Signs of Desperation


New member
Today (3-4-2007), at the corner of Michelson and Sandburg in University Park, there were 15 signs pointing to open houses (some may have been duplicates on both sides of the road). It seems like every street corner in town has multiple signs directing people to open houses. I have two observations: 1. There must be a lot of realtors in Irvine to man this many open houses. 2. These realtors must be very desperate. What have you seen? Has it been like this in the past and I just never noticed?
Yes, I have been noticing a lot of open house signs lately too. Maybe we have too much housing on the brain lately, I don't know...

I was just driving up Culver today, and near Barranca, I saw an old Mercedes C pull over to the side and flash the emergency lights. At first I thought the guy had a flat tire - until he got out of the car to place/remove some open house signs.
The capital for signs used to be at Irvine and Central Park by the shopping center with the Albertsons. I will have to do a drive by next weekend to be sure it retains the title. Sorry but my HTML programing skills are non-existant but is it possible to add pictures? Maybe we should start a thread with the desperation pictures. We could make it a weekly contest for who can find the most signs on one corner. I have noticed open houses and for sale signs for homes that are not on the MLS. Usually it it is just a few but I think there could be a hiding inventory conspiracy going on.

There are two ways to put pictures in the threads on the forum. One is to link to a picture that is already on the web - to do that, click on the second the last icon in the comment box (the one after the smilies). The other way is to upload an image using the attachments option below the comment box. If you upload an image using that method, it will automatically get placed in the comment I believe. I'm not sure if there are any options to control the resolution this way though.

I live in the neighborhood around Irvine Blvd & Central Park. Although there are still many signs, there are not quite as many as there used to be. Then again, it could be because the HOA imposed a rule for community specific sign designs, and some of the realtors did not want to pony up $$$ to have new signs made. The HOA also put a limit on the number of signs that could be put up per corner. That's on the inside of the community. I don't know if there is a limit with respect to the city streets.
<p><em>"Today (3-4-2007), at the corner of Michelson and Sandburg in University Park, there were 15 signs pointing to open houses"</em></p>

<p>Irvinerenter! .JPG! </p>
Today (4-22-2007), there were 13 signs visible at the intersection of Sandburg and Michelson. Some were duplicates. The seven shown in this picture were not. Each was for a different open house.

<img src="" alt="Signs of Desperation" />
Yesterday (4-21-2007) from Alton and Royal Oak...

<img src="" alt="" />
<p>These pictures are nothing more than a reflection of our current national economic model. We once had skilled workers that actually produced a value added good, requiring both specialization and/or education. Then we entered into various free trade agreements because we realized it was marginally cheaper to manufacture a wigget 4000 miles away and ship it back to CA for the end-consumer (aka out-sourcing). So, when all of the domestic skilled labor force started to face losses, various administrations (as well as the last Fed Chair) touted the need to learn new skills, go back to school, and enter the workforce at a "higher position" in the economic model - the result is the "service driven economy" where in reality, we make nothing, but instead participate in the ultimate ponzi scheme. Well, maybe I should say pyramid scheme. Hence, the reason why the ratio of attorneys to population in CA is rivaled only by the ratio of real estate evidenced by the signs above.</p>

<p>I wish a state law required the agents and brokers above to post the "rate" of their commissions on the signs... I wonder what might result... </p>
<p>Michael here has a kid twirling a sign for him to generate traffic. Poor kid didn't have any water or even an Ipod to keep him entertained. Poor Michael wasn't getting any traffic either. Michael if you do happen to sell the house you owe this kid an Ipod and better yet a Playstation 3. The irony is that split lot dinky house in the background was recently saved from foreclosure. </p>

<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>
Random thought: Have you guys noticed how many garage sale signs there are lately? Is that simply because of yearly spring cleaning or does it have something to do with the housing downturn?