Shutter Paint Smell


New member
Do your newly installed shutters have a paint/lacquer smell? The smell was strong and could be smelt upon entering the room, however, a good amount of it has subsided within the initial 3 weeks but still seems to have a residual smell. Have you had a similar experience? I hope the smell goes away soon.

lucky said:
Don't have mine yet, but out of curiosity, what company did you use?

Sorry for the delay. The brand of shutters are Onyx. Based on what I've read and in speaking with various shutter companies, their product is of quality.

UPDATE: Happy to say that the smell finally went away after a month.
Had mine installed (by Shutters King) yesterday. Before installation I gave everything a good, hard sniff and there was not a hint of odor to be detected.

Glad your smell finally went away!
Shutter Kings is water based legal in U.S to spray low V.O.C.S. Onyx shutters are made in china they use oil based polyurethane paint. illegal to spray in California, high on V.O.C.S. great paint back in the 80's they used it on boats and planes, cars. The smell would make me sick.Beverly Hills Shutters
M5BMW said:
Shutter Kings is water based legal in U.S to spray low V.O.C.S. Onyx shutters are made in china they use oil based polyurethane paint. illegal to spray in California, high on V.O.C.S. great paint back in the 80's they used it on boats and planes, cars. The smell would make me sick.

Is it safe to say that VOCs diminish as smell goes away?