Woodbury East Opening July 11, 2009

[quote author="ABC123" date=1253160017][quote author="Spinderella" date=1253153151]Oh, joy. That sounds like it's going to be wonderful!

One other side note about WE "Ivy", when we asked some questions to the sales people -- they were quick to say how these homes were selling like hotcakes. They tried to stress about their "pre-approved" application process that you do from home before coming in to buy one of these homes and how just in the first 1/2 hour they were opened that day, that four units were sold immediately. I asked, "Were they sold to people that all knew each other?" He was dumbfounded. Seriously, this man couldn't believe that I knew that they were clearly purchased by a family that went "all in" on this little investment. They could easily now put doors up between the units connecting walls and be one big happy family, no?

Yet another reason we're seriously considering moving out of this area. Such a shame.</blockquote>

Since I am mathematically challenged, can you tell me would you be paying more in terms of mello-roos and property taxes to buy a 4-plex of Ivy homes for I'm guessing $1.6 million or one of those big houses <a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Irvine/66-Eclipse-92620/home/5958810">like this in Woodbury</a> or one in <a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Irvine/114-Retreat-92603/home/5902872">Quail Hill</a>.</blockquote>

You can't quantify the benefits because you are comparing apple to oranges. What single family tract home anywhere in Irvine has an 8 car garage, 10 bedrooms, 4 laundry rooms, 4 kitchens, 4 living rooms, 4 dining rooms, and 12 bathrooms for 1.7 million and no yard maintenance! Perfect for Chinese urban dwellers. Some living rooms could be converted movie theatre, Mah Jong game room, karaoke den and super dining room for all 4 related families. Some kitchens are dedicated just for Shrimp paste, Frying fish, and other delicacies.
According to Spinderella, the laundry rooms and garages are going to be used for bedrooms. If you buy a house with a yard, I'm sure you can pitch a few dozen tents there.
[quote author="ABC123" date=1253161275]According to Spinderella, the laundry rooms and garages are going to be used for bedrooms. If you buy a house with a yard, I'm sure you can pitch a few dozen tents there.</blockquote>

Many families do not need the 8 car garage and decided to convert some to sleeping area for the SGV kid relatives so they all can go to an Irvine school. I think the Chinese found a way to beat the system and setting up some boarding for relatives children. Sounds like another "wierd" thing that keeps up with Irvine's reputation.
Spinderella, I hope you are not anywhere related to real estates profession if you are I suggest you should stay low and be quiet for a while. Do not disclose where you live in Woodbury SW quadrant. Trust me it is for your own good. Your neighborhood watch program is a source to locate you. Irvine has its darkside.
Man, that must be a full time job for Spinderella to keep tabs on ALL those pesky, crime causing Asians in Irvine. And I admire her dedication as leader of the local Pro-Diversity But Anti-Asian Group... I mean ?neighborhood watch?, to learn Chinese so that she can eavesdrop on their diabolical plans to buy entire rows of condos and move in 88 of their closest relatives into each unit. Nobody pulls the wool over Spinderella?s eyes?
I like Spinderella. I thought her observation was insightful. She does not need to understand the language because body language and gesture motion are universal.
[quote author="ABC123" date=1253160017]Since I am mathematically challenged, can you tell me would you be paying more in terms of mello-roos and property taxes to buy a 4-plex of Ivy homes for I'm guessing $1.6 million or one of those big houses <a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Irvine/66-Eclipse-92620/home/5958810">like this in Woodbury</a> or one in <a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Irvine/114-Retreat-92603/home/5902872">Quail Hill</a>.</blockquote>

[quote author="bkshopr" date=1253161788]Many families do not need the 8 car garage and decided to convert some to sleeping area for the SGV kid relatives so they all can go to an Irvine school. I think the Chinese found a way to beat the system and setting up some boarding for relatives children. Sounds like another "wierd" thing that keeps up with Irvine's reputation.</blockquote>

<strong>bkshopr</strong> has the right answer. If everything is centrally located (I mean really, next door?!), why would they have to invest in only one home? This would allow them to be connected, quite literally, and allow for them to all be citizens in the same area while using our public schools and facilities without anyone really knowing. They know it's illegal, but they don't care.

[quote author="bkshopr" date=1253162450]Spinderella, I hope you are not anywhere related to real estates profession if you are I suggest you should stay low and be quiet for a while. Do not disclose where you live in Woodbury SW quadrant. Trust me it is for your own good. Your neighborhood watch program is a source to locate you. Irvine has its darkside.</blockquote>

I have zero involvement or relation to the real estate world. I doubt anyone would truly find me. My neighborhood watch program is localized enough that no one would catch on (it's not a registered one, but something that was created for our own protection and to keep Irvine out of our hair since clearly they don't care enough to do anything to help us).

[quote author="kwest" date=1253183903]Man, that must be a full time job for Spinderella to keep tabs on ALL those pesky, crime causing Asians in Irvine. And I admire her dedication as leader of the local Pro-Diversity But Anti-Asian Group... I mean ?neighborhood watch?, to learn Chinese so that she can eavesdrop on their diabolical plans to buy entire rows of condos and move in 88 of their closest relatives into each unit. Nobody pulls the wool over Spinderella?s eyes?</blockquote>

HA! I love this. Actually, I'm not Anti-Asian, but I'm Anti-any group that chooses to create an environment that is unsafe, un-American and takes perfectly good jobs, homes, etc. for where other honest, tax-paying citizens live.

