Principal vs. Principle


New member

OK, I’m going to be the person that everyone hates – the Grammar police. I’ve seen “principal” and “principle” used in a variety of ways. I forgot which one was used when referring to money – so I looked it up on <a href=""></a>


(noun) is the original amount of debt on which interest is calculated

(The monthly payments go mostly for interest, leaving the principal practically untouched).

(noun) the head or director of a school

(The faculty supported the principal in her negotiations with the board)

(adjective) has the general sense “chief, first, foremost”

(My principal objection is the cost of the project.)


(noun) something established as a standard or test, for measuring, regulating, or guiding conduct or practice

(A man of principle.)


Here’s an easy way to remember it:

Princi<strong>PAL</strong>: your high school teacher and your money are your <strong>PALS</strong>.

<p>IR, the way I remember THEIR and THERE is </p>

<p>"th<strong>e</strong>ir" has an "<strong>e</strong>" for "h<strong>e</strong>r" and "<strong>i</strong>" for "h<strong>i</strong>s" in it. Meaning the word "their" is always used for people. </p>

<p>And then I use "there" for everything else.</p>

<p>I need to use memory tricks for the tricky stuff like that.</p>
