When was the last Terrazza - Orchard Hills phase release?


Anyobe know when the last and next Terrazza phase release is scheduled? Any plan 2X homes available? Thank you!
Terrazza Plan 2X isn't the read headed step child. For the most part, the Plan 2X sells on or before its release date.
I was just in the sales office today.  I believe there are 2 plan 2X homes available (along Buffalo Pass).  The homes should be completed early next year.
bones said:
seachange said:
why is it the redheaded stepchild?

Overpriced. Motorcourt. No pocket park. TUSD. Bad location. No views. Not selling well.

Glad I am not the only who thinks this.  I think had Irvine Pacific made these into legit SFR just a tad smaller than Strada, they would have sold, even if it's TUSD.  Strada sales office is packed every weekend, don't see many people visit Terrazza.  How many have they built?  Still remember the sales person telling me months ago that "they're pacing themselves, since they don't have as many homes to sell compared to Strada".