Like <strong>bkshopr</strong> said, it doesn't take much to spot those that are guilty of committing crimes or some form of injustice. And please, a lot of those that feel so entitled to do so, will commit a crime right in front of you. They don't care. Plus, living in Irvine is almost like living in other Spanish-speaking communities throughout Southern California; you start to pick up on key words and as well as the gestures. Plus, there is always at least one English speaking member in the pack who has to explain things to the young children who seem to only speak English, too.
Clearly, Irvine is in dire straights, having been named America's safest city for the 5th year in a row.

It's almost as ridiculous to blame the influx of non-caucasians to Irvine contributing to an "unsafe, un-American" environment, as it is to say your community watch group is nothing more than a bunch of Republican, undoubtedly WHITE retirees with nothing better to do.

But it's wrong to make assumptions, right? So let's not.
And strangely, I was reminded of a video.

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
[quote author="Artie_Ziff" date=1253264686]Clearly, Irvine is in dire straights, having been named America's safest city for the 5th year in a row.

It's almost as ridiculous to blame the influx of non-caucasians to Irvine contributing to an "unsafe, un-American" environment, as it is to say your community watch group is nothing more than a bunch of Republican, undoubtedly WHITE retirees with nothing better to do.

But it's wrong to make assumptions, right? So let's not.</blockquote>

Really? Because the people we had to deal with not that long ago that broke into one of the Woodbury Clubhouses were ALL CAUCASIAN and came from an entirely different county. They claimed to be (two of them) Marines on leave and were just looking for a good time. So sadly, there are two of America's finest not being very respectful to the other civilians around them.

My issue isn't about non-Caucasians, but more me clarifying something I observed while viewing the IVY models on more than one occasion. Again, I don't care what race people are, if they're doing something to muck up a place where I pay a lot of money to live and be safe in and all the IPD is going to do is give them a slap on the wrist, I have a right to vocalize my concern and outrage. I take pride in saying that I live in "America's safest city", but when I see that crimes aren't being reported properly, and people that are intoxicated are being allowed to drive home and nothing is done about it, then yes, I have to question what exactly is going on in Irvine. I have MANY friends who are Asian, African-American, Hispanic and that are gay, bi-sexual, whatever other "type" you want to throw at me and I love them for who they are. Bad people are found in all ethnic groups, religions, whatever. Doesn't mean that we're supposed to not point out when they're doing something wrong. And just for your benefit, I'm a very liberal Democrat who can't stand the stereotyping that can be found in <em>some</em> of the Republican voters.
Regarding the break in at the club house I have already posted that more than 2-1/2 years ago in my Woodbury post when you choose to live in a non gated community you have to face the consequences of outsiders going into your community committing crime in the public area. Ask how many time Spirit used the public shower and enjoy himself at the recreation area. Who is really checking for resident ID. Being the safest city does not mean the city is not totally vulnerable. The false sense of security by letting guard down allow criminal to prey.

These misdemeanors on the overall scheme of things should not affect Irvine safest City reputation. No one died from it so just let it go. HOA has plenty of $$$ to repair the vandalism damages. It is just a only few more dollars from each home owners pocket.

Irvine PD is the finest in the world. They have very strict standard and put away thieves stealing potato chips. I am sure there is an explanation for not being attentive to your complaints. They have not been given a raise and worked longer hours because some of their finest were laid off from some wrongful accusation of accidental spill of some DNA. They are overwhelmed trying to solve the Icicle gun suicide by sending their best detectives oversea searching for the mysterious Triad assassin. With the recent body dumping they are completely swamped and short handed trying to seek justice for the victims' families.

Cut IPD and John Hare some slack. The poor dude's 2 consecutive weekends were ruined by the over tanning and the UCI accidents.
<strong>bkshopr</strong> - I don't mean you or anyone else here any disrespect and I'm not trying to completely dog the IPD (which I'm sure appears that way), but I can't help but feel very frustrated to see what had happened. This was done in a "public" non-gated community, and yes, you are right about the consequences that go down in it. However, had you seen what had happened at that time, you would have been just as surprised of what was being allowed and no follow-up was being conducted. But, I digress.

I do feel safe with the IPD, but did see them tarnished a bit with a personal experience. I will continue to live in this community and will continue to protect my home and family from things that are happening around it. I agree with your comment about the false sense of security and how no one is really checking the resident ID. We may need something to be implemented to insure that safety. Maybe a Rent-A-Cop? I don't know, but at least it would make me feel a little more secure that someone was checking things and insuring that what's going on actually <em>should</em> be going on.

I appreciate this forum and I'm happy to have found it to read, discuss and share the Irvine experiences, housing neighborhoods and more. It's rare to find a place where you can talk with well versed people in a mature manner.
I totally understand your frustration and I am aware of the problems in Woodbury.

The public spaces in Woodbury are very inviting. It is hard to keep track of uninvited users when the community is so public.

IPD has protocols. Property damage is a low priority.
This thread is making me thankful I don't live in Irvine. You guys have way more criminal activity to worry about than I do, and what little I have to worry about is taken care of with a few phone calls, and some common sense preventive measures. Seriously, you Irvine residents are f'ing nuts with your crime and your schools... you people are scaring the crap out of me.