Virtual Christmas gifts for fellow TI members...


Well-known member
What would you like to give this season, to whom, and why?
(Virtual price tag limit of 5 billion dollars, please do not exceed.)

#1. to IHO - (obvious, low-hanging fruit)

#2. to test and quattroporte -

#3. to myself -

To Qwerty, I bequeath 2 gifts:

I was going to give you the "advanced" edition but they were sold out.


To my friend, Iho, who is perfect & awesome in every way, needs no improvement, and I am not trying to make fun of but just going along with what he typically says about himself:

A new tee:


For Trojan:

It's one of a kind. I thought you would like this for your living room. It's a bit difficult to wrap so I'll just have it installed while you're at work. Leave your key under the mat.  :)


Oh! I missed the part about the $5B price limit.

Okay, Iho, I just give you the Orange County Fair, then. Not a ticket. The whole fairgrounds.

The other gifts remain the same.
To: Momo a.k.a. the only person who can truly appreciate this.
Love: SoCal

(Credit for the idea goes to Tyler.)

irvinehomeowner said:
For SoCal:


(notice it's an oven AND a stove)

OooOooo. Fancy Schmancy. Thank ya. What are your plans with the other $4,999,999,962.49 budgeted for my gift?  :p Maybe instead of giving you the Orange County Fairgrounds, I should change that to The Great Park. You could take care of it with all that extra dough.
If I had to spend the $5b... probably your own cooking/reality show on Food Network.

It will be titled:

Cooking With Catfish

You find random online couples who never met and make them cook and eat a meal together.
TD - $100 SC has a better record than Washington next year.  If you win ill donate $100 to a charity of your choice and vice versa.
About those boxing gloves and everything -- I haven't seen those two fight in ages. Are they still at it?? Maybe I just haven't been reading those threads. I thought everybody chilled out a while ago, no?
Tyler Durden said:
qwerty said:
TD - $100 SC has a better record than Washington next year.  If you win ill donate $100 to a charity of your choice and vice versa.

i'll take that bet - as long as the charity isn't the qwerty food bank.  However, i'm up on everyone due to FSU being in the title game - who predicted great things from them?

If I remember you called FSU with a caveat, them having a good QB and did they ever. Perhaps the best freshman QB ever.

Alright we have a deal, the qwerty food bank has too much food and frankly needs to have less. My charity will be
Haha, some of these presents are great! 

Looking at some of the gifts made me think about having a spinoff thread where people post what they think other TI users look like.  If you have seen a person in real life you'd have to take that away and think about their perception based on their posts.
Coleman said:
Looking at some of the gifts made me think about having a spinoff thread where people post what they think other TI users look like.  If you have seen a person in real life you'd have to take that away and think about their perception based on their posts.

Oooh. I like this idea. I've already got some images in my head.

Do it, Coleman. Start one. I want to post my pic of what I think Qwerty looks like.
@SoCal - I just saw this thread.  I can't check forums until I am off of work.

IR2 - That's a funny clip. 