What do you miss most about the old IHB?

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Good poll. I will definitely take into account the results. (Although there's not much I can do except cry into my keyboard if the winning answer is you miss the old owners most. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->)What does the blog access option mean... like a tab or link? I'm sure we can make a handy link somewhere on the boards in a sticky or something so you all can easily catch up on your daily blog post if you would like that.
I miss the inciteful analysis of particular pieces of real estate, as well as good discussion of market trends in different segments of the market.

and as much as it pains me to say it, I even miss the viewpoint represented lately by Mr.Riverside.
[quote author="FreedomCM"]I miss the inciteful analysis of particular pieces of real estate, as well as good discussion of market trends in different segments of the market.[/quote]

What are you looking for? You have CM down. What can I add?

and as much as it pains me to say it, I even miss the viewpoint represented lately by Mr.Riverside.

You're killing me here. ::)
[quote author="SoCal78"]What does the blog access option mean... like a tab or link? I'm sure we can make a handy link somewhere on the boards in a sticky or something so you all can easily catch up on your daily blog post if you would like that. [/quote]

Hold out for link reciprocity, Girlfriend. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
[quote author="evalseraphim"]Hold out for link reciprocity, Girlfriend. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->[/quote]

Unfortunately, there's nothing to hold out for. I requested mutual links from the team at Ideal Home Brokers and was rejected. :'( But if it makes my bloggers happy, I will create one on our end anyway.
[quote author="SoCal78"]
Unfortunately, there's nothing to hold out for. I requested mutual links from the team at Ideal Home Brokers and was rejected. :'( But if it makes my bloggers happy, I will create one on our end anyway.[/quote]

No link back to the IHB, please. The more distance we can put between ourselves and the AZDavid crowd, the better.

And speaking of better, I much prefer our new forum landlord.
<!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
Yes, I agree. A "Once Upon A Time" sticky that tells the story, the controversy, and how Talk Irvine was born.

We need hits and newbies, as somebody else previously mentioned.
I don't like change, so I really only miss the layout and look of the forums. But that's temporary. I'll get used to this look over time. It's really the people that make a forum.
Let's keep working on bk, I think he'll come around once he realizes how much he is missed. :'(
There should have been a poll option simply entitled "IPO"... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

What up y'all. I found the "new place". The search button was my friend...
[quote author="IPOPlaya"]There should have been a poll option simply entitled "IPO"... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

What up y'all. I found the "new place". The search button was my friend...[/quote]

Damn it! I can't exalt you yet. Although I should smite you to FFL hell for the bad luck you cursed my team with. Damn you Ipoop!
[quote author="IPOPlaya"]There should have been a poll option simply entitled "IPO"... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

What up y'all. I found the "new place". The search button was my friend...[/quote]
Who are you?

Your screen name sounds familiar... something to do with a Case-Shiller like index for Irvine SFRs.

Heh... so what's up?!? I still owe you for the NBA Finals last year... how is it going?
Nothing other than the layout. On second thoughts, I don't actually miss the layout, it's just that the new layout will take some time to get used to.
[quote author="tmare"]Let's keep working on bk, I think he'll come around once he realizes how much he is missed. :'([/quote]

Working on it...
I'm trying to PM any old IHB peeps that I will definitely miss if they don't move over... anyone heard from Morekaos? I text Panda in Cancun to tell him about the changes... there might be some peeps still on vacation... please remember to tell your circle of buddies...