Would you help out a neighbor?

AV Paperboy_IHB

New member
<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>Been reading the forums for a while now and enjoying everything about this blog. Here is my question/problem;</p>

<p>I live in South OC, Aliso to be exact, and have a neighbor that's been trying to sell her place for the last month or so. Last night we were talking and she mentioned she's had exactly 1 viewing in a month. More troubling than the crumbling OC real estate market however is the fact that she mentioned she just put in an offer on ANOTHER 1 bedroom around the corner in Laguna HIlls and was excited because the seller accepted her offer of $327k when they were asking $349k. Oh, and the best part. She is going to rent out her current place for below market value and eat about $500 a month on the current place (my guess based on what she paid). I could not even respond. She is buying a 1,000 square foot one bedroom at the end of November, upgrading only from a 650 square foot one bedroom!! Thus the topic of my post. I do not know this neighbor all that well, however I feel like she is making a HUGE mistake. Do I say something?</p>
AV - That is probably it. I find no one wants my opinion unless they ask for it. And even then, most of the time it is just a set-up so they can express their own opinion.
Completely agree, people generally patiently pretend to listen until it's their turn to talk. Ah well. Should be interesting to sit back and watch what happens.
<p>Wouldn't that be a riot if this happened to IR?</p>

<p>He's walking his dog and a neighbor who is just a casual acquaintance oblivous to the blog asks IR's opinion about home sales. The neighbor, "So, do you follow the housing market that much?"</p>
<p>I would advise them of reading this blog. I can't let people take bad decisions without trying to help them</p>

<p>Why nobody understands what is going on in the real world? WAKE UP PEOPLE! </p>
<p>I have a similar thing with a coworker who lives in Irvine. She had a condo and sold it for a nice gain a few months back. They then spent I think around 900K for a place in North Park. She knew all about my troubles with my house but the phrase "Irvine will never go down" was used. She also said it didn't matter cause they were going to live there a long time and if it went down, they would just get their taxes adjusted (something like 15g a year now). To make it even more interesting, her husband works in IT at Standard Pacific Homes, whose stock is in freefall and is top 3 on a list of homebuilders most likely to go under. <a href="http://www.creditbubblestocks.com/2007/09/standard-pacific-troubled-hovnanian.html">http://www.creditbubblestocks.com/2007/09/standard-pacific-troubled-hovnanian.html</a>. She says that since they build high end homes they will be fine. </p>

<p>Its a tough one cause I know she is tired of hearing me in my cubicle chearleading the downfall and "advising" against buying but I also can't be like "you might want to tell your husband to start looking for a new job". </p>
i always tell people about this blog and leave it at that. i've gotten some comments before about why i would subject myself to this blog given i own a home in irvine, as if the learning more about the local housing mkt, economy, and community ends the day you close escrow. it seems that for so many permabulls, deluding themselves is more impt than knowledge and awareness.