World Economic Forum 2009

Congrats on 1000!

It wasn't just Putin. China also jumped on the "bash America" bandwagon.

If we are really honest, we deserve it too. We lived on credit that was based on our ability to pay taxes that were never raised or collected and, for most years, accompanied by government spending on anything that brought in votes. By allowing out currency to become the defacto world currency, we allowed our manufacturers to be undercut while decreasing our buying power.

The best part of this depression will be that we, as a country, will be able to revalue our own currency in relation to the world and begin living within both our means and to our true domestic potential.
Interesting read and congrats! I know Putin enjoys this probably more than anybody. It was US that pushed Russia to democracy...which failed. This is his way of saying..."Haha, communism is best after all and looks like you are heading that way too. I welcome you my Western friends!"
Man! I want to become McMansion too like Skek! I wonder if Nude will give me 256 of his post points before he leaves IHB... Perhaps i should PM him and ask before it is too late. OMG!, BV is catching up fast. I better keep posting.

Sad Panda.
<em>"Listening to the big wigs at Davos was like listening to a conference of the Liar?s Club because nobody can really be as stupid as what those guys are selling."</em>

- James Sinclair
I think the exact quote was something like "noone has starved in Gaza over the last several weeks". Obviously it didn't pass the stink test with homeboy who bailed.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1233285827]I think the exact quote was something like "noone has starved in Gaza over the last several weeks". Obviously it didn't pass the stink test with homeboy who bailed.</blockquote>

This is probably factually true. I'd bet that hardly anyone in Palestine dies from cancer too, as that is an "affliction" of affluent nations with ageing populations. I believe the leading cause of death over there is "lead poisoning"!
[quote author="skek" date=1233301082]More on Putin...

Apparently many attendees felt in person what I saw on TV, which is that Putin was gloating over the Americans in his speech. Following the speech, Putin engaged in a Q&A session. One of the questioners (in a meet-up that could only happen in Davos), was Michael Dell. Here's how Jay Nordlinger tells the story:

<blockquote>After Putin?s speech, in a Q&A, Michael Dell says that he, too, was particularly interested in what the prime minister had to say about overweening government. He says that he was surprised?as well he might have been. He then asks Putin?if I have heard him correctly?what the world can do to help Russia in the area of computerization: getting people, particularly young people, online.

Putin says (I paraphrase), ?We don?t need any help. We are a strong country. Invalids need help, children need help, developing countries need help.? The Russian journalists around me shriek with delight. Putin continues, ?Our computer experts are as good as anybody, and I think even the Indians will admit this.? More shrieks of delight.

It is interesting to see journalists take such pride in their national leader abroad. I have a feeling they will not be writing anything too critical?which in any case is prudent of them.</blockquote></blockquote>

I was watching CNBC today when they reported on this. I saw the video footage (with audio translations) and the text above is about right. My jaw actually dropped. Putin totally bitch-slapped Dell.
[quote author="skek" date=1233492531]Don't know about you, but I felt my blood pressure rising reading all of the denials or responsibility coming out of Davos this year.

Article <a href="">here</a>.

Here's the most obnoxious quote:

<blockquote>One Davos regular, Washington-based Carlyle Group?s managing director David Rubenstein, said he thinks a key issue at this year?s gathering is ?who is at fault.? Yet Rubenstein, who was saying at Davos two years ago that the outlook for leveraged buyouts was ?very robust,? says responsibility shouldn?t be tied only to him or his industry.

?There are six billion people on the face of the earth, and probably about five billion participated in what went on,? Rubenstein said in an interview. ?Everybody participated in some way or shape or form.?</blockquote></blockquote>

Find me some articles and quotes from last year, 2007, and 2006. You want obnoxious, then get the quotes from then to compare YOY. Maybe if people actually listened to <a href="">Dr. Doom and Gloom</a> when he spoke we wouldn't be here. I clearly remember being challenged that the OC job market would not suffer nearly as much as I predicted at one point, and now my reality has come to fruition and worse than I expected. You can say we should have listened, but many of us were preaching on deaf ears. Had they only listened to us then. Where would we be now? Where was this criticism in 2006 and 2007? I don't think you would be on the same page as you are now as you were then. Am I right? Sorry to call it like it is. But, where were you and other people with your beliefs then? We saw this coming, and we have no one to blame other than those who would not listen. That is where you can point the finger.