Saviero - Orchard Hills


New member
Anybody got info on Saviero at Orchard Hills?  Sorry if there is a topic on this already.  Did a search and nothing came up.
Prices start above 1.6M. They didn't build a plan one model (the ONE model that I was interested in once I eliminated La Vita due to no range/oven in the back kitchens).
Ready2Downsize said:
I eliminated La Vita due to no range/oven in the back kitchens

LOL.  The house is missing a light bulb therefore I'm not buying it.  Can't you add in a range?
A lightbulb isn't a range and oven. I have a nice house. I want a few things (four to be exact) and a second smaller kitchen WITH A RANGE AND OVEN are one of them.

A range? For Saviero? No I can't. The houses were all similarly priced, above $1.6 Million. There was no price for plan one. They didn't even build a model and have no idea what the price will be according to their sales staff.

I don't care what the other prices for the three other models were because I wouldn't consider them. So I never asked.

Their staff didn't seem to know a lot (or they were keeping their mouths shut).  I asked what were the lots along their street farthest from the school and three sales people all said, "good question". In fact, upon further research, they appear to be more lots that have been allocated to Taylor Morrison. They just aren't identified right now. They do have curbs and driveway cutouts in place, so they are houses.