Winter Camps

Hi Parents,

We're looking for suggestions for sports, art, music, foreign language or general camps over the winter break for elementary age children. The camp can be in Irvine or nearby cities.

I see there are camps through Irvine Rec and basketball camps through SoCal Elite. We'd appreciate your recs.


I think iCamp does a camp over the winter break. They usually have locations at parks throughout the city. Also maybe check Rainbow Rising at the elementary schools.
Was just googling same and ran across this post.  A few sites I found based on stuff my kids like (I have no prior experience with any except iPAC at Heritage which we send our kids to occasionally after school).  I also found a number of sports camps but my kids are not so much "sporty"  :)
Also found a few linkgs that list a number of camps that are around the area - not sure if all offer a camp over winter break:
If there is anyone in the woodbridge area that is interested in the ottabounds winter camp for their kids and wants to ride share I think that's where I'm going to send my kids.