What's with this infomercial this morning???

<p>Did anyone see the infomercial this morning stating online registration and events at San Diego, LA & Ontario Convention Centers for next month for Real Estate Foreclosures? Supposively all Bank Owned? Major Liquidation?</p>

<p>Hmmm... when they start advertising big regional sell off's of bank owned property... how can anyone say the market has already hit bottom and is on it's way up?</p>

<p>Are these even legitimate... or a way for more to enter the market who can't afford a house in the first place?! I wonder.... Anyone care to comment?</p>

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<p>Yes it is legit. <a href="http://www.ushomeauction.com">http://www.ushomeauction.com</a> I started a thread on it <a href="http://forums.irvinehousingblog.com/discussion/527/let-the-auctions-begin-in-irvine/#Item_4">here</a>. This will be the second one this year. The last one in San Diego tried to get everyone excited with music and the emcee but the sales were weak. The banks hire this company liquidate their REO inventory. The company REDC has been around since the last bubble and I am sure they are happy for the large uptick in business. You need to 5% down and still qualify for the loan after you win the auction. Could you get a good deal? Sure you could the two condos in Irvine for the minimum bid price might be a deal.</p>

<p>They have added a lot more since I started the thread.</p>