WATER...literally re: Contamination in Irvine


New member
So I enjoy reading the posts here and always found the "Soil Contamination" bit interesting in reference to the El Toro base etc.

Anyways, I live in one of the IAC complexes...and I love my Britta ...should I be concerned?

I haven't turned neon green or grown extra limbs yet. :)
We use pur brand faucet-attached filter. Works just fine in removing the smell of chlorine (and whatever else it says it removes).

I think most if not all the water in Irvine comes from IRWD - they have some resources on their website that provides detailed information on water quality and the sources of water they use. See:

<a href="http://www.irwd.com/WaterQuality/treatment.php">http://www.irwd.com/WaterQuality/treatment.php</a>

<a href="http://www.irwd.com/WaterQuality/sources.php">http://www.irwd.com/WaterQuality/sources.php</a>
The carbon filters are excellent methods of removing many contaminants. The only problem with them is one of "user neglect" where a filter is used far beyond it's intended life. The contaminants, for the most part, are not destroyed -- they are adsorbed onto the surface of the carbon. When overused, you can end up with a high level of chemicals on the carbon, and bacteria find this to be a fine place to live and multiply. They feed on many of the organic chemicals that have accumulated. So, after the filter sits unused for a while (overnight), that first flush of water in the morning flushes a bunch of undesirable things into your waiting glass. The lessons are: 1) Let the water run through the filter for a few seconds before capturing the water, and 2) change the filter element frequently.

I get queasy when I see one of these filters on a water supply in an small office setting, for example. NOBODY is in charge of maintenance, and the filter is likely to remain for years without being serviced.
I have been using pur faucet mount for the past 9 years and and had almost 7-9 units so far.After I purchase a new unit within six months it has cracks where it it attached to the faucet .Under the sink unit is not an option for me as I am an IAC renter. undoubtably water tastes good but I hate the constant problems with the unit.

Anybody with a different faucet mount filter with no cracks in the unit issues ?