2015

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Hi guys,

Bored and trolling through old posts and was wondering if anyone would be interested in ressurecting Farmie's 2013 original 30 day fitness challenge.

I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard. Anyway, very annoyong. But it made me re-evaluate my lifestyle and I feel like I need to re-vamp my diet and exercise to a higher level. I just want to be healthier overall. So I just joined My Fitness Pal and vamped up my exercise. I want to see my progress over the next 30 days.

Anyone interested in doing a 30 day challenge with me?
Sure I'll join you though I don't know the rules... I go from trim and fit to 15-20 pounds overweight every year.

I hide it well cuz I'm tall but time to get fit!
Ok so here were Farmie's rules from his initial post:

1) Setup your own goals... whether it's to lose a pound or two in March.
2) Track the food you eat on your Smart phone or online.
3) Track the exercise you do on your Smart phone or online.
4) Share Tips on eating healthy or exercises.
5) Have Fun!

We need to set a start date - so let's say April 1st, 2015 to allow more people to join and get mentally prepared.
If you wish, you can share your goals for the 30 days with the group - Ex, my goal is to lose 10 lbs and make processed foods less than 10% of my daily intake.

We can share progress, tips along the way.
And at the end of the 30 days - April 30th, 2015 we can share our results  :)

It's always nice to do these things with a support group so hope more can join. Thanks for joining the challenge Aquabliss.
Paris said:
I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard.

Just curious - what type of comments did your guy friend make about your weight?
I'm in!

Hoping to lose 7 pounds by July as I have been slow bulking since November..  I'm currently eating 300 calories under my TDEE to minimize muscle and strength loss. 

I'm on a full body weightlifting program M/W/F and cardio like swimming with the kiddo on Tuesdays.  So far my strength hasn't decreased with my diet.

Hope to lose 3 pounds in April

Good luck all!  8)
Paris said:
I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard.

Maybe you should listen to Christina Aguilera's song Beautiful.

eyephone said:
Paris said:
I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard.

Just curious - what type of comments did your guy friend make about your weight?

If he said your ass is too big your friend is gay because there is no such thing :-)
I'm in!

Hoping to lose 7 pounds by July as I have been slow bulking since November..

That makes two of us. I've been slow bulking since the beefy cheddar crunchwrap slider was introduced by taco bell :-)
eyephone said:
Paris said:
I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard.

Just curious - what type of comments did your guy friend make about your weight?

So some examples:
one day I was wearing a red outfit and he says "looking more like BIG red riding hood than little red riding hood"

He has a big landcruiser and the back of it was open and I went to sit at the back while we were all chatting and he says "whoa be careful, the back of the SUV might collapse"

Then this week I had a really long day, was exhausted, just came down after giving both kids a bath and was starving, hadn't eaten for like 8 hours and was serving myself some lasagna and salad and he says "oh you should take more to eat for YOUR size"  :o WTF??! I was so pissed, I could have thrown the whole plate of food in his face!

Those are just some recent comments, but it's just these annoying side comments like "for your size" - it makes me sound like I'm obese, it's really annoying.  >:( I'm a size 6-7, he makes me sound like a size 16 AND his wife used to be really skinny like a size 0 and she just recently had a baby so she's probably closer to my size now anyway. Really would like to kick him to the curb but can't because he's one of my husband's closest friends, I'm stuck with him  :(

Anyway, I could use losing 10lbs and then maintain with a healthy diet so I'm up for the challenge.
qwerty said:
eyephone said:
Paris said:
I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard.

Just curious - what type of comments did your guy friend make about your weight?

If he said your ass is too big your friend is gay because there is no such thing :-)

Thank you qwerty - I have been told in my "prime" that I have a "PHAT" ass  ;) I'm gonna try and get that back
Paris said:
eyephone said:
Paris said:
I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard.

Just curious - what type of comments did your guy friend make about your weight?

