"Prop 8 Blackmail"

Got this email a few moments ago...

Dear MoveOn member,

Opponents of same-sex marriage in California are resorting to blackmail to win.

Proposition 8 would change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry?reversing this spring's state Supreme Court decision.1 Polls show that the vote on Prop 8 will be very close.2

Just last week, the Yes on Prop 8 campaign sent a letter threatening to smear the reputations of businesses that have given money to defeat Prop 8?unless they make an identical donation to Yes on Prop 8.3

We think it's important for MoveOn to step in here?but before we do, we want to make sure that members are on board. What do you think?

Yes, MoveOn should oppose Prop 8.

No, MoveOn should not get involved with Prop 8.

The New York Times reports:

[R]eligious conservatives have cast the campaign in California as the decisive last stand, warning in stunningly apocalyptic terms of dire consequences to the entire nation if Proposition 8 does not pass.

California, they say, sets cultural trends for the rest of the country and even the world. If same-sex marriage is allowed to become entrenched there, they warn, there will be no going back.4

Thank you for all you do.

?Wes, Joan, Carrie, Mari, Ilyse, and the rest of the team


1. "Prop 8 Initiative Constitutional Amendment," Official California Voter Information Guide 2008


2. "No on 8 lead is eroding in polls," Los Angeles Times, October 23, 2008


3. "California gay marriage ban backers target businesses," Associated Press, October 23, 2008


"Threatening Letters Spark New Prop 8 Controversy," KFMB-TV CBS, October 23, 2008


4. "A Line in the Sand for Same-Sex Marriage Foes," New York Times, October 26, 2008


Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 4.2 million members?no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION,http://pol.moveon.org/.Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to One Bad Ass Motherf*cker on October 28, 2008. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
Thanks MoveOn !

This just in:

Dear Stacey,

<strong>?Armageddon? </strong>

<strong>?More important than the presidential election?</strong>

<em>That?s what evangelical leader Charles W. Colson and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said about Prop 8, calling it the ?decisive last stand? in this morning?s <strong>New York Times</strong>: </em>

<em>?California, they say, sets cultural trends for the rest of the country and even the world. If same-sex marriage is allowed to become entrenched there, they warn, there will be no going back.? *

So, they?ll stop at nothing to provoke a final tidal wave of attention and money before the election.

Last week, they tried it with an ad that reaches a new low.


<em>Their new, horrible, abusive ad uses unauthorized images of children without their parents? knowledge or consent.</em> And they?re proud of it. From their website:

"Our new ad gives us great hope."

"As strong as this new ad is, however, it won't be able to reverse our downward trend in the polls if voters only see it once for every two times that they see ads from our opponents. The future of traditional marriage remains in grave, grave danger. If we aren't successful in raising a minimum of $2 million more to supplement our advertising buy for next week, we will lose. The more we can raise above $2 million, the better our chances of prevailing will be. It is as simple as that."

By contrast, we are staying true to our core values and message: Prop 8 is wrong and unfair.

We cannot be lulled into thinking that voters will see through their transparent, dirty tactics. To defeat Prop 8, we need to give more and do more.

Their goal is to raise $2 million dollars in the next few days.

They have a $1 million match on their site right now. We have every reason to believe they?ll raise $2 million today alone.

We need to match them dollar for dollar in this crucial final stretch. Donate today.

In solidarity,

Lorri L. Jean

COME ON ?!! Armageddon ? More important than the Presidential election ??? Now you know why I think these evangelicals are nuts. But I'm sure some of the faithful will pull out their wallets when they hear that buzz word "Armageddon!" "Damn those gays, we're all gonna die!"
Troop, don't you know? The only reason 9/11 happened was <a href="http://www.snopes.com/rumors/falwell.asp">because of the homo feminist agenda.</a>
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1225237966]Troop, don't you know? The only reason 9/11 happened was <a href="http://www.snopes.com/rumors/falwell.asp">because of the homo feminist agenda.</a></blockquote>

OMG how crazy is that??
Oh yeah....Falwell's a nutter alright. He also thought <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/276677.stm">Tinky Winky</a> , the purple Teletubby, was gay and bad for children.

<em>"The innocent world of the Teletubbies is under attack from America's religious right." </em>

I'm tellin ya, you can't make this stuff up !
Mormon's aren't any better. Check out this Mormon vid and look at the foreshadowing.....subtle, isn't it.

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
Oh, what the heck. One good video deserves another.

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
"Vote no on Proposition Hate"....HA ! I hadn't heard that one yet.

Thanks Eva...that puts an interesting spin on it.

30 years from now, our children and grandchildren will all look back on this and wonder what the big deal was. Just like we do now for inter-racial marriages.

C'mon people....cement your place in history.