STAR testing results 2011


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are out:)

We haven't received the mail yet, but after screening the results of the school with certain parameters, sure that the girl did go 'proficient and above'. Not an answer that she was expecting to calm herself down, but it counts.

Ethnicity doesn't work since they are below ten, I went with GATE first- 100% of them proficient in Math. Girls - 100% of them proficient in Language arts. Graduate parents - 100% of them proficient in Life Sciences.

Something I noticed in our school: Kids with Graduate parents scored less than kids of College parents.

Did anyone get the score in mail?

We haven't gotten them (IUSD district) but my friend in the Capo district got theirs yesterday!  Why is IUSD 2 days late??  I am not all into these scores, but I'd like to know how they did!
TUSD- but nothing in the mail yet. Same thing, people from other counties already got them..
They should just give a code number for each kid and post the results online. Easier.
My daughter is in fifth grade this year, and prepared for the test for the first time. So very interested to know the outcome..
Maybe we'll get them today.  What I found odd (and I looked at various schools) was that the 3rd graders all seemed to do not so well in English.  Maybe the test was difficult- maybe it's because it's the 3rd grade that determines GATE?  For IUSD you need a 460 for English and Math.  Mean scores for many 3rd graders in English is below 400.
Just noticed that I never updated this post! We got our results on Saturday, that week. TUSD seems a little slow in mailing things compared to other schools.