Villa park case of fraud?


New member
graphrix, I think you would be interested in this one since it's a foreclosure in VP, and it sure stinks to high heaven. The property is 18411 Jocotal in VP; I'm familiar with the property b/c I considered buying in VP and did look at this property. This is a nice neighborhood, and it has a nice size lot but the house was a dump. I believed it was a rental, and it had a bad case of termite infestation. During the time of my visits there were at least 4 other properties that were in the same price range of 1.25 millions, but they were all better maintained and had more curb appeal. Our friend couldn't sell it legally after dropping the several times, but somehow was able to find a buyer several months later at a price of 1.295 millions. Now our buyer is going through foreclosure. What do you think is going on? Any fraud here?
No penn1 say isn't so! VP can't have fraud or foreclosures. This is a small community with high income and immune from things like this. Oops sorry back to reality. Sounds like fraud to me. I think I know the house you are talking about too. If you know the current owner's name whisper it to me and I can get some more info.

There has been some funky transactions going on around here lately including one on my street. I assume that is the one that happens to have a tax lien too. Houses in the low lands of VP should never have sold for over $1mil unless it was tucked away and completely remodeled.

There are couple of homes in the hills too that are in trouble.
<p>Hi Graphrix</p>

<p>just want your input on 9511 James Circle. What in your opinion is this home worth in a realistic market? It seems like (at least from the pictures) that they did put a lot of work into the home. 1.695 mil is out of my price range but do you think an offer of 1.2 would even be considered?</p>
Pretty sure it is fraud. He refi'd right after the sale closed with two new loans and then somehow got a third.

That home on James is really nice. They did a lot of work on that house with some nice custom work. Unfortunately I doubt they would accept $1.2 but if that is your max what do you have to lose? The only thing I don't like is the lot size is not all usable. I think I need to look into this property because something doesn't seem right.
<p>Hi Graphrix,</p>

<p>Jocotal is now listed for 900K. I called the agent and he said it's a short sale, but I can't really see the property b/c they are trying to evict the tenants. What do you think is the game now? The homeowner is Persian and so is the listing agent. Also can you give me your insight on Villa Park. I get the impression that the neighborhood gets nicer as you travel North and East, is that true? are there certain streets that command a higher value?</p>
<p>The "homes on the hills" in both VP and Anaheim Hills are on soils that the USGS considers the highest risk to liquifaction in the event of an earthquake.</p>

<p>I get this nugget of information from my wife, the structural engeneer. Every time I say "Hey, lets go out and look at (insert city) this weekend?" she says OK and the next day I have two maps - one siesmic and one liquifaction. She won't move into any of the non-flatland homes because she says you're just asking for a loss sooner or later.</p>

<p>The highest rent areas with the pretty views always do the worst on one of those maps or the other. Just food for thought.</p>
<p>thanks No for that info. Luckily for us, I never liked the homes on the hills you mentioned b/c it seems so cramped up there. I do like the hills of Newport Coast though.</p>
Um, No_vase, can you ask her how the rest of us can get those? BTW, I was under the impression a lot of the flat-lands, particularly in HB or along the dry river channels are prone to liquifaction.
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<p>Have fun!</p>

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<p><a href="">I think this one is the easiest to use:</a></p>

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