Real Estate Attorney to review new home contract ?


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Is an Attorney required to review the contract  before you sign a contract to buy a new home from Irvine Pacific in Irvine ?
Anamika said:
You say No, because the Buillder is a reputable builder or for an other reason ?

I guess you can get an attorney if you like.
But it's like buying a car, most people don't bring an attorney to go over the sales agreement, but I'm sure there are people that do.
Anamika said:
You say No, because the Buillder is a reputable builder or for an other reason ?

Another option, is to bring a broker with you, and have them register you with the builder. (Some will give you a cut of the broker rebate, get that in writing with your broker)
Then they can guide you through the process and answer any question that you have.

Or you can pay an attorney x amount per hour to read the documents. (that cost will come out of your pocket)
I brought the broker with me to be safe . But the sales person in Irvine Pacific spent nearly 3 hours with me looking through the contract and answered almost all of my questions.
Very little if anything can be changed on the contract. All you can do at signing is have it explained so bring your Realtor with you, not an Attorney.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People
ultramanbigfan said:
I brought the broker with me to be safe . But the sales person in Irvine Pacific spent nearly 3 hours with me looking through the contract and answered almost all of my questions.

The problem is that the sales people at IP (or any other builder) don't know half of what is in the documents.  I bet you also signed an agreement stating that you will not hold the sales person or staff accountable for anything they say.  It must be in writing.  Something to that effect.  There is a reason why you have to sign that.
Soylent Green Is People said:
Very little if anything can be changed on the contract. All you can do at signing is have it explained so bring your Realtor with you, not an Attorney.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People

+1  The purchase agreements that new home builders use are very boiler plate and will not be edited with few exceptions (unless there are obvious mistakes like price, names/addresses, etc). 