Straw poll on gay marriage

What I do not get is why it is only a simple majority to change our state's constitution. To get an amendment passed for the U.S. Constitution, you basically have to part the Red Sea. It is a two-thirds vote to get a tax passed but only a simple majority to take away people's right. Unbelieveable.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1225935532]<em>?I have long opposed governmental recognition of same-gender marriages.?

Former President Bill Clinton</em>

So does Barack..... but you are missing the point. This is about equal rights, damned what you "think". When your children are old enough, they will be ashamed to know that their father voted this way.

You are sealing your own destiny....because we will win eventually....and you know it.</blockquote>

We will "WIN"? Mmmm Okay.
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1225935750][quote author="Trooper" date=1225935532]<em>?I have long opposed governmental recognition of same-gender marriages.?

Former President Bill Clinton</em>

So does Barack..... but you are missing the point. This is about equal rights, damned what you "think". When your children are old enough, they will be ashamed to know that their father voted this way.

You are sealing your own destiny....because we will win eventually....and you know it.</blockquote>

We will "WIN"? Mmmm Okay.</blockquote>

Just want to make this clear...

I am for MARRIAGE... Man and Woman

Gay Men and Gay Women ...getting Married and wanting the term "MARRIAGE" recognized....I have no qualms with "Civil Union".
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1225935181][quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1225934698]What is the foundation of marriage, as you see it?</blockquote>

Union of a man and woman.

Look who agrees...

?I have long opposed governmental recognition of same-gender marriages.?

Former President Bill Clinton</blockquote>

Oh, well if Bill Clinton says so... <em>Must follow orders of overlord...</em>


You really are utterly clueless. And rude. And not fit for polite company.

And apparently ignorant of history. Government was not involved in marriage until ~1550, the Council of Trent, I believe. And why does it have to be a man and woman? In many cultures, including some recent ones, polygamy was considered marriage. In others, the woman was property, whose prime role was to pump out children. I note you don't mention children. If reproduction is not the basis of marriage, then why must opposite genders be involved?

Where's my freaking troll graphic?
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1225935960]Just want to make this clear...

I am for MARRIAGE... Man and Woman

Gay Men and Gay Women ...getting Married and wanting the term "MARRIAGE" recognized....I have no qualms with "Civil Union".</blockquote>

Okay, so what are the differences between a Marriage and a Civil Union? If there are no differences, then why not use the same word to avoid confusion? If there are differences, why do they need to be?
[quote author="T!m" date=1225930685]Mother F(*@ *&^ &@{% $@* of a *!&%" ()**(^& (^&(&*^ *(&^@!&* *&^~ *^&$ ~*&^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</blockquote>

Very eloquently put :^) Seriously, it is really bumming me out that this intolerance is still so widespread. I'm not gay, but I was going to be going to a gay wedding, which, I assume, is on hold. One, small bright spot, especially for people on this website, is that Prop 8 lost in Irvine: voted for Obama). According to their map, only Costa Mesa, Irvine, Aliso Viejo, and Laguna Beach voted no on 8.

I heard on the radio this morning about all the plans for legal challenges, including an injuction to block implementation of Prop 8 until legal questions are answered, including what happens to all the people who've married in the last few months.

<em>Just want to make this clear?

I am for MARRIAGE? Man and Woman

Gay Men and Gay Women ...getting Married and wanting the term ?MARRIAGE? recognized....I have no qualms with ?Civil Union?.</em>

So, explain to me how you think you are better than me, and therefore more deserving of marriage.

Quiet people. I want to hear this.
The vitriol here is appalling. Good thing Prop 8 passed!

?Marriage between a man and a woman is vital to the stability and preservation of our society in which a father and a mother raise and nurture children.? - Rick Santorum

<em>Marriage between a man and a woman is vital to the stability and preservation of our society in which a father and a mother raise and nurture children.? - Rick Santorum</em>

AHA, now I understand. Anyone that dares to quote Santorum is understandably insane. Thanks for clarifying.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1225936588]and BTW, us lesbians have been popping out children for centuries just never knew it.</blockquote>

Good for you. If it makes you happy, go pop one out now. Keep it up.
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1225936664][quote author="Trooper" date=1225936588]and BTW, us lesbians have been popping out children for centuries just never knew it.</blockquote>

Good for you. If it makes you happy, go pop one out now. Keep it up.</blockquote>

Optimus, wtf is it with you???
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1225936319]The vitriol here is appalling. Good thing Prop 8 passed!

?Marriage between a man and a woman is vital to the stability and preservation of our society in which a father and a mother raise and nurture children.? - Rick Santorum


Really, so the fact that gay couple get married will do what to heterosexual marriage? A man and a woman is not going to get married and have children? What if a man and a woman decided to get married but have no children. What if a man and woman did not get married but raised children?
[quote author="IrvineCommuter" date=1225935661]What I do not get is why it is only a simple majority to change our state's constitution. To get an amendment passed for the U.S. Constitution, you basically have to part the Red Sea. It is a two-thirds vote to get a tax passed but only a simple majority to take away people's right. Unbelieveable.</blockquote>

I also thought this was bizarre. It should take 2/3 or 3/4 to change the Constitution! What the guy said yesterday morning on Handel was that it take 2/3 to modify the Constitution, but only simple majority to append it. He claimed that 8 didn't change anything in the existing Constitution, it just added/clarified it. I think that's crap, but the lawyers will have to fight it out.
<em>I also thought this was bizarre. It should take 2/3 or 3/4 to change the Constitution!</em>

I agree. Optimus, even though you are having your day now....I will have mine in the end. And I fully intend to look you up and remind you of that fact.

Thx to all posters.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1225937194]<em>I also thought this was bizarre. It should take 2/3 or 3/4 to change the Constitution!</em>

I agree. Optimus, even though you are having your day now....I will have mine in the end. And I fully intend to look you up and remind you of that fact.

Thx to all posters.</blockquote>

Troop, our day has come. We elected the man we wanted for the highest office. I know prop 8 getting passed sucks but it's not the end of the world. And you and I both know that this isn't anywhere near over.

The Gobot's just bitter because his shit candidate couldn't pull it off. This is just his way of shitting on our parade. He's a douche and let's leave it at that. He doesn't count because he doesn't matter.

Actually, he's the end of the tampon string, you know, the very tip that collects all the oil and dirt from the finger tips? He's more than meets the eye.
Where is Trooper?...

Trooper, if you can see this, I just wanted to stop by and say hi. On a personal level, I am thinking of you today and very sorry that you are disappointed by the result of the votes. Reading this thread and your contributions caused me to take a good hard look at both sides. No matter our differences, let there be no doubt in your mind that you are, indeed, a loved and valued member of society.

