So, what is your *bad* parenting moment?

I am not a perfect parent. I admit:)

Here is a small embarrassing mommy moment.. R1 is 8.5 years old, and R2 is 2.5.

?Bonjour Stupid!? said R2.

?Mommy, she said Bonjour stupid! It?s just like in the Fudge series. You started calling her Fudge after she started doing the eat it or wear it ritual at the table, and now she is saying Bonjour Stupid just like Fudge? said R1.

?I know, she is?

?But how? I didn?t teah to her?

?Oh? May be she heard when we read the book?

?I DON't read aloud. I am in third grade. I do silent reading?


?Did you read it to her??

?Guess not?

?YOU taught her to say stupid?


?Oh, YOU did?

?Yes I did, so what? She will forget it soon enough?

?It would be so embarrassing if she said that to someone outside?

?She will forget?

A week later I was trying to discipline R2 for something and told her that she didn?t make me laugh with that antic. She burst out ?Bonjour stupid? and started giggling! Yeah, that was bad mommy moment.. In stead of correcting her the first time when she had repeated "Bonjour Stupid" (I did drop the word, unaware that there was a sponge, right there, on my lap, repeating everything I say like a parrot), and telling her that it was a bad word, I giggled nonstop, and gave her a hug and a kiss.. bad-bad mommy.

Your turn:)
OMG, a new catagory... what a doozy of a day.. way too long to explain it here, now but, I got plenty of material tomorrow! Perfect thread to start things off, CZ...