upcoming orchard hills developments?


New member
i've seen more info on the toll brothers developments in phase one, but was wondering whether anyone had any insider or early info about the rest of the groves, primarily the lots immediately northeast of amelia/trevi (OH village 1 phase 4?).  the land is flat but there is no construction there yet.  curious whether TIC has sold those lots to any builders and anticipated sizes and release dates.

also curious about anticipated release and home sizes for orchard hills village 3.  another threat mentioned large homes there.  wonder if that will open within 2 years 2018 or if they will completely build out the groves before they open that section up.

it's probably all conjecture but currently deciding to buy or wait, just wanted to see if anyone knew anything.
The OH neighborhood 3's construction is actively going on right now and TIC is in the process of building the basic infrastructure, grading the land and building the roads.  They already remove all the trees and leveled a small hill near the south entrance (at corner of Orchard Hills & Wolf Trail).

My guess is it will take probably a year just get these basic infrastructure developed before builder can start building homes and 2018 sound like a good guess. 
