Who has the last say?

With all the serious discussions in the last week, I wanted to talk about something a little lighter.

I found this article on LA Times about women having the last say in the purchase of a house.

<a href="http://www.latimes.com/classified/realestate/news/la-re-women12aug12,0,5405296.story?coll=la-class-realestate-news">www.latimes.com/classified/realestate/news/la-re-women12aug12,0,5405296.story</a>

Just wondering if that is true for the people on this board? It's true for me. . .my wife has the last say.
<p><em>More women "are saying 'no' to marriage and 'yes' to mortgages," De Groot said. "Sell to her and everyone's happy." </em></p>

<p>Ah yes, the smart, savvy, and sophisticated female. Underwater with a 55% DTI.</p>

<p>Versus the renter male, a complete imbecile. </p>
<p>"Meanwhile, single women accounted for 22% of all home purchases during the period from July 2005 through June 2006, while single men accounted for 9%, according to a National Assn. of Realtors study."</p>

My wife has first say, the last say, and every say in between. On the house, that is, but not the money.
This is a topic I studied for many years. Women make the second to the last decision. The man is given the courtesy to sign the deposit check and he is just a figure head to ok the purchase. The model homes are designed for targeting women.