Real Estate TV Shows on "Spin Cycle"?


New member
Remember all those "flip" shows that were on a few years back. Now most of them have gone off the air and no one seems to miss them. More recently I've been seeing these "<em>My First Home</em>"; "<em>Property Virgin</em>" first home buyer shows that for the most part do nothing but put a "spin" on the people watching. It simply amazes me that some real estate agents are so in a rush to sell because the house,

<em>"Just got on the market & won't last long."</em>

To make things worse these home buyers are practically being lead to the slaughter because they believe that if they don't act now they'll lose out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. I simply can't wrap my head around the idea of rushing through a transaction that will be a part of someone's life for technically over 20 years.

Thanks for keeping us informed IHB!

- Drew