So some examples:
one day I was wearing a red outfit and he says "looking more like BIG red riding hood than little red riding hood"

He has a big landcruiser and the back of it was open and I went to sit at the back while we were all chatting and he says "whoa be careful, the back of the SUV might collapse"

Then this week I had a really long day, was exhausted, just came down after giving both kids a bath and was starving, hadn't eaten for like 8 hours and was serving myself some lasagna and salad and he says "oh you should take more to eat for YOUR size"  :o WTF??! I was so pissed, I could have thrown the whole plate of food in his face!

Those are just some recent comments, but it's just these annoying side comments like "for your size" - it makes me sound like I'm obese, it's really annoying.  >:( I'm a size 6-7, he makes me sound like a size 16 AND his wife used to be really skinny like a size 0 and she just recently had a baby so she's probably closer to my size now anyway. Really would like to kick him to the curb but can't because he's one of my husband's closest friends, I'm stuck with him  :(

Anyway, I could use losing 10lbs and then maintain with a healthy diet so I'm up for the challenge.

Is this guy really fit himself?  If not, I would just make comments right back at him!  Some of those comments are straight up wrong.
How about you turn it into a 30 day mental health challenge and disassociate yourself from such an abusive cad.

Seriously his comments aren't rude, they're targeted to demean and I can only imagine the comments his wife takes.

Paris said:
eyephone said:
Paris said:
I have to share with you the motivation for this. I have a close "guy" family friend who recently has been making side comments about my weight. I'm not over weight on the BMI index and by most standards but I guess this guy likes the "skinny" girls and feels I'm "fat" compared to that standard.

Just curious - what type of comments did your guy friend make about your weight?

So some examples:
one day I was wearing a red outfit and he says "looking more like BIG red riding hood than little red riding hood"

He has a big landcruiser and the back of it was open and I went to sit at the back while we were all chatting and he says "whoa be careful, the back of the SUV might collapse"

Then this week I had a really long day, was exhausted, just came down after giving both kids a bath and was starving, hadn't eaten for like 8 hours and was serving myself some lasagna and salad and he says "oh you should take more to eat for YOUR size"  :o WTF??! I was so pissed, I could have thrown the whole plate of food in his face!

Those are just some recent comments, but it's just these annoying side comments like "for your size" - it makes me sound like I'm obese, it's really annoying.  >:( I'm a size 6-7, he makes me sound like a size 16 AND his wife used to be really skinny like a size 0 and she just recently had a baby so she's probably closer to my size now anyway. Really would like to kick him to the curb but can't because he's one of my husband's closest friends, I'm stuck with him  :(

Anyway, I could use losing 10lbs and then maintain with a healthy diet so I'm up for the challenge.
Paris said:
Those are just some recent comments, but it's just these annoying side comments like "for your size" - it makes me sound like I'm obese, it's really annoying.  >:( I'm a size 6-7, he makes me sound like a size 16 AND his wife used to be really skinny like a size 0 and she just recently had a baby so she's probably closer to my size now anyway. Really would like to kick him to the curb but can't because he's one of my husband's closest friends, I'm stuck with him  :(

Anyway, I could use losing 10lbs and then maintain with a healthy diet so I'm up for the challenge.

Sorry should have read further. DH needs to step up. Have you mention the rude comments from his "friend".

And to be cynical. Did that clown, Cad boy we'll call him, ever make a comment back in the day about your PHAT ass. Cuz frankly his behavior has the stink of a guy trying to knock down your self esteem so he can hit on you.  Hubby being a friend or not, married or not, new baby and wife now "bigger" than his ideal, time for an ego boost,  that's my read.
Paris said:
And at the end of the 30 days - April 30th, 2015 we can share our results  :)

It's always nice to do these things with a support group so hope more can join. Thanks for joining the challenge Aquabliss.
I am in.  Start date April 1, 2015.  :D
1) Setup your own goals... Lose 2 inches off of waist
2) Track the food you eat on your Smart phone or online. - My fitness Pal
3) Track the exercise you do on your Smart phone or online. My fitness pal
4) Share Tips on eating healthy or exercises. Cut out sweeet
5) Have Fun!

ps9 said:
I'm gonna start an opposing thread to this to balance the universe....

Yes. I'm feeling quite guilty. Just ate a big bowl of Taiwanese rice noodle from ren for breakfast.