You Know You're Addicted to IHB When the Site Goes Down And... (Complete the Sentence)


New member
... you try to read cached copies stored by Google with the hope that you'll see SOME of the posts that you missed while at work that day.

... you continuously hit the refresh button.

... you end up watching a Bravo tv show about snotty, wealthy, NYC prep school kids.
you rack your brain trying to figure out what you possibly could have done to get yourself banned (again, right zovall ;-P ).
[quote author="tmare" date=1248344167]you rack your brain trying to figure out what you possibly could have done to get yourself banned (again, right zovall ;-P ).</blockquote>

Me too!!!
[quote author="IrvineRealtor" date=1248344619]...your productivity quadruples. :shut:</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />
... you can still see the IHB logo because it's burned into your retina.

... you begin going through the stages of grief. Shock, anger, depression, bargaining, acceptance... but you're having trouble returning to meaningful life and you know that's not healthy.
You restart your computer, switch to IE, and log in from another computer to see if it was you, or IHB.

And you repeat switching to IE tab every hour to see if it works now.
[quote author="Sunshine" date=1248344037]...

... you end up watching a Bravo tv show about snotty, wealthy, NYC prep school kids.</blockquote>

I did this too! But even more pathetically, after the show, I googled all the cast members to try to find out which prep schools they go to, and how their families got so rich.
you contemplate calling or sending an angry letter to the Irvine company to tell them to stop hacking websites that aren't controlled by them