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This is one of the best speeches I've heard in a long time:

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You don't get out much, do you?

Cutting and pasting's much fun!

I think your McSame/Failin's campaign is kinda jacked if 'Ol Rovies saying that "McCain went too far".

McCain is a "Serial Shameless Liar"

Mon Sep 15, 12:57 PM ET

The Nation -- Sen. John McCain's career was almost felled by accusations of cheating, and it may soon be ended by conviction for lying. McCain was cleared of wrongdoing in the Keating Five, though admonished for bad judgment, but no one will clear him of the brazen set of lies his campaign is launching with increasing frequency in the homestretch of the general election. Nothing will stop McCain's deceit, as The Nation's Ari Berman explains, so the big question is whether the truth will out in time. The Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan breaks it down today, worth quoting extensively:


Reading the "press" in this surreal climate right now, one is tempted to despair. I'm not giving in to it, because I still believe that the actual truth matters in the world. If propaganda could win in the end against truth, then Bush's approval ratings would be somewhere in the high 80s. They are in the lower 30s. In the end, the American people are not fools. And facts are facts. Right now, we are being subjected to an absolutely disorienting blizzard of lies and absurdities (Palin is a lying absurdity) from the McCain campaign...

But facts are stubborn things, as someone once said. In the end, the fact of no WMDs in Iraq is indisputable. The fact that Bush appointed a know-nothing apparatchik to deal with hurricanes is unavoidable. The fact that Bush made no serious preparations for occupying Iraq is clear as day. The fact that he and his party have added $32 trillion to the debt of the next generation is now part of the global financial system. The fact that the Bush administration effectively withdrew the United States from the Geneva Conventions and have legitimized the torture of prisoners across the world is empirically indisputable...

In the end, whatever the power of the religious fundamentalist movement that is now the GOP in simply denying reality, reality wins. And the fact that John McCain is now a serial and shameless liar will also sink in. The question before us is not whether this will be one day understood to be true. The question is whether it will be flushed out in time.

We cannot control these despicable liars in the McCain campaign. We can only tell the truth as fearlessly and as relentlessly and as continuously as we can until November 4. We must do our duty. And if the American people want to re-elect the machine that has helped destroy this country's national security, global reputation and economic health, then that is their choice. But I am not so depressed to think that they will.

We must give them the truth. And that will feel like hell. And we must tell it like Truman told it: cheerfully, passionately and relentlessly.

The Obama campaign has begun stepping up to that challenge. While Democrats once stressed their view that McCain is "honorable," the new attack ad slams his lies and conduct as dishonorable. And with the clock ticking, the truth might start getting out.

Update: For one very unscientific test of Obama's strategy -- it sure hit a nerve with commenters like pontificus!
I don't agree with the Republicans, but guys like the last poster, GOTTI, give us Democrats a bad name by being so antagonistic. Please be a little more civil.
[quote author="jriosdds" date=1221569562]Take a chill pill. Why so much anger?</blockquote>

I don't know... Maybe it's because I'm just tired and cranky that our "Government" has been deceitful to the American people. And maybe I blame you and the rest of the GOP(ropaganda)for running this country into the ground.

Chill pills, you mean the same ones that Cindy McCain self medicates on?
[quote author="bugmenot" date=1221570044]I don't agree with the Republicans, but guys like the last poster, GOTTI, give us Democrats a bad name by being so antagonistic. Please be a little more civil.</blockquote>

Just giving the GOP a taste of their own meds.

It's the internet, you can't get any more civil than that. At the end of the day, it all boils down to words.
Ya Guiliani....the 9/11 noun and verb guy preaching family values when his kids won't even talk to him and he had an affair while Gov and moved his mistress into the gov mansion. What a sleezeball. Just a typical lying deceitful power grabbing Repug.
[quote author="bugmenot" date=1221570044]I don't agree with the Republicans, but guys like the last poster, GOTTI, give us Democrats a bad name by being so antagonistic. Please be a little more civil.</blockquote>

Ya, the Repugs have slandered, lied, and deceived for years and years. It's time the Dems grow a pair and stand up for themselves.