Potential change in source funding for IUSD


New member
Not sure what it exactly means, but this came out of the Irvine Teachers Association recently:

<em>Since California identified its budget shortfall, our Business Services staff has been monitoring discussions out of Sacramento and analyzing the local impact, which remained fluid as the crisis worsened. Based on the Governor?s latest proposal and the current local property tax projections, it now appears IUSD has the potential to move into a funding model known as ?Basic Aid,? in which local property taxes support our schools in lieu of state dollars.

Basic aid is sometimes referred to as ?local funding,? and it involves a morass of complicated formulas. But it essentially occurs when a district?s local property tax revenue exceeds the state?s per-student revenue limit. Therefore, IUSD?s eligibility depends largely on where the Governor and the Legislature benchmark the revenue limit for 2009-10 and the latter half of 2008-09. </em>

There will be a lot of RIF notices sent to teachers within the next month or two... I believe most of last year's RIFs were asked back into their positions. I think maybe they be as lucky this year.