Used Hybrid Car, worth it?


New member
I heard that the battery for Prius or other hybrid car only lasts about 100,000 miles and will cost $3k to 5k to replace. Is this true? I'm thinking about getting a used one to go on car pool lane but not sure whether the extra cost would justify may be 25 to 45 minute saving per day. If it's still good idea to get a used one, how would you recommend to get one? I don't really trust craigs list for some reason. Thank you in advance.
Well, based on anecdotal evidence and what I've seen on the web, the batteries last well beyond the 100k mile mark. There's a nice article here about the process one goes through when the Prius battery does need to be replaced.

<a href=""></a>
[quote author="OCMan" date=1229616075]I heard that the battery for Prius or other hybrid car only lasts about 100,000 miles and will cost $3k to 5k to replace. Is this true? I'm thinking about getting a used one to go on car pool lane but not sure whether the extra cost would justify may be 25 to 45 minute saving per day. If it's still good idea to get a used one, how would you recommend to get one? I don't really trust craigs list for some reason. Thank you in advance.</blockquote>

A friend of mine researched this a while's not 100k's more like 8-10 yrs. In which case he said it will cost about $10k to replace (could be cheaper).

As for used, the ones that are older w/the carpool exempt sticker carry a premium ($2-3k extra).

Hope this helps.
Before you buy a hybrid consider you should have done and be able to answer at what point will you break-even.

I looked into this option before and did the calculation. Hybrids cost significantly more and therefore you need to find out after how many years of driving will you start saving money. I did this calculation a while back, and found out that hybrids are a waste of money. This was when gas was around 3.50 a galon and I believe it took something like 6+ years before I broke even. The higher the prices go, the less years it takes. However now that gas is 1.75 I can't imagine buying a Hybrid. I bet your car dies of old age before you break even. 6K+ extra in car loans + interest is costly. If you can find a great deal then go for it, but's a no imo.

If you are worried about prices going up, simply buy oil futures to hedge against your current personal consumption. If you like the current price of 1.75 and wouldn't mind paying that the rest of your life...lock it in like I did. It can go to .99 cents a galon sure, but that won't bother me much. What will is if it goes back to $3+.
Personally, I'd get a Volkswagen Turbo Diesel Wagon. With a few mods those guys are getting between 50-60mpg regurarly. Lets not forget that these engines have VERY, VERY hearty and last WELL into the 300k mile range.

good luck

[quote author="OCMan" date=1229616075]I heard that the battery for Prius or other hybrid car only lasts about 100,000 miles and will cost $3k to 5k to replace. Is this true? I'm thinking about getting a used one to go on car pool lane but not sure whether the extra cost would justify may be 25 to 45 minute saving per day. If it's still good idea to get a used one, how would you recommend to get one? I don't really trust craigs list for some reason. Thank you in advance.</blockquote>

While I do think that gasoline prices will rise again (maybe a year out?), the real savings is in your time. 30min/day x250 commuting days is 125hrs/yr. how much do you value your time at? extra time with family=$10 or $20/hr means that it is worth up to $2500 year to have the carpool sticker.