Sprinkler system setup and lessons learned

Hi all, wondering for those that did landscaping what was your sprinkler system setup? Any recommendations/lessons learned?

We are starting our process and wondering how many zones, how many controllers, run form the bib outlets or run from the main line.

We don't have water softener so thinking we just use our outside bibs which already have hookups, we have two -- one for each side. Will need about two zones, so thinking maybe two separate controllers with three zone each so we can balance out the water pressure.

Ideally, I may want to enhance the my system later with a web-based control system -- like turn on the sprinklers if I'm out on vacation via the web. But that would be DIY and really haven't researched how hard/easy this would be.


Yes, one big, big thing we've learned too late is that we needed more sprinklers.

When they were first installed, it looked like they were covering everything just fine. Now that our baby plants have started growing larger and fuller, some plants are blocking the spray of sprinklers, so we have several areas where plants are dying of thirst.

I now have to manually drag my hose around watering all the dry drought each day.  :(
you guys know of any low flow systems that work well?  Would like to try and be as eco friendly as possible and cut down on the water